Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1658 American Drama World 3

Chapter 1658 American Drama World III

If this meal is served in other people's homes, it may be very common, and it may even be a bit shabby in some rich families' homes, but for these families who have not eaten meat for a long time, this is already a very good delicacy.

The children ate hungrily, and after a while, they ate up the whole chicken. Lin Lang sat by the side, watching them eat deliciously, and was very happy in her heart.

"But sister, where did you get the money to buy these things?" Debbie raised her head and asked with concern.

Lin Lang didn't hide anything, so she told about her encounter with a Chinese aunt in the business district today, and Debbie nodded, "So that's the case, the Chinese are really rich, and they will give you 20 dollars for a trip. It would be great if we could encounter such good things a few more times!"

Lin Lang smiled lightly, "How can there be such a good thing in the world? If you want to earn money, you have to earn it with your own hands. There is no such thing as a white pie in the sky!"

A few children seem to understand, but in fact, you never understand why there is such a big difference between foreigners and Chinese. Once foreigners degenerate, they really degenerate. It is very scary, and foreigners They are very greedy and selfish, they only care about themselves, and they have no money. They never think about working hard in the past, or studying hard to change their lives. They only think about stealing and robbing the Chinese. The Chinese are smart. , hardworking, brave and upright.

Even the poorest people will not lack backbone, they will fight hard and will not steal or rob.

Lin Lang couldn't help sighing, obviously they are all from the same Earth, so why are there such big differences, but compared to Africans, they are actually pretty good.

After the meal, several children were very considerate to help Lin Lang clean up the tableware on the table, while Lin Lang helped prepare breakfast for tomorrow morning and their lunch in the kitchen.

By the time all this was done, it was already evening. My sister and child were sitting on the sofa while doing their homework and watching TV. The room was very warm, but soon this warmth was broken, and a drunk man stumbled in. After seeing them, he held up the wine bottle and laughed and said, "This wine is really delicious!"

After finishing, Frank fell to the ground drunk and fell asleep. After Debbie saw it, she picked up a pillow from the sofa and put it on Frank's head, and covered him with a blanket.

Lin Lang shook her head, picked up the things she bought in Chinatown today, went back to her room, and started making various bows. This was not enough, she also embroidered a few butterflies and flowers on a piece of white silk with a needle and thread, because It was because of the night, so it took a lot of time. After everything was done, it was already midnight.

Lin Lang was woken up by the alarm again on the second day. Lin Lang yawned, and washed her face with cold water to wash away all the drowsiness. When he came out, he took out the stuffing he chopped yesterday. What he made was a fresh shrimp and egg stuffing, with some radishes added in it.

Linlang made fried and steamed dumplings, and made some seasonings. Thinking of the American taste, Linlang made tomato seasoning, vinegar seasoning, and a lemon juice seasoning.

After the children woke up, they couldn't help swallowing when they smelled the fragrance in the air. Even Rip couldn't help but said, "Sister, what are you doing? Why is it so fragrant?"

"Chinese dumplings, my aunt taught me yesterday!" After all, it is impossible for an American to learn Chinese dumplings for no reason.

"Then these dumplings are too delicious!" Ian couldn't help but said while eating the dumplings.

Lin Lang patted his head, "Eat slowly, there's more to prepare!"

Not only were there dumplings, but Lin Lang also poured them a glass of milk to prevent them from choking.

Lunch is also steamed and fried dumplings, which are placed in an insulated box, but it should be cold after class, but don't be afraid, their school has a microwave oven, you can use it to heat it up.

After Lin Lang sent them all away, she prepared diapers and feeding bottles, and pushed the child to the commercial street. When they got there, Lin Lang found a remote place, put a piece of cloth on it, and put all kinds of things that she made herself. good stuff.

After a while, a person was attracted to her. Looking at the exquisite Pisces knot, she couldn't help but praise and said, "My God, this is so beautiful!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Thanksgiving will be one month away, you can buy one for your family or friends, one for $6, and if you want to buy two, you can count $10!"

The man's eyes lit up, "It's too cheap, then I want 4!"

Linlang made 4 or [-] of them last night, with various styles. He originally wanted to sell them in Chinatown, but he was afraid that some Chinese people would sell them in Chinatown, so he went to the commercial street first. I was lucky, but I didn't expect to be too lucky. I sold [-] of them right after it opened.

Lin Lang happily handed over the item, and then highlighted the embroidery that she had worked so hard to do, "You can see, this thing is called embroidery, and it is stitched with needles little by little. It is very beautiful, yes. The most traditional craft in China, very rare, you can give it to your elders or your wife, I believe they will like it very much!"

"Oh my God!" Looking at the vivid handkerchief, the man covered his mouth, "It's like a painting, how much is it? I want it!"

You must know that this handkerchief cost me a whole night of work. Lin Lang directly called out the price of 100 US dollars, and the man did not bargain. After all, those who can appear in the business period are basically rich people, and 100 US dollars is for them. , basically no burden.

After a while, Lin Lang's things were sold out, and she didn't dare to stay here for a long time, for fear that the police would chase her away, so she packed up the rest of the things, carried the bag, and walked step by step. walked back.

After arriving home, Lin Lang began to count the money she earned today. After counting down, she couldn't help but sigh, it's so easy to earn money as a foreigner, and she earned a full 300 yuan today!
Of course, not every day is such good luck, 300 yuan is not too much, there are 5 children in the family, and my children are all in school, although they are also making money in their own way, but the food and drink at home Water and electricity cost money.

Because Liam was too young, Lin Lang couldn't let Liam go out to work at all. It is true that making handicrafts can make money, but not much, but embroidery is indeed a way out, and she has to give these children another one. Where I live, there are several children with psychological problems, so I must find someone to counsel them.

But when it comes to psychological counseling, Lin Lang thinks of someone, but she can't find her yet...

Now that she has made money, Lin Lang is not stingy. She first boiled a pot of chicken soup with yesterday's chicken skeleton, and then made a pot of noodles with a few small cabbages.

The chicken soup made from chicken skeletons is extremely delicious, coupled with the refreshing taste of cabbage, it makes the children's mouths linger after eating, and they can't wait to lick the bottom of the pot.

"Except for the inconvenient use of a fork, everything else is good. The noodles are so delicious, even better than the pasta I've ever eaten!" Rip said happily.

 Everyone, come and guess, who is the most powerful person in psychological counseling? Let me remind you, she is also a character in an American TV series, and she is a lady, and her son is the protagonist of an American TV series!

(End of this chapter)

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