Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1647 Concubine's Escape 3

Chapter 1647 Concubine's Escape Part Three

There is a lot of tung oil in the palace, so Gao Wuyong quickly found out who had received a large bucket of tung oil, but when they found the little eunuch, they found that he had hanged himself, and there were still some in the house. According to the financial signs, it was found that it came from the Palace of Concubine Gao.

Gao Wuyong has lived in the palace for so many years, so he naturally knows the twists and turns in the palace, but the matter has been found here, and Gao Wuyong packed up the things he found and handed it to Hongli!
Gao Wuyong didn't want to be contaminated with these things, the main reason was that he didn't want to mess with the women in the harem, especially Concubine Gao, although she knew that the emperor liked Concubine Xian, but Concubine Gao's family background was something he couldn't offend, so she simply threw this matter away To the emperor, let the emperor make his own choice.

Hongli looked at the results of the investigation, sneered and threw the things on the ground, "Did you only find this?"

Of course it was not Gao Wuyong who lowered his head and continued: "The slaves also found out that Concubine Gao once ordered people to suppress Concubine Xian who was in the cold palace, and refused to let people give her anything, and even withheld food from Concubine Xian!"

Hongli's face became extremely gloomy, "How is Concubine Xian?"

"Someone has been sent to collect the coffin..." Gao Wuyong said in a low voice, "As for how to arrange the two empresses, I have to come up with a charter..."

"I don't believe that Ruyi is dead, and I don't believe that Concubine Gao was involved in this matter. What happened to Xuedizi?" Hongli asked indifferently, turning the wrench on his thumb.

"Because it has not been activated for a long time, the progress over there is relatively slow, and it may take a while..." Gao Wuyong said in a low voice.

"Let them do it as soon as possible. If this matter is not investigated clearly, then there is no need for them to exist!" Hongli waved his sleeves, "As for the corpse of Lenggong, I don't believe it is Concubine Xian. People should check it out, and try to suppress the matter of Concubine Xian's death in the sea of ​​flames!"

"But..." So many harem concubines, court ladies and eunuchs have seen it, how could it be possible to suppress it?The emperor was really fascinated. He knew that Concubine Xian had already left, but he still refused to recognize this reality.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xian is really gone!" Gao Wuyong said consolingly: "I believe that good thoughts are in the spirit of heaven, and I don't want to see the emperor so decadent. I also hope that the emperor will cheer up and put more emphasis on national affairs!"

"I just paid too much attention to national affairs, that's why I lost my most beloved woman..." Hongli laughed at himself, "I don't believe that Concubine Xian has left, so I have to let them check it out, by the way Find out about Zhu Sha again, and I will return Concubine Xian's innocence!"

If you don't do it while you're alive, and only investigate when you're dead, why bother?

Here, Lin Lang took Hai Lan to hide for a while, and after finding out that nothing happened, Lin Lang first went to a wealthy family to steal a sum of money. Of course, she comforted herself that she was not stealing, but stealing from the rich and helping the poor.

But she didn't take too much. After she got the money, she first got a fake identity for two people, a widow and a concubine, and then bought a road guide and two horses. Leisurely, go to Jiangnan.

"I've never seen the scenery outside!" Hailan sighed, squinting her eyes as she felt the sunshine on her face.

"In fact, going out of the palace is quite good. Although there is no luxury in the palace, at least we can be free and not worry about being framed by others!" Linlang looked around and said softly: "After we go to Jiangnan, we can go to other places." Take a look at the place where I grew up, I have never seen the sea..."

Hailan's eyes sparkled, "Okay, let's go see the sea together, but...sister, do we really not have to worry about things in the palace? Although no one is looking for us, I'm still a little scared!"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Hongli's heart is not on us at all. Although he will be sad when the two of us die, he will put it out of his mind in a short time. He is passionate Very!" There was a trace of sarcasm in Lin Lang's tone, "Hai Lan, there are no more Ruyi and Hai Guiren in this world, only the two of us!"

Hailan nodded slightly, "Okay!"

Lin Lang and Hailan were at ease, but the women in the harem were not so happy. The servants around them were captured one by one, and the confidants around them were thrown into prison one after another.

The queen was also very scared, afraid that this matter would be found out on her own head. Although she was pregnant, she had a bad reputation for poisoning concubines.

So as soon as the queen gritted her teeth, she sent a letter directly to the empress dowager in Mount Wutai, asking the empress dowager to come back and persuade Hongli.

After receiving the letter, the Empress Dowager sighed, and set off that day, and returned to the palace in less than half a month.

"Your Majesty, how long are you going to make trouble?" The Empress Dowager frowned, "You are the king of a country, how can you live and die for a woman?"

Hongli raised his head, with a sad face, "Emperor Niang, the woman I love the most in this life has died, so I want to return her innocence!"

The Empress Dowager choked for a moment, and then said: "I know you have a deep relationship with Concubine Xian, but don't forget that you are the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and you still have so many concubines. Ignoring the entire harem, and the queen, he is now pregnant..."

"Queen..." Hongli gritted his teeth, picked up the tea cup and threw it on the ground, and said with a ferocious face: "If it wasn't for the sake of her pregnancy, I would have attacked her long ago. How did she die, she thought I didn't find out, what cinnabar, huh, what a joke, I have already given her face without revealing it, I didn't expect that she still has the face to bother the Queen Mother!"

When the Empress Dowager heard this, she shook her head. In fact, the Empress was not reconciled, and the Empress Dowager also understood in her heart that he was also happy to see it happen. The more ruthless you are, the more profitable this Empress Dowager will be!
"Empress..." The Empress Dowager warned, "She is the daughter of the Fucha family, and she is also the concubine Fujin appointed by the former emperor!"

Hongli looked tired, "I'm waiting for the autopsy results!"

The Empress Dowager took a breath of air, "Concubine Xian and Hai Guiren are your women, you actually let Wu Zuo... Do you take the family law of your ancestors seriously? Everyone is dead, why can't you recognize the reality? Woolen cloth?"

"Concubine Xian is definitely not dead!" Hongli gritted his teeth and said.

The Empress Dowager shook her head in disappointment, "Are you a miscarriage? If Concubine Xian is not dead, what happened to those two corpses? Don't tell me those two things came out of nowhere, if If Concubine Xian is not dead, where will he go? Will he leave the palace? That is really the biggest joke in the world. Which concubine would leave the palace for no reason?
That's enough, stop daydreaming, Concubine Xian is dead, we should think about how to end it now, instead of being immersed in dreams all the time! "

"Emperor Niang!" Hongli raised his head, his eyes were red, "I'm waiting, if those two corpses really belong to Concubine Xian and Lady Hai, I will admit it!"

(End of this chapter)

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