Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1654 Concubine's Escape 1

Chapter 1654 Concubine's Escape Eleven
Hongli was a little anxious, "Ruyi, are you still unwilling to forgive me? I have done so much for you, and now I still give you the queen's child. What are you dissatisfied with?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I'm not dissatisfied, Your Majesty, it's just that my heart is dead and I will never love you again, do you understand?

Take the child back. The queen has just given birth. If there is no child, the queen will go crazy. Although I hate the queen, it is impossible to hurt a woman who has just given birth, let alone abuse a newborn child! "

There was a trace of tenderness in Hongli's eyes, "I knew you were a good girl with a kind heart. Before, I didn't know how to cherish and believed other people's lies, so I wronged you... I really knew that I was wrong, I am also willing to sincerely repent, and I hope you can give this a chance. As for the child, please stay with you first. The queen just gave birth. She is not feeling well and cannot take good care of the child. Moreover, the child is so weak that someone needs to take good care of it. I'll leave it to you... In fact, I did this for your own good. After all, the Queen's family is powerful. If you let him have a child, it means you have clothes. I'm afraid I will attack you. If you raise his child, He may have scruples..."

Lin Lang looked at Hongli and said word by word: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, when you like someone, you can't wait to treat him wholeheartedly, but when you hate someone, you can't wait to kill him!
This is also the reason why I don't like you. You used to like me because my color is still there, coupled with the love you had when you were young, so you like me... But once I get old and offend your inverse... "

"No, I will always like you!" Hongli promised, "I can show you my heart!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "Forget it, I don't have that interest, take the child away, I don't want to take care of the queen's child either!"

Hongli was trying to win Lin Lang's favor by relying on the child, how could he take the child back, he took a step back, "The child is on your side, I have something to do here, so I will leave first and come back another day look at you!"

After Hongli left, Lin Lang realized it. She was about to chase after her, but was stopped by the palace guards. She wanted to take the child away, but Lai Xing didn't listen to her at all. There was no way Lin Lang couldn't, Watching the little child die like this, I can only take care of it with my heart.

The child is not in good health due to premature birth, and has some lung diseases. Linlang, I am not a cruel person. Even if I hate the queen, I can't do anything to a child. She took care of the child carefully, and the child gradually recovered. My body is also strong.

Although Empress Fucha was imprisoned in her own palace, she was quite well informed about the outside news. When she learned that her child was well taken care of by Lin Lang, Empress Fucha cried, "It's my fault, I shouldn't be here everywhere. Calculate her... let alone do such dirty things for a man..."

Hongli thought that Linlang had changed his mind. After all, taking care of his child so hard meant that he had forgiven himself, so he happily came to Linlang's palace.

"You took good care of the queen's child. I can grant you a wish. Just say what you want!" Hongli said generously.

Lin Lang didn't hide anything, "I want to see Hai, so don't refuse, Lan. Since you're all in the harem, look down and see me, sooner or later you'll see her, why don't you let me see her now!"

Hongli had a gloomy face, "She is a woman, she can't give you happiness, only I really love you, and now she has my child again, she will definitely not put her mind on you in the future, you Why is this necessary?"

Lin Lang turned her head aside, "Just say whether you agree or not!"

Of course Hongli didn't want to, if these two people met each other, there would be another touch of green here.

"She is pregnant, and she is not in good health recently. When her health improves, I will let her see you again!" Hongli did not refuse.

Lin Lang nodded casually, ignored Hongli, and went to do her own thing.

"Besides this request, you can ask for something else..." Hongli stepped forward and said.

Lin Lang raised her head, "I want to see the queen!"

Hongli's eyes lit up, it's good to see the queen, this is to show off, it's time to show off, and he quickly agreed.

If Linlang knew what Hongli was thinking, she would roll her eyes at him. If you think too much, I'm not here to show off, but to let the child see his mother.

Sure enough, Empress Fucha burst into tears after seeing the child, and nodded quickly to Lin Lang, "Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of your child. It was my fault at the beginning, and I was really sorry..."

"You don't think that if you just say a few words of apology, I will forgive you. It is impossible that the enmity between you and me is not over yet. I let the children come to see you, not to pity you, nor to show off , thinking that a child cannot live without a mother!" Lin Lang is a person with clear grievances, and she continued: "The account between you and me will be settled in another day!"

Empress Fucha nodded, and said with tears all over her face: "Actually, during the time I was locked up here, I thought a lot, and you think it's not worth it. I really love coaxing you, but what I love more is my status. , I shouldn't kill an innocent person for that power, I'm sorry... I know my own body, I don't know how long I can live, the only regret is that I can't watch the child grow up slowly, so in the face of death When I leave, I hope that I can entrust my child to you, please take my child, I can't repay you in this life, I will be your cow and horse in the next life, and I will repay you well!"

Linlang's face changed, "I'm helping you look after the child now because I have to. I can't just watch a child die, but I can't help you take care of the child all the time..."

Empress Fucha smiled bitterly and said: "Whether you like it or not, the child will stay in your palace after all. I can't last long. When I am dying, I will give you all my connections. I just ask Treat my child well...please..."

Lin Lang took two steps back, "I don't want to!"

Empress Fucha said quickly, "Don't worry, I'm not plotting against you. I don't ask the child to live well after he grows up. I only hope that he will be healthy and safe!"

"If you really want your child to be good, then you can take care of the child yourself!" Lin Lang shook her head, "You are still young, and you will have a good life in the future, there is no need to say something depressing, listen to the doctor's words carefully, and take the medicine carefully! "

"You don't understand, if Hongli likes someone, he can't wait to hold him in the palm of his hand, but if he hates someone, he can't wait to kill him. I have already offended Hongli like this. If I don't want to try to make up for it, then I will And my family will not get better, but the only thing that can make up for it is my death. After I die, Hongli will definitely feel guilty, and may transfer this guilt to the children and the family... ...I know you despise me, think about me to the point of death, and still calculate this and that, but there is no way, I have been like this since I was a child, and so are the people around me, so I have this temper since I was a child, I I also think it's quite pathetic, I've never been myself..." Empress Fucha lowered her head, "But I really didn't mean to plot against you, the child pleases you, the princess... also pleases you... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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