Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1651 Concubine's Escape 8

Chapter 1651 Concubine's Escape Eighth

Hongli stood up, his eyes were bloodshot, "How about such a person? I am your man, I can decide your life experience, and I can spoil you, but you have nothing to do with me!

Hailan, you are a smart woman, you know what is best for you, for your own good, and for the good of Ruyi, you should know what to do! "

Hailan sneered, "Since my sister didn't work out, you started thinking about me, didn't you? You made the wrong wishful thinking, and I will never betray my sister!"

Hongli lowered his eyes, his face was full of sternness, "Ruyi is young and ignorant, because she misunderstood me, so she said she doesn't like me, but how can such a matter be decided by her? Your own family, but Hailan, you don't have one!

I have been tolerating her all the time now because I still look at my previous affection, but no matter how much affection I have, there will be a day when it will wear off, you should think about it! "

This thought lasted for a month. When Hailan started to vomit, she finally realized that something was wrong. The imperial doctor checked her pulse and found out that she was pregnant.

"If Ruyi finds out that you are pregnant, what do you think he will think?" Hongli said with a smile on his face, "Do you think that what you said at the beginning was a lie to her, and do you think you are double-faced? "

Hailan's face was extremely ugly, "You are mean and shameless, you forced me, I..."

"Don't say it so harshly, the child in your womb is your only guarantee. If the child is gone, I will let you be buried with him!" Hongli patted Hailan's cheek, and left here with a smile on his face.

Although Lin Lang said she was still a concubine Xian, she was no different from a prisoner. She just had better food and better housing, but she was watched every day, so she had no freedom at all.

That night, Hongli walked in with a smile, "Hailan is pregnant!"

Lin Lang couldn't stand up confidently, "How is it possible?"

Later, thinking about it according to the timeline, Hailan should be pregnant with the fifth elder brother. Linlang didn't know how to feel. Hainan's pregnancy was telling herself that history was irreversible?
"How is it? Are you particularly sad?" Hongli sat on a chair and poured himself a cup of tea, with a smug smile on his face, "She says she hates me, but her body is very Honestly, now that I have my own flesh and blood again, do you think he will still love you? Women are all extroverted, and when they have children and husbands, there is nothing else that can hold her back... …

Lin Lang, you are a smart person, Hailan is a woman, she is not reliable at all, although she believes in you wholeheartedly, but you have also seen her stabbing you in the back now, can you still forgive her?
I am your husband, you grew up with me and are childhood sweethearts, only I am the man you can rely on! "

Lin Lang came back to her senses, looked at Hongli, with a sneer on her face, "I believe that Hailan will never betray me, she is pregnant, it should be the result of your coercion, you are the king of a country anyway, how can you do this Shameless?"

Hongli's face sank, and he slapped the table and said angrily, "Ruyi, have you had enough trouble? I can bear you elope with other people, and I can bear you wearing a cuckold on my head, but this patience is not enough." There is a limit, so don't push your limits!

As long as you are your virtuous person, sooner or later, I will give you what you want, and... I already know how to repent, those who hurt you, and those who framed you, have all been thrown into limbo, what else do you have? Unsatisfactory?
I am the king of a country. Every time I want to do something, I have to weigh it myself. I can’t do whatever I want. I also have my own difficulties. I hope you don’t force me and think more for me!
I can forgive you for what you did before, as long as you no longer have those rebellious thoughts and live with me well, I promise to treat you as before! "

Lin Lang's face was very calm, "Your Majesty, do you like me or is it because you are not reconciled? Sometimes I wonder, are the two of us really childhood sweethearts? Is it true what you said about liking me before?"
You said you couldn't choose me to be the concubine Fujin, I know you have your embarrassment, so I don't care, you dote on Concubine Gao, I know you are because of his father, but why do you dote on my illness? Don't believe me when others wrong me?
Hongli, there is no possibility for the two of us, not in this life, maybe there is too much suspicion between us, you may like me, but I am the daughter of the first queen, there are too many things between us, full of love. There are too many impossibilities..."

Hongli's eyes turned red a little bit, "Why don't you give me a chance? I know that I hurt you before, but I am willing to repent and believe in you!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "But I don't want to believe you anymore, I'm tired, you can do whatever you want, Hailan is my life, if something happens to her, I won't live either go down!"

"Aren't you willing to think about your family?" Hongli gritted his teeth and said, "You know what's going on with your family, do you have the heart to watch them lose? For them and for yourself, you..."

Lin Lang looked at Hongli, "When I thought about escaping from the palace, I already forgot about fame, wealth, status, and the whole family. Do you think I will still compromise for them?"

Hongli's expression turned cold a little bit, "Sooner or later you will figure it out!"

After Hongli left, looking at the heavy rain all over the sky, I kept thinking about what Ruyi said. Do I really like Ruyi?I really liked that I could contradict Huang Ama for the sake of Ruyi, but why did things become like this?

"Your Majesty!" The palace maid came in, "Ah Ruo is here!"

"It should be Mr. Shengui!" Linlang sneered, "How did she, a slave who betrayed her master, come to my place?"

The palace maid didn't dare to speak, and at the same time secretly hated that she shouldn't have picked up the purse in the first place, but the matter didn't go well and she got messed up all over.

"Your Majesty, then..." the maid said cautiously.

Lin Lang closed her eyes, "It's too boring after all, you let her in, just to add fun to me!"

"Sister, I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound!" Ah Ruo walked in with a smile on his face.

Lin Lang felt a burst of unknown fire in her heart, she stood up and walked forward, before A Ruo could react, she slapped A Ruo down a few times, hitting A Ruo directly on the ground.

Ah Ruo covered her face and didn't react at all. She didn't cry until she felt the burning pain, "Sister, what are you doing? If the emperor finds out..."

Lin Lang was so angry that she kicked her hard again, "You know what? I've wanted to do this for a long time. What can I do to apologize to you? Treat you like a sister. What's the point? One thought of you, but you turned your back on me and betrayed me, and followed others to frame me, you really have face!"

Ah Ruo was terrified, "Sister, I don't know what you're talking about, I really didn't frame you, don't listen to other people's nonsense... Besides, I didn't betray you, after all, the entire harem is the emperor's woman If the emperor wants to favor me, that is also the emperor's business, not my decision!"

Lin Lang looked at A Ruo and said with a sneer: "To be honest, you are favored by the emperor. I don't feel sad, but I just feel disgusted. It's disgusting that my good intentions were treated as a donkey liver and lungs. It's even more disgusting that I raised a white-eyed wolf like you." come out!"

A Ruo's pale face said, "Sister, why are you talking so badly? Let's forget about you beating me. After all, I am really sorry for your sister. Since you have come out of the cold palace, we will do well from now on. Sisters, we can help each other then..."

"Bah!" Linlang picked up the teacup and swallowed a mouthful of tea, and spit it directly on A Ruo's face, "Being a sister with you, my family goes up the mountain. My sister lowered my grade, you are really shameless, you can say anything, it is really disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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