Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1663 American Drama World 8

Chapter 1663 American Drama World Eight

Bevney took a sip of coffee and smiled softly, "Oh dear, when you invited me here, you should have known what I would do!"

Lin Lang took a deep breath of analysis, and at this moment the door opened, and several children walked in. Debbie was the first to enter the door. Seeing Bevney, her eyes lit up, "Who is this lady?"

"It's a friend of my sister's, who will be a guest at home for a few days!" Lin Lang introduced, "Her name is Bevney. By the way, these are..."

Bevney raised her hand lightly, "You don't need to introduce, you wrote in the letter, I know who they are, this cute little angel must be Debbie, Debbie, hello, my name is Bevney, Sit here, I want to talk to you!"

"Is it so fast?" Lin Lang was a little worried, "Or let's have dinner first... I'm good at cooking, do you like Chinese food? I can make Kung Pao Chicken, Hot and Sour Potato Shreds..."

"I want to talk to this little girl!" Bevney said firmly.

Lin Lang sighed and could only stand up, "Alright then, I'll prepare dinner for you!"

Rip glanced at Bevney and then at Lin Lang. His eyes were full of doubts, but he didn't ask any questions. He took the children up to put the schoolbags away.

"Oh, cute little angel, you look so cute!" Bevney said softly, "But I see some sadness between your brows, can you tell me why?"

Debbie saw such a gentle elder for the first time, her heart softened instantly, she sat on the sofa and whispered: "Actually, it's okay... The main reason is because I feel so lonely after moving here..."

"It's not just that, because your father didn't move here, so you feel sad!" Bevney said softly.

Debbie nodded, and said in a sad tone: "Although Frank likes to drink and is irresponsible, he is my father after all. I really miss him and hope he can come to see me...but it's been so long Frank still didn't come to see me, I'm afraid he will forget me!"

"Dear baby, don't worry, even if your father doesn't come to look for you, you still have so many family members who are with you. You are not alone, and your sister loves you very much!"

Debbie had a sore nose when she heard this, tears fell, "Yes, my sister loves me very much, but I always feel insecure, I am too lonely, other children's birthdays are celebrated by their parents, but I No, sometimes I wonder if it's because I'm not good enough that I can't get the love of my parents..."

"Of course not, you are a very good girl, like a little angel, everyone likes you very much!" Bevney's eyes softened, she touched Debbie's head, and said comfortingly: " I also like you very much, so sweetheart, you must not do something for love, come out with some love, it is all kinds, as long as you are good enough and good enough, one day you will wait for your love People, don't rush this kind of thing, take your time, in fact, love is all around you, but you can't see it..."

Debbie is a child who lacks love. At the beginning, because a boy said she loved her, Debbie believed her. For that boy, she became pregnant with his child, had children before marriage, and finally dropped out of school to become a welder and raise children.

Debbie kept crying, "I like you very much, can you live here forever..."

"Lovely Debbie, I can't stay here. Of course, we can contact you by email. I can come and see you when I'm free. After all, my son lives here!" Bevney said softly.

"Your son? Do you have a son?" Debbie asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" Bevney seemed unwilling to mention this, "Okay baby, let's not talk about this, come and try the little cake baked by your sister, it's very delicious!"

After eating the cake, Debbie seemed to be in a better mood, and talked to Bevney about a lot of things until Lin Lang finished the dinner.

When it was time for dinner, several children came down, and everyone sat at the dining table, eating food, and discussing what happened today.

Bevenny has been listening quietly, taking two bites of food from time to time. After everyone finished talking, Bevenny gracefully wiped the stains from the corners of her mouth with a napkin, and said to Lin Lang, "Fiona, I have to say The meals you cook are very delicious, I like them very much, and I hope we can get along happily in the next period of time!"

"Of course!" Lin Lang nodded.

In the next few days, Bevney talked with the children in the family. The first one was Ian. Bevney talked a lot with him and understood that this is a sensitive child with depression. The main reason is that the child feels that his parents don’t love him, and he feels that his parents’ marriage is not happy, so he thinks that marriage between opposite sex is not good, and he thinks that same sex is true love. After Beveni's enlightenment, Ian became much more cheerful, and he also had a glimmer of expectation for marriage.

The second one is Carl, that irritable kid became a lot more obedient after meeting Bevney, and he also began to restrain his desires, no longer playing with control knives, no more violence, of course, as long as those children don’t Bully him, and Carl won't bully them.

Rip kept watching quietly, and finally knew something was wrong. He asked Lin Lang when there was no one around, "Who is that Bevni?"

Lin Lang continued to clear the dining table without raising her head and said, "My friend!"

"Don't lie to me. I checked online that she is a very famous psychologist and a human observer. What do you want?" Rip said anxiously.

Lin Lang sighed, "Since you know who he is, why do you still ask me?"

"Then why did you let her come over?" Rip asked angrily, "Do you think everyone in the family has problems?"

Lin Lang put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, looked at Rip, and said slowly: "Rip, I am your eldest sister, I really won't harm you, I really let him come here for everyone's benefit, not to mention Debbie and Ian just say Carl, do you think it's normal for a kid so young to use violence to solve everything and like to play with knives?"

"I..." Rip hesitated.

Lin Lang continued: "Debbie is a little angel, he is kind-hearted, but he lacks love too much, which is not good for her future growth, she must find someone to enlighten him, and Ian, because of the matter of Frank and Monica, I have been depressed all the time, especially Ian and Monica look so similar, I am really afraid that the artist will inherit Monica's depression!"

Rip nodded, "I see, but I won't say anything to that woman, I think I'm fine!"

Lin Lang smiled at Rip, "Don't be so repulsive to her, she is really great, you can talk to him more, and express your worries!"

"I'm not bothered anymore, I think I'm normal!" Rip said emphatically.

"Impossible, almost everyone has problems in their hearts, just big or small!

Well, as long as you have a good talk with Bevney, I'll buy you a motorcycle then! "

Rip's eyes lit up, "Then...then I'll talk to her, but it's just a talk..."

"You are a smart person, but you are only smart. You are too arrogant. You always think you are better than others, but that is not the case. My son, it should be said, is my least capable son, 25 years old He became a Ph.D., and his roommate, who was admitted to a famous university at the age of 11, is now a Ph.D. in MIT!" Bevney said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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