Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1659 American Drama World 4

Chapter 1659 American Drama World IV

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and after they finished their meal, all the children went up, except for Rip!
"Rip, you are the eldest son in the family, so there are some things I shouldn't hide from you. Recently, I made some money doing handicrafts, so I thought, if I earn enough money, I want to take you with me." Move the children out of here, out of this place!" Lin Lang spoke out her thoughts.

When Rip heard this, he showed a surprised expression, "Isn't it good to live here? We don't have to pay rent, and we are surrounded by familiar neighbors..."

"It's really good, but the environment here is too bad. The people living around are either thieves or people with some criminal experience. Their children are still young. I don't want them to stay here forever, so as not to learn from those bad guys. , and Frank... He is not a competent father at all, and he still has some bad habits. I am really afraid that the child will learn from him..." Lin Lang continued, "About money Don't worry, give me a year, at most a year and a half, I want to take you out of here and change a school for you!"

Rip nodded, "You are the eldest sister in the family. You are in charge of everything in the family. I listen to you. By the way, aren't you doing handicrafts? How are you doing? Do you need my help? "

Lin Lang wanted to refuse, but thought that this might be a good time to promote the relationship between the whole family, so she nodded, and asked a few children to come down, took out the red rope she bought, and asked them to make various knots.

"My God, sister, how on earth did you manage to make such a beautiful concentric knot? How can I not do it? I feel like I'm clumsy!" Debbie frowned and said with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"This needs to be done slowly and patiently!" Lin Lang said comfortingly.

After working all night, they discarded some unqualified ones and made fifty or sixty ones. Lin Lang didn't do embroidery because she taught them how to make concentric knots.

In addition to selling the knots she made in the commercial district, Lin Lang also went to Chinatown to sell them. It was typical to change places with a cannonball, because she was afraid that the police would trouble her.

However, she is very lucky, and she can sell all the things she makes every time. The main reason is that the United States does not have its own culture. It is very expensive to buy, and because Thanksgiving is approaching, people's purchasing power has been greatly enhanced.

In the next few days, the children became proficient. They could make 100 knots in one night. Not only that, they also came to the school to sell them. Saved up to $5000.

Anyway, this is the first time for the children to see such a large sum of money, and their eyes are almost straightened. Lin Lang can't, the fool put the money at home, after all, there is a mouse in the house, why did you get lost someday? , So he deposited the money in the bank, and the bank card was also placed in a remote place.

"Oh, my dear, I finally saw you!" A man ran over, grabbed Lin Lang's hand and said excitedly: "Do you remember me? This is the place where I bought a pair of your embroidery, That embroidery is so beautiful, my grandma likes it very much, but...she asked if you have anything else, he is willing to pay a high price for it!"

Linlang naturally knows the price of Chinese embroidery. You are like some foreign brands. As long as it is a purely hand-made product, the price will go up and up, not to mention this human treasure embroidery, especially in recent years. There are fewer and fewer embroidery craftsmen, and the price of exquisite handicrafts is getting higher and higher.

Lin Lang directly quoted 5000 US dollars, "Don't blame me for the high price, but I'm worth the price. After all, it's stitched one by one, and it takes a lot of eyes!"

"Of course I know, money is not a problem!" The man nodded and took out a photo at the same time, "I want you to embroider this!"

Lin Lang picked up the photo and frowned, "This is a landscape photo, it may take some effort to embroider it, and... the price may not be as low as I just said, and I need to add a little more !"

"Honey, I just said that money is not a problem!" The man continued, "As long as you can help me embroider this landscape painting, I will give you $1!"

Linlang's eyes lit up, and then she estimated the time, "I can fix it for you in about half a month, but you have to pay me half of the deposit, otherwise I won't be able to embroider it!"

"Yes, yes!" The man took out the check without hesitation, "Then let's leave a contact information!"

Lin Lang reported the landline at home, and wrote her address to the man, "You can find me at this place in half a month!"

The man happily agreed, "Honey, if this pair of embroidery is finished, I will introduce you to more clients then!"

Lin Lang's eyes lit up, and she nodded, "Don't worry!"

Now that she had accepted the job, Lin Lang went to Chinatown to buy a vacation, but found that there was no one for sale, so she had to go to the carpentry factory and order one for herself.

"Oh, damn it, what is this!" Frank walked in drowsily, kicked the wooden shelf as soon as he entered the door, clutched his feet, and yelled loudly.

Lin Lang glanced at Frank and warned, "This is the magic weapon I use to make money, stay away from him!"

Frank spread his hands, "Okay, my eldest daughter, who made you the master of this family, I will obey you!"

Lin Lang took out 10 dollars and handed it to Frank, "Go outside, I don't want others to disturb me at home!"

After taking a look at the money, Frank readily agreed, "Oh, my eldest daughter, it seems that you have earned a lot of money during this period, but don't worry, since I have accepted your money, I will definitely fulfill your wish , I will never come back to bother you, but you also understand that ten dollars...can't do much, so I guess I will come back tomorrow..."

Lin Lang nodded casually, and after they left, she fed the baby again, changed the diaper, took out the photos and started embroidery.

Time passed by, until she heard the sound of the door opening, Lin Lang realized that three hours had passed, and during this time she had been sitting buried in the embroidery frame.

"What is this?" Debbie ran over cheerfully and asked suspiciously.

"This is an embroidery frame, specially for embroidery!" Lin Lang explained.

Debbie nodded half-understanding, "But why didn't you put this thing in the living room? It's inconvenient to come and go!"

"Because the light here is the best!" Lin Lang couldn't help sighing, "To be honest, this thing really can't be kept here, after all, there is Frank in the house, if he breaks this thing, that will be bad Already!"

"Then what should we do?" Debbie asked anxiously.

Lin Lang suddenly thought that there was a room with a very bright light upstairs, "I have an idea, isn't there a room for Frank upstairs? We can free up that room and let me concentrate on embroidery!"

"But what about Frank?" Debbie had a kind little angel's heart, and when she heard that her father's room was going to be vacated, she was a little anxious.

"Honey, I'm not going to drive him away. Think about it, after he comes back every day, he either faints in the living room, or runs outside to play. Basically, he rarely returns to the room. The room is empty and empty. It's better to leave it to him." I do embroidery so that I can supplement my family expenses, and you also know that it will be winter soon, and the water and electricity bills at home will all have to be paid..." Linlang said slowly.

Debbie nodded slowly, "Let me listen to my sister more, but if Frank really wants to go back to the room, we have to vacate the room!"

"Don't worry!" Lin Lang promised, "At worst, you can live in my room and let Frank live in your room. Anyway, I won't drive him away!"

Debbie happily agreed, and helped Lin Lang organize things.

 In fact, I think that when I was young, that is, when the first and second seasons just started, the eldest sister and the others still liked his father very much. For example, when the father disappeared, the eldest sister and the others were very anxious. But then my father went too far, and later reported the eldest sister, which must be the reason why the eldest sister gave up.

  But let me tell you, if I had a father like Frank, I'd kill him too.

  As for their mother, I don't think they did anything wrong, but the only thing is that they are mentally abnormal, and there is always a feeling of suffocation.

(End of this chapter)

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