Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1635 Returning the Pearl 1

Chapter 1635 Returning My Fair Princess Eleven
Little Yanzi burst into tears, "Isn't it enough for you to have me? If you are with another woman, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

The fifth elder brother gritted his teeth and said, "Little Yanzi, I really love you, but it is because I love you that I want to marry a wife with a powerful family, so that I can ascend the throne and give you a name." Points, not a casual grid, I like you, I hope I can be buried with you after I die!
Little Swallow, I know you like me and don't want other women to share me. I can assure you that although I will marry that woman, I will never touch her, okay? "

"No..." Little Yanzi shook her head, "You are no longer my fifth elder brother. You have many women, and you have many children, but I only have you. If you marry another wife, then what do I do?"

"I'm Huang Ama's son. I can't have only you as a woman. I have to marry a wife. If it's not this one, it might be another person. Anyway, I must have a wife!" Fifth elder brother continued: "This is an unavoidable fact. I also thought about making you my wife, but your status is too low, and Huang Ama said that you can only be a princess in this life!"

"I..." Little Yanzi shook her head, "I don't want to live such a life, if you really want to marry another woman, let me go!"

"Little Swallow, I love you so much, how could I let you go? Think about the food you can never eat when you are with me, and the clothes you can never wear... More importantly, there are people Waiting on you, are you really willing to go back to the life of not having enough to eat and not to wear? We have already tried it once, and I don’t want to try it for the second time..." Fifth elder brother continued : "Don't leave me, I really love you, I can't lose you, and the child, he is still young, he can't lose his mother, you know this is the palace, if a child has no mother, it will be very miserable, Maybe...you will be killed by others, and you don't want the child you worked so hard to be killed by others, stay here, I will love you well..."

Little Yanzi was moved, "You...you really don't like your future wife?"

Fifth elder brother said affirmatively, "Of course, the only person I love is you. How can a heart be divided between two people? I married her for the power behind her, and for the future of the two of us." , don't think too much!"

Little Swallow fell silent, as a tacit consent.

After getting Little Swallow's permission, the fifth elder brother agreed with Huang Ama's statement. He is not stupid. After jumping out of the circle of love, his mind became clearer and he was organized. He was praised by many ministers.

Lin Lang lowered his head. Although he knew that Fifth Prince was Qianlong's favorite son, Lin Lang was not too anxious because he knew that Fifth Prince would never be their opponent. Their opponent was Fifth Prince... oh , I almost forgot, the mother of the fifteenth elder brother is no longer Ling Fei, but Jin Suo!

With a mother like Jin Suo, Brother Fifteen would never ascend to the throne in his life, especially after the emperor learned that the coated slave was plotting against him, he would not like the son born by the coated slave.

Therefore, in the competition for the crown prince, the choice will be made among the children born to the children of several of the rich Manchurian families. The [-]th elder brother has the greatest chance of winning. On the one hand, he is a disciple. On the other hand, the [-]th elder brother is really Smart, and he has a younger brother who is the same mother and the same father, and he is also favored, which makes his chances of winning a little bit more.

Lin Lang didn't intervene too much, Elder Brother 12 didn't go through too much training, he was really too immature, maybe... really needs to be tempered.

After all, the fifth elder brother married a wife. She was indeed a rich Manchu family, and she was also a member of the upper three clans. His father was Qianlong's favorite minister, and his brothers were very capable.

Lin Lang had seen that girl before, she was a very gentle and talented girl, she didn't know if it was worth it or not to marry Brother 5.

The girl waited for a whole day, but her bride did not come. He lifted up the hijab without saying anything, looked at the maid who was hesitant to speak, and said softly: "When I was not married, , I know that Wu Hage has a girl he likes, but I don't mind, because I know that I married this man not because I love him, but because of the power behind him, I promised my father, I will definitely be the one Queen!"

Wu Fujin's eyes flashed a little, and the next morning, she looked at the guilty Yong Qi, smiled softly, and said softly: "I heard from the eunuch below that the master said yesterday I drank too much at night and slept in the study all the time..."

Fifth elder brother nodded embarrassingly, and said hastily: "It's true that I drank too much. By the way, it's late. Let's hurry up and greet Empress Huang and Ama Huang..."

Wu Fujin smiled lightly, and said softly, "Shall I go now? Don't you need Gege from the yard to come and greet me first?"

Brother Fifth's face froze for a moment, "No need, it's getting late, let's talk about it when we come back!"

Wu Fujin stood up after getting the promise, and walked to the queen's palace with the fifth elder brother. On the way, Wu Fujin said as he walked, "Master, I know you like Little Swallow Gege, but if you like it, you like it. Be ambitious, otherwise what is the difference with a puddle of mud?
As your Fujin, I naturally have to worry about you. You need an heir, and it must be a legitimate son, so that you can stand out among the many elder brothers! "

Brother Fifth's eyelids twitched, "But I promised Little Swallow that I would not touch you, let alone have anything to do with you!"

"Hehe!" Wu Fujin smiled contemptuously, "Fifth elder brother, you are not a fool, you know how to make a woman believe you!

Besides, brother Xiao Yanzi is only a woman after all, she has to rely on men, she has to think about her children even if she doesn't think about herself, you tell her that as long as she is honest and obedient, I don't need to touch his son , and let his son grow up safely, otherwise... I don't have a son, so I have to bring her son here to raise him! "

The fifth elder brother was about to say something, but he was afraid that the surrounding maids and eunuchs would hear him, so he could only lower his voice and say, "Don't overdo it!"

"Of course I won't go too far!" Wu Fujin continued, "I'm also a person who wants face, and I also want to be decent, but if you don't give me confidence, then I have to fight for it myself!"

Fifth elder brother took a deep breath, "I will seriously consider your thoughts!"

"Then hurry up, we don't have much time left!" Wu Fujin raised his head and looked at the palace in front of him, "The twelfth elder brother is about to grow up, and the thirteenth elder brother, they are all The empress' son is more legitimate than you!"

"Huang Ama likes me the most!" Fifth elder brother said emphatically with his face changing.

"Hehe...it's just that I like it, cats and puppies like it..." Wu Fujin walked up, "I don't like it anymore, I can throw it away at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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