Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1652 Concubine's Escape 9

Chapter 1652 Concubine's Escape IX

Ah Ruo was terrified by Lin Lang like this, covered his face and fled in a hurry, and said while running, "You...you're so scary..."

Lin Lang clapped her hands and couldn't help sighing, "It's so cool!"

After a while, Hongli started to have a headache. Hearing Ah Ruo's crying, Hongli slapped the table, "Okay, it's just a few slaps, it's necessary to cry, and besides, you are her dowry." Maid girl, she is your master, what's wrong with slapping you a few times?
And she was right, you betrayed her at the beginning, and a slave like you who betrayed the master would have been worthy of you if he didn't pull you down and beat you to death. Now you just slap you a few times. satisfying? "

Ah Ruo cried even more miserably, "How can you be so ruthless, Your Majesty? Besides, I am favored by you, so it is not a betrayal of him. After all, the entire palace is your woman, and I am your wife." Favor doesn't care about him, it's because he can't eat grapes and says grapes are sour, he's jealous of his concubines, your majesty, you can't tolerate it any longer!

If all the women in the harem were like this, wouldn't it be lawless! "

Hongli had a headache, "You know in your heart what you have done yourself, I have already looked at her for the sake of her face without any action, I regretted it very much at the beginning, why did I favor you when I regretted it!
But I don't want to talk about the past anymore, if you want to live honestly, just stay in your palace honestly, don't come out to attract others' eyes! "

Ah Ruo was furious, but looking at Hongli like this, she didn't seem to be lying. She gritted her teeth and left the palace angrily. Now, don’t even think about it. Concubine Xian just suffered a fire, and the emperor is feeling distressed. Wouldn’t we annoy the emperor if we went there this morning? We should wait for a suitable opportunity to tell the story. In this way, we can not only gain the emperor's sympathy, but also pull down Concubine Xian from the horse..."

Ah Ruo covered his face, and tears fell down, "I was beaten, so I wanted to get back on the stage. After all, the emperor liked me so much at the beginning, but I didn't expect the man's mind to be so unfathomable. You said you liked it the first day, but you hated it the next day, men are really unreliable!"

"Master, in fact, the emperor still has you in his heart. Look at how favored that noble man was back then, he was able to stand against the queen, and he was also a noble concubine, but now, he has directly become a noble person!
And the empress, she was pregnant with a dragon fetus, and in the end... she was not grounded, compared to us who were neither punished nor downgraded, let alone grounded, it is already very good!

However, my lord, we still have to find a way to build a good relationship with Concubine Xian, after all, the Emperor has Concubine Xian in his heart..."

Ah Ruo followed and nodded, "When I was with Miss back then, the emperor liked Miss very much, and even wanted to make Miss a Fujin, but it's a pity...Although I betrayed Miss, I don't feel regretful, Because there is only one chance, if I don't seize the opportunity to get the emperor's favor, then I will just be a court lady for the rest of my life, unlike now, I am also a noble person anyway!"

"My lord, even though we say that, we still need to be forgiven by Concubine Xian. You saw how good Hailan and Concubine Xian's relationship is, and they were favored by the emperor. Now they are pregnant with a child. Your empress is now It's okay to be wronged, Han Xin can suffer the humiliation of his crotch, what can the empress not bear!" the palace maid said comfortingly.

Ah Ruo nodded, "Forget it, let's forget about today's affairs. You can choose some valuable gifts when you go back later, and we will go to see Concubine Xian tomorrow!"

Lin Lang didn't expect that Ah Ruo would come over, so when she wasn't paying attention, she kicked her to the ground, and went straight up and said, "Okay, I didn't expect you to dare to come over, then I'll be rude!"

"Ahhh!" Ah Ruo screamed loudly, "If the emperor knows that you hit me, he will definitely not let you go... sister... ah... it hurts so much, I know I was wrong... sister hurry up Let go, I really know I was wrong, please let me go..."

Ah Ruo was threatening at first, but found that he was beaten more and more after the threat, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Lin Lang kicked her hard again, and said to the maid, "Throw me out!"

Ah Ruo was directly thrown out of the door. He touched his red and swollen cheeks, then his messy hair, and said angrily, "Concubine Xian, I will not let you go!"

On the way back, Ah Ruo was stopped by someone, "You are so brave when you see me being rude!"

Noble people are not afraid at all, "You and I are both noble people, why should I salute you!"

"I have a title anyway, and I'm half a level older than you, so you have to salute me!" Ah Ruo would have thought about it before, but now she doesn't care that a phoenix with hair is not as good as a chicken. Noble people have completely lost their favor. Not scared at all.

The noble man smiled slightly, "I didn't come to see you to see your jokes, nor did I come to find fault with you. I came here today to seek cooperation!"

Ah Ruo's eyes flickered, "What do you want to say?"

The noble man looked around, "This is not a place to talk, go to your palace, let's have a good chat!"

A Ruo nodded, and the two went to his palace. The noble man said directly: "I know you hated Concubine Xian, and I hated her too. The emperor abolished my title of noble concubine, and now I lose face." It's all over, I can't bear such humiliation, I want to take revenge!"

A Ruo's eyes flickered, "If you want to take revenge, you can take revenge yourself, why are you looking for me?"

The noble man sneered, "Didn't you also hate Concubine Xian? Don't pretend to be in front of me. She is your master after all. As long as she exists, you will always be just a dowry maid, and you will never be able to get on the stage." !"

The nobleman's words reached Ah Ruo's heart, and her face changed again and again, "So what, now Concubine Xian is the emperor's darling, it is impossible for the emperor to just watch Concubine Xian being plotted against!"

"That's because the emperor hasn't suffered setbacks yet!" The nobleman said with a grim expression, "If a woman cuckolds a man, do you think that man will let that woman go?"

Ah Ruo was a little scared, "Although I hate Concubine Xian, he is my master after all, it is impossible for me to do such a thing..."

The noble man looked at A Ruo who was evasive, and said sarcastically, "I know what you're thinking, you just want me to do it, you're taking advantage of it later, but how can there be such a good thing in the world!

I need your help, as long as you cooperate with me, we can bring down Concubine Xian, otherwise, with my strength alone, everything is just empty talk! "

Ah Ruo hesitated for a long time, and said hesitantly: "I...I..."

The noble man stood up, "Of course, if you don't want to, just pretend that I didn't say anything. From now on, you will still be Concubine Xian's dowry girl. Although I am a noble person, I have a capable father and brother. Sooner or later , I will be promoted to the imperial concubine!"

(End of this chapter)

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