Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1648 Concubine's Escape 5

Chapter 1648 Concubine's Escape Five

The Empress Dowager shook her head in disappointment, "You really disappointed Aijia too much, that's all, it seems that you will not give up until the Yellow River, I just hope that after the results come out, you can settle this matter as soon as possible, Don't continue to pursue it!"

Hongli didn't say anything, how could he not continue to investigate, those who killed Concubine Xian are too bloody to pay.

Hongli did indeed do that, and put all the concubines who had done harm to Concubine Xian into limbo. As for the queen, Hongli directly grounded her next time.

Even the most beloved concubine Gao, Hongli locked up that woman without blinking an eye, deprived her of the title of concubine, and demoted her to concubine!

The queen was also terrified. He would rather be punished by the emperor than ground himself. He felt that there was a knife on his head, but he didn't know when it would fall. He was worried every day, even though he was only six months pregnant. , but her stomach is extremely small, she can't sleep well every day, and she can't eat well. In just one month, she is already skinny and skinny.

It's not that no ministers participated in this matter, but Hongli ignored it, and Fucha's family was in a hurry. They really couldn't understand why the queen was grounded. They thought about asking someone to attack and visit the queen, but the emperor didn't allow it at all.

Here, Hongli soon received the results of the autopsy. The two corpses were indeed female corpses, and their ages matched, but the only thing that didn't match was that the two female corpses were still intact.

When Hongli saw this result, his face turned blue, and he knew his own ability, so Ruyi and Hainan are definitely not perfect, so these two corpses will not be Ruyi and Hainan. But where did those two go, and what happened?

Could it be that someone kidnapped them and created traces of suspended animation to threaten him? No, if they were kidnapped, they wouldn’t have traces of suspended animation. If you die, you will not be threatened by them at all...

After much deliberation, Hongli's head hurts, and he couldn't figure out what was going on with these two sentences about the corpse, and where those two people went. Then he suddenly thought of something, and showed a gloomy smile, "But May my thinking be wrong!"

Although Lin Lang and Hai Lan left the palace, their looks were top-notch. In order to survive outside, the two of them made changes. First they put on makeup, then darkened their skin, and Modified the shape of the face and eyebrows, which is different from the original one.

After Lin Lang and Hai Lan came to Jiangnan, they first rented a small yard with a mountain at its back and a small river beside it. The two had accumulated a lot of money through embroidery.

Lin Lang knew medical skills, and sometimes helped people heal. As for the fee, she would pay it if she had it, and Lin Lang would not take it if she didn't. Because of this, Lin Lang and Hailan quickly gained a firm foothold in this small town.

"Sister Lin, are you and Xiaolan sisters?" An old lady couldn't help asking.

When Hailan heard this, she almost inserted the embroidery needle into her hand, but she shrank her head, not daring to answer.

Linlang smiled heartily, and glanced at Hailan, "We are indeed sisters, but we are not related by blood. She is my husband's concubine. After my husband left, Hailan had no other place to go, so she followed her." I came to Jiangnan together, planning to go to relatives, but I never thought... My relatives moved away a few years ago, and there is no news..."

"It turned out to be like this, it's really pitiful, she became a widow at a young age..." The aunt shook her head, "How did your husband get there?"

Hearing this, Lin Lang burst into tears instantly, picked up the handkerchief and cried, "Auntie, you don't know how hard my life is, my husband is a romantic, so it's fine if you marry me. I lost dozens of concubines, and later... I got wind of horses in the brothel, so I went... I originally wanted to stay in my hometown, but because of my husband, people outside spoke very badly. Lan couldn't take it anymore, so she moved away from the original place..."

"Oh, you are also a poor person!" The aunt shook her head and said with a distressed expression.

As for Hailan, she has been petrified for a long time. What kind of brothel, what kind of wind, this... this is really embarrassing...

Hailan blushed and waited to send everyone away before she couldn't help but say, "Sister, you..."

Linlang naturally understood what Hai Lan was going to say, and smiled at him, "You don't still feel sorry for that dead man, do you? I said Ma Feng was already very sorry for him, and I was going to say that he had a heart disease, that damned man A man, when he first married me, he said he would treat me well and love me for the rest of his life, but how long did it turn out? It’s fine if he married Fujin, but he favored Concubine Gao Gui... so many women gave me a look, and more importantly, When someone wronged me, he didn't believe me at all... Hailan, I've already given up on him, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of a way to blow up and escape from the palace..."

"Sister!" Hailan lowered her head, "I'm sorry, but I brought up your sadness again!"

Lin Lang smiled, "It's okay, just don't mention that man in front of me from now on, we have nothing to do with the past, now we are just little widows whose husband died!"

"Yeah!" Hailan quickly agreed, and then sighed, "Sister, let's not mention that man, but... I still have a headache now. I heard from those aunts that the winter here is very cold. , although it will not snow, but the cold wind is like a needle prick, it will pierce people's bones!"

Lin Lang also frowns, "Yeah, although Jiangnan is good, it will kill you in the cold in winter, unlike the north, where there are heated kangs!"

Lin Lang said that the cold was really cold, the temperature had dropped greatly in the past few days, even though they were already wearing thick padded jackets, they were still terribly cold.

Lin Lang also knew that now was not the time to save money, so she bought a lot of wood and bought a lot of charcoal, but the charcoal here is different from the charcoal in the palace, as soon as it rises, there will be a lot of thick smoke .

But what made Lin Lang most happy was that she found coal, and used coal to make briquettes, and then made a coal stove. When she wanted to warm up, she could warm up the fire, boil water, and cook vegetables. It was very convenient. .

Hailan saw this stove for the first time, and was overjoyed, "There is no such thing in the palace!"

Lin Lang smiled, and didn't say anything about the aunt who came here as a guest. After seeing this stove, she immediately fell in love with it and made a few of it. Lin Lang repeatedly explained that if you want to use this thing, you must put it in a ventilated place place, or you will die.

In less than two months, honeycomb has spread throughout Jiangnan, and it is still expanding to other provinces.

Lin Lang has been feeling uneasy for the past few days, not because of the briquette matter, but because he just can't understand, and always feels that something big is about to happen, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Concubine Xian, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Looking at the man sitting in the dark, Lin Lang was very calm, and put down the basket in his hand, "There's nothing to say, it's what you see!"

(End of this chapter)

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