Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1655 Concubine's Escape 2

Chapter 1655 Concubine's Escape Twelve
Lin Lang naturally disagreed, she didn't have the heart of a saint, she was a person who would take revenge, and it was impossible for her to raise the enemy's child instead of taking revenge.

"Instead of thinking too much over there, you should take good care of your own body. Outsiders are outsiders after all, and it is impossible to treat your children wholeheartedly, especially me!" Lin Lang said expressionlessly, "You have calculated me so much This time, I can't pretend that nothing happened. I won't blame the children for these things, but it will definitely be blamed on you. If you die, I can't take revenge. It may be transferred to your child, so take good care of your own body!"

Empress Fucha looked at the back of Lin Lang going away, began to cough violently, waved her hand, and said to the maids and maids beside her, "After I leave, give all my contacts to Ruyi, tell My family, let them treat Ruyi better, and... must take good care of my son and my daughter!"

After finishing speaking, Empress Fucha fainted and didn't wake up until the next day. When she woke up again, she was groggy and saw Hongli standing in front of her bed in a daze. Not long to live.

"Your Majesty, I know that I have done many things wrong before, but...the main reason is because I care too much about you. If it wasn't because I cared about you, I would never have done those things. It's just that I used the wrong things. Method, the concubine regrets very much that she did not become a good queen, let alone a good wife..." Empress Fucha understood that now is not the time to be stubborn, but to show weakness, and said with a weak face: "Wait After the concubine is gone, the emperor will be the queen, and the concubine's family will not stop her. I hope that in the next life, I can meet the emperor again. At that time, I will love the emperor well, and it will definitely not be like this. In this way, you are cruel and merciless... Your Majesty, this concubine really regrets it, but it's just that our two children are still so young..."

Hongli's heart also softened a little bit. Although he hated the queen for being cruel, he still had some affection for the queen. He patted the queen's hand and said comfortingly: "Ruyi will be a good mother, so don't worry !"

Fucha lowered her head, "I know that I have done many things to sorry Ruyi, but Ruyi never blamed me, I feel extremely ashamed... Your Majesty, I am sorry, you and Ruyi If it wasn't for my concubine, Ruyi would have been your wife a long time ago, I only hope that after I leave, the emperor can get back together with Ruyi!"

These words really reached the emperor's heart, he patted the queen's hand, "Go with peace of mind!"

This sentence almost didn't choke the queen to death. I did die soon, but I didn't think about dying now. Hearing this sentence, Empress Fucha vomited a mouthful of blood, but she still had to pretend to be herself. With a look of dying, he said with a weak face: "With the emperor's words, the concubine can rest assured, the concubine...I really admire you very much..."

Hongli couldn't help but sighed, the queen was right, the only fault was that she loved herself too much, so she went astray, that's all, the past is over, there is no need to care about it like a dead person.

That night, Empress Fucha was about to die. Before leaving, he held his daughter's hand firmly, and said with thousands of exhortations: "I'm leaving, but the only thing I don't worry about is that you are still here." With your brother, after I leave, no one in the harem can be trusted. If you are in trouble, you can go to Ruyi. Although I hurt her and she doesn't like me, she is absolutely impossible to treat children Hands on!
And your father, he is the son of heaven, and he is an unintentional person, don't ask him how much he loves you, after I die, maybe he will feel guilty about me, you should take advantage of this feeling of guilt, Stabilize your position well, and marry far away when you grow up, don't stay in the palace, it's too scary..."

The eldest princess cried and said, "Mother, you were in good health some time ago, why is it not working now? Who hurt you? Is it a noble person?"

"Don't think too much. It's my mother. I can't live anymore. My health was not good at first. After giving birth to your brother, I was shocked again, and my health was even worse. If I take good care of it, I still have a few years to go. Live, but I can't live, because I did something wrong, if I continue to live, your father will always hate me, and you two will never have a bright future, so I can only die..." Fu Cha When the queen said this, there was a hint of sadness, "Don't blame me for leaving you when you were so young, but if I don't count, how can you survive in this man-eating palace?
Ruyi will become the new queen, don't contradict her, because my death is not his fault, on the contrary, I am very sorry, when I set him on fire in the cold palace, I also set him on fire, and later plotted against her After all, I owe Ruyi, and your brother... your brother was born prematurely, and his body is very weak. It is Ruyi who took care of your brother non-stop and made your brother survive..."

The eldest princess cried, "Mom, I don't want to ask for anything, you don't leave me..."

Empress Fucha patted her daughter's head, then slowly closed her eyes, a generation of virtuous queens, just like that.

To say that the empress is gone is the happiest concubine Gao. I think how hard the two of them pinched at the beginning, but now one is dead and the other has become a nobleman. The two of them are fighting with each other. The other man has benefited.

Ruyi became the new queen, and also took care of the former queen's son, which means that she won a son for nothing, and also got the support of the Fucha family. How could he take all the good things in the world?
Hongli also seemed to understand something, and did not stop Ruyi and Hailan from meeting, but when the two met, one was holding the child, the other was pregnant, and they were speechless.

After an unknown amount of time, Hailan suddenly said, "I'm relieved to see my sister!"

Lin Lang hugged the child, and replied sullenly: "As long as you are well, I can rest assured!"

The two had a tacit understanding, and never said anything about leaving the palace, as if they had agreed to something. A few months later, Hailan gave birth to a son, who will be the fifth elder brother.

Lin Lang took good care of the queen's son, and when the queen's son grew up, Lin Lang also told the child that she was not his biological mother, but his biological mother was the former queen.

Fortunately, that child is not a wolf-hearted person, so he naturally understands that Lin Lang's care for him is no less than that of a biological mother for his child, so the child is very filial.

Lin Lang is very favored, and basically sees the emperor eight or nine times in a month, but she has no choice but to live up to her stomach. It should not be said that her stomach is not up to snuff, because she has never thought of having children. As a person who has studied medicine Lin Lang, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, knows how to prevent pregnancy.

After the queen's son grew up, Hongli's body became weaker day by day. He seemed to understand something and didn't struggle. When he was dying, he called Lin Lang and held his hand tightly, "I still remember When we first met, everything was so beautiful, everything was so good, but I don't understand why everything has changed... I know that my death is related to you, but I don't care, this is the hope I owe you , I hope we can still be husband and wife in the next life... But, I am a narrow-minded person, it is impossible to see you and others living together, so when I left, I did something..."

Lin Lang was very calm when he heard this sentence, "Is it to let Hainan die? But the emperor made a wrong decision, because I killed those who did it a long time ago!"

"Hahaha!" Hongli laughed suddenly, "Why did I forget that there is nothing a person who dares to lay hands on the emperor can't do!

But, don't forget that you have been my woman all your life, and you will be buried next to me after you die! "

(End of this chapter)

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