Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1657 American Drama World 2

Chapter 1657 American Drama World II

Lin Lang pushed the cart, hugged Liam, who was only one month old, and walked out of the room. Looking at the dilapidated community and the crowd in strange clothes, Lin Lang became more determined to move out of here.

Because she didn't know where she was going, Lin Lang pushed the small cart, turned left, turned right, and after walking for some time, she came to the commercial area. Looking at the people coming and going, Lin Lang sat on a stone chair Looking at the fountain, his eyes flickered. Of course, he wouldn't do that unless he had to.

Seeing many Chinese tourists frantically taking photos and shopping in various corners, Lin Lang lowered her head, remembering that Chinatown is quite close to here, and had an idea in her mind, but when she touched her pocket, it was only two yuan, two yuan What can money do?Although the consumption in the United States is quite low, two dollars is really not enough to watch.

"Hello, Please...Tell me..." A Chinese aunt came over and pointed at the sky!

Lin Lang burst out laughing, "You don't need to speak English to me, just speak Chinese. What do you want to know?"

The aunt froze for a moment, "Oh, my God, you are too smart. Since I can speak Chinese, I'm not welcome... I want to go to Chinatown. My relatives live there. I'm here this time. I travel to see them, but I accidentally got lost and couldn’t find my way back, can you tell me where Chinatown is?”

Lin Lang nodded and stood up, "That's just right, I'm going to Chinatown too!"

"Little angel, thank you so much!" The Chinese aunt said gratefully.

Lin Lang passed her hand directly, "Don't blame me, this is America, if I serve you, you have to tip me!"

The aunt's face changed, "Oh my god, you are capitalism, you..."

"Auntie, this is the first time you have come to the United States. The United States is like this. Everyone's service is valuable. Of course, you can not let my service. You can take a taxi, but I want to remind you You, oh, the taxi drivers here are very vicious, maybe they will rob you, and... they will cost a lot of money..." Lin Lang blinked, she knew it was wrong for her to kill her compatriots, but she had already arrived It's the end of the mountain, who cares about it.

The aunt gritted her teeth and handed over a dollar, "That's enough!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "You're sending a beggar, 20 dollars!"

"My God, why is it so expensive!" the aunt said confidently, "It costs more than 100 yuan in RMB. You are robbing!"

"Auntie, don't even think about it. This is the United States. If I ask you for 20 dollars, it is equivalent to 20 yuan. If you think it's not worth it, you can ask the tour guide over there. They charge 100 dollars an hour, and they also pay No tip for service!" Linlang continued: "Of course, I won't let you spend this money for nothing, I can tell you something about the law and where you can buy good and cheap things!"

The aunt hesitated for a moment, and handed over 10 dollars first, "I'll give you half first, and after you bring me to the place, I'll give you another half!"

Lin Lang nodded, pushed the cart and chatted with Auntie while walking, and told Auntie that there are many shopping places, and there are many places where you can buy cheap things.

The aunt was very vigilant at the beginning, but because Lin Lang was beautiful, like a beautiful doll, she quickly captured the aunt's heart, which also made the aunt relax her vigilance.

"By the way, is the child in the car your son? I have to say that the United States is open, and a child as young as you has a son!" The aunt said with a sigh.

Lin Lang lowered her head and sighed, "I'm only 16 years old, how could I have a child, this is my younger brother, my father is drinking heavily, and my mother ran away with someone else, so I don't care about us at all!

But I still have 5 younger brothers and younger sisters under me. In order to take care of them, I had to drop out of school. In fact, I really envy your socialist country. I think you are very friendly and everyone is very responsible for the family..."

When the aunt heard this, her heart softened, "Poor child!"

Linlang just smiled faintly, and chatted with the aunt for some time. When she saw more and more yellow-skinned people, the aunt knew that she had come to Chinatown, and she happily gave away the remaining 10 dollars. Handed it over, "Thank you, little girl, you are a good girl!"

Lin Lang nodded to Auntie, and after Auntie left, Linlang started to go shopping in Chinatown. Using the 20 dollars in her hand, she bought a lot of red strings and some needles and threads, and after the miscellaneous flowers came down , I still have five dollars left in my hand.

Thinking of the fountain located in the business district, Linlang’s eyes flickered, and she pushed the trolley to the fountain. While no one was paying attention, she started to make money in the fountain. .

Although it is embarrassing to take money from the fountain, but it has reached this point. If they don’t want to make money, their family will starve to death, and winter is coming soon. The heating at home has to be turned on and food is prepared. money.

When Lin Lang thought of this, she picked up even more vigorously. After a while, she cut a bag full of coins. Lin Lang didn't dare to count them, so she turned around and went to another place, picking up a lot of coins.

Of course, the main reason why so many coins can be picked up is that there are more foreigners coming here from the tourist and shopping spots. They will throw some coins in the fountain and make a wish.

Lin Lang looked at them like this, and didn't know what to say. It's no wonder that God can fulfill your wishes with your pennies.

But because of those people, Linlang counted today's income, and after digging out some coins from other countries, Linlang picked up a total of four to fifty dollars. Of course, it is not possible to pick up so much money every day. First of all, every day There are people in every place. For example, some sanitation workers are lucky today and can pick up money, or if they let those sanitation workers notice, they may get beaten up.

Secondly, it is not every day that tourists throw money into the fountain, nor does it always have so much money waiting to be picked up by themselves.

Lin Lang sorted out the money, selected some silver coins, and some commemorative coins, went to the antique shop, and sold those coins, but the money was not much, only a few tens of dollars!

Linlang went to the bank to change some of the small change into real money. With the money, Linlang went to the largest supermarket in the local area and bought a lot of goods. I have to say that foreign coins are really valuable. Look at that Roasted turkey only costs 4 bucks, bread costs only [-] buck, and some other things, that’s even less.

Lin Lang spent half of the money in his hand and bought a lot of things, which were full. Fortunately, there was a small cart to hang the things in the corner and walked slowly home, waiting for the rush. It was already dark when we got home.

"Sister!" Debbie ran out when she heard the voice, looked at the pile of things, and covered her mouth, "Sister, where did you buy so many things? You can't just grab them!"

"If I went to rob it, then your sister and I should be in prison now!" Lin Lang handed the things to Debbie, "There are not many things at home, so I went to buy some things, please help me get them Take it in, and I'll prepare dinner for you!"

What's for dinner?Of course, it was the roast chicken that I bought. Put the roast chicken in the microwave to heat it up, then take out the chicken piece by piece, put some condiments, heat up some bread, cook a can, and dinner is complete.

 The eldest sister's age was changed to 16 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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