Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1656 American Drama World 1

Chapter 1656 American Drama World One
When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was woken up by the alarm. After turning off the alarm, relying on the faint moonlight, Lin Lang looked at the environment in the room. It was a very small room, and there was a sour smell in the air. , it should be the smell of sweat, whether it came from the pile of stinky clothes in the corner or from her own body, Lin Lang didn't know.

Linlang looked at the small room, turned her body over, felt the soft bed, couldn't help but sat up, opened the desk lamp in the corner, found the small desk mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, couldn't help but He raised his eyebrows.

What an exotic beauty, yes, Lin Lang is not a Chinese, but a foreigner. This foreign little beauty is very beautiful, belonging to the sweet and sweet type, without makeup , pitiful, pure and charming, if she wears makeup, she will be 10 points glamorous and have a certain degree of aggression.

Lin Lang looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help raising her eyebrows. This girl is really beautiful, comparable to the stars in TV dramas.

Lin Lang has such a beautiful skin, so he doesn't care what family he travels to, so he smiled, closed his eyes and began to accept the plot.

But when he finished accepting the plot, he couldn't help but start scolding God, what kind of life is this?

She crossed over and became the eldest sister in the American TV series "Shameless". Speaking of this eldest sister, she is indeed the backbone of the whole family. Her father is an alcoholic and tells a lot of lies. How should I put it, this man has gathered all the shamelessness of human beings.

As for their mother, she was a schizophrenic and cranky person who, although she had a bunch of children, never fulfilled her mother's responsibilities, and later eloped with a woman.

Therefore, the little eldest sister supported the whole family. She took care of five younger brothers and sisters and gave up her own studies. However, this eldest sister is also very shameless. Maybe it is inherited from her parents. The eldest sister is also a liar and has been a mistress , had an abortion and was found at home by the original spouse, she didn't feel shameless.

The eldest sister is beautiful and has a lot of heterosexuality. She can find a man with a good personality and a good personality to settle down at any time. However, due to family reasons, the eldest sister found one scumbag after another, and finally found a good man. Her immediate boss turned out to be with her brother, and after finally getting married, she cheated on her ex-boyfriend again and got pregnant with a child without knowing whose.

But just such a terrible big sister, he never thought of relying on his beauty to do anything, let alone betraying my own body in that situation, she is a very strong person, and this is such a bad one Lin Lang insisted on chasing this American TV series, because everyone in it has their own shining points.

As for the eldest son in it, he is the smartest person in it, and he was admitted to a famous university, but this man may have inherited that his father messed up his promising future, started drinking, and became a drunk , Later, after having a child, he began to take on the responsibility of being a father, but he had already dropped out of that school, and finally became a car repairman.

As for the second son, he is the most handsome in the whole family, but this second son is not his father's biological child, he is a child born to his mother's cheating uncle. The second son inherited his mother's depression, and later fell in love with another Boy, originally the second son wanted to be a soldier and serve the country, but because of a broken relationship, he borrowed his brother's identity and joined the army, but unfortunately, he escaped from the army because of depression... …

As for the younger sister, she was very obedient when she was young. When she grew up, she fell in love with a boy at puberty. Later, she gave birth to a girl before she was married.

The third son has not been a trouble-free person since he was a child, and he likes to use violence to solve problems, but later he became better and went to a military academy, becoming the most upright person in the whole family.

The youngest child looks like a black man. Although several children have white faces, but the youngest child is a black man. They have done a paternity test, but this child is indeed the father's child.

In their family, everyone is shameless about themselves, and everyone can mess up their lives, but even so, they can still persevere, which is what makes this TV series brilliant.

Linlang has become a 16-year-old eldest sister, and there are 5 younger brothers and sisters under her. They are all children now. Her mother has eloped with her girlfriend, and her father drinks and sometimes won't come home all night. When I got home, I was lying drunk in the living room. The burden of the whole family was on the shoulders of the little girl. Although she was still in high school, she had already dropped out of school and returned home. She began to try to earn money, but she was not an adult. How about money?

The little girl's wish is very simple. Although he brought up her younger siblings in her previous life, they were not on the right track. She felt very guilty and hoped that her younger siblings could have a good environment. All have a wonderful life.

Linlang let out a breath of air. If she wants her younger siblings to live a good life, she must stay away from those unscrupulous parents. It is because of the parents that the children were unhappy in their childhood. , had a very unhappy life.

But the first thing to do now is to make money, but how does he, a minor child, make money?

Just as Lin Lang was thinking that the alarm clock rang suddenly, Lin Lang realized that her younger brothers and sisters were going to school, so she had to get up quickly to prepare breakfast and lunch for them.

So I didn’t dare to delay, I hurriedly left, went downstairs and poured a glass of milk, then put it in the microwave to heat it up, I wanted to use a bread machine to toast bread, but I thought their house was surrounded by walls, where there is a bread machine, so I just You can put bread in the microwave to warm up, then add a fried egg, and then some lettuce squeezed tomato juice, this is breakfast.

Breakfast was ready, as well as lunch. After looking at the time and finding that it was getting late, I glanced at the little bacon left in the refrigerator, added a few fried eggs, and made a sandwich with bread.

After Lin Lang finished all this, she went to the room one by one to wake up several children. The first one to get up was the younger sister Debbie, a very round and cute little girl who worked hard for the family.

The first to get up was Rip, the eldest son of the family, followed by Ian, followed by Carl.

Of course, besides these children in the living room, there is also an unconscious father lying in the living room.

"Daddy's drinking coffee!" Debbie poured a cup of coffee and placed it next to her daddy.

Lin Lang didn't say anything after seeing it. This child is too young, and she still has hope for such a father. Poor child, maybe you don't know how shameless this father is. In order to deceive the cancer fund, since you have deceived yourself His son has cancer, such a shameless man should not exist in this world.

Of course, apart from this shameless thing, there are more shameless things. In order to lie to my daughter's liver, I did not hesitate to make up a lot of lies, but such a shameless person has gone through so many things and is still alive. God is really Not long eyes.

Lin Lang drank a glass of milk, picked up the youngest child, Liam, and said, "I have something to do today, so I might come back later, but I will come back to prepare dinner for you!"

The children nodded, and after breakfast, they picked up their lunches and said goodbye to Lin Lang.

After everyone had left, Lin Lang found diapers and milk powder, put the child in the stroller, and started walking with the child. To be honest, this area is a slum, so the environment is particularly bad. To let his children learn well, he did not hesitate to move three times, so Lin Lang had to move out for those children.

But he himself is still a minor, so how can he bring up several children?The point is that the issue of custody rights is also very troublesome.

 [Shameless] You can watch it, it is a very good American drama, I hope you don't watch Big Sister with colored glasses, because Big Sister is indeed a sad but respectable person.

(End of this chapter)

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