Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1646 Concubine's Escape 3

Chapter 1646 Concubine's Escape Part Three

Lin Lang said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, I've made all the preparations, the two dead bodies have been thrown into the flames, and from now on, there will be no more Ruyi and Hailan!
Just the two of us, two very ordinary people! "

Hailan nodded with tears all over her face, "Well, then...sister, what should we do next?"

Lin Lang looked at the clothes the two of them were wearing. One was wearing a palace dress, and the other was simple, but she could tell at a glance that it was not something ordinary people could afford.

"Let's find two sets of clothes first, and then destroy all the things on us that belong to the palace, and we will never appear in the world again!" Lin Lang took Hailan's hand and walked outside. After a while, when they saw the smoke rising from a family's cooking, Lin Lang gritted his teeth, and while they were not paying attention, he stole two pieces of clothes and came out.

"This..." Hailan looked at the two clothes and said with a guilty conscience, "How about stealing other people's clothes?"

"Don't think so much!" Lin Lang patted Hailan's head, found a remote place, quickly changed the clothes on her body, and at the same time lit the fire again, and threw the clothes into the fire, " Let's find a remote place to hide for a while, if no one is looking for us, we will go to Jiangnan. I have always heard people say that Jiangnan is good and the four seasons are picturesque. Now I can go see it and live there!

Also, I know some simple martial arts, if you want to survive here, you must learn martial arts with me! "

Hailan agreed without thinking, "Sister, don't worry, I will never hold you back!"

After the two changed their clothes, they took off their jewelry. They wanted to throw it into the river, but they were afraid that others would catch it, so they dug a hole and threw the things into it.

After doing all this, Lin Lang took Hai Lan to the mountains, and lived on eating wild fruits and drinking dew when she was hungry. Fortunately, the temperature was high recently, otherwise the two of them would have frozen to death.

Here, after the fire broke out in the Lenggong, Hongli was the first to know about it. He was at Concubine Gao's side. When he knew the news, he didn't even care about wearing his shoes. I was in a panic and didn't know.

"Ruyi..." Hongli suddenly thought of something, looked at the fire, and shouted loudly, "Ruyi, are you inside?"

Gao Wuyong ran over panting, and knelt at Hongli's feet, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the servants are fighting the fire. Concubine Xian will be safe and sound!"

But how could Hongli hear this, he kicked Gao Wuyong aside, and was about to rush into the fire to save people, but Hongli is the emperor, how could anyone let him take risks, the palace people always grabbed Hongli's leg.

Looking at the blaze, the hope in Hongli's eyes faded a little bit, he lost his voice and immediately called Ruyi's name, regretting more than once why he didn't take Ruyi out of the cold palace, or arrange someone by her side !
I hope that God will bless Ruyi and let Ruyi be safe, but the hope is too slim. The fire burned for a day and a night. When the guards carried out the two bodies, Hongli asked blankly: "Have you found Concubine Xian?"

Gao Wuyong looked at Hongli, and he didn't know what to feel in his heart. The emperor also loved Concubine Xian, otherwise he wouldn't show such a look, but if he really loved Concubine Xian, why didn't he believe Concubine Xian at the beginning, and put Concubine Xian Where is the empress in limbo?
"Your Majesty, this is Concubine Xian and Lady Hai!" Gao Wuyong lowered his head, and continued, "Master Hai came to visit Concubine Xian, but after seeing the cold palace on fire, he rushed in desperately..."

Hongli shook his head, "I don't believe what you said, this is definitely not Ruyi, you must have hidden her, find her out quickly, Ruyi, come out quickly, I know I was wrong, I will tell you again I won't ask you to be sidelined anymore, let's go back, shall we?"

When the queen came, he saw such a scene. He gritted his teeth and was very angry. The little bitch died, otherwise the emperor would never have himself in his heart. He took a step forward, touched his stomach and saluted respectfully. , "Your Majesty, Sister Concubine Xian has already left, you must take care of your health, I believe that Sister Concubine Xian does not want the Emperor to be sad because of her!"

Hongli turned his head and stared at the queen, "Did you do it?"

The queen sneered in her heart, so what if she did it herself, but aren't you also an accomplice?Knowing that Concubine Xian was wronged, but you ignored it yourself, and didn't listen to Concubine Xian's explanation, and didn't investigate, so you put Concubine Xian in the cold palace, pampering that little bitch Gao Guifei every day , Hehe, you are the one who caused all the results, and you are just a pusher.

"What is the emperor talking about? The concubine is pregnant with a child and is not feeling well. Now that Concubine Xian has been found, it is better to make arrangements early so that Concubine Xian can go away with peace of mind!" The queen stood up, "It's not early Now, the concubine will go back first, I hope the emperor will not forget that the emperor is not only the emperor of Concubine Xian, but also the emperor of Qing Dynasty!"

Hongli watched the queen go away, his face was expressionless, his voice trembling, "I don't believe that Ruyi left like this, she must be playing hide and seek with me, you go find her..."

Hearing this, Gao Wuyong shook his head and sighed again, "Your Majesty, Concubine Xian has already left, and the most important thing now is to let Concubine Xian go to the grave!"

Hongli turned his head and stared at Gao Wuyong fiercely, "Aren't you listening to my orders?"

Gao Wuyong hurriedly knelt down, "Your Majesty, I know that you like Concubine Xian, and I can't accept the fact that he died, but...you have already left, Your Majesty, you can't just stay immersed in the news of Concubine Xian's death. It's the emperor, the son of the world, you managed to take over the throne from the late emperor, but you didn't get depressed because of this matter, you wasted all the painstaking efforts of the late emperor!"

Hongli came back to his senses, yes, he finally got the throne, and now his buttocks are still not settled. If there is trouble because of this matter, it will definitely be used by someone with a heart. After thinking about this matter, Hongli wakes up , he shook his head, "Send someone to investigate, what is going on with this fire!"

Gao Wuyong nodded, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the slaves will definitely check it out for you, and please go to the Imperial Study Room to rest first, and the imperial court will be here soon!"

"Gao Wuyong..." Hongli got into the sedan chair, and when he was about to leave, Hongli suddenly made people stop, and said to the people below, "If you want to use any means, you can use the blood droplet when necessary!"

How much the emperor hates Xuedizi. Now that he can use Xuedizi for the sake of Concubine Xian, Gao Wuyong doesn't know what to say. After the emperor left, Gao Wuyong squinted his eyes and began to send people to investigate the fire. s reason.

As for the corpses of Concubine Xian and Hai Guiren, Gao Wuyong asked people to tidy up the corpses, and transferred two top-quality coffins from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After finishing all this work, the cause of the fire was also found out. The fire was set on fire, and the man was afraid that the fire would not be strong enough, so he added another bucket of tung oil. In addition, the weather was dry recently, and because of a gust of wind, the whole cold palace was on fire in a short while, which made people completely unresponsive.

(End of this chapter)

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