Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1664 American Drama World 9

Chapter 1664 American Drama World IX

"What were you doing when you were 11 years old? I heard from your sister that you were still in school when you were 11 years old. Although you were once at the top, you couldn't go to college at all, right? You can't go to college now..." Bevney slowly He said calmly: "Of course, if you don't believe me, I can take you to see them and let you see what a smart person is!"

Rip said angrily: "I will see you when I see you, I don't believe that there are really such smart people in the world!"

Lin Lang's eyes lit up when they were going to the city center alone, and she immediately said that she would drive them there. Besides these, she also prepared a bunch of presents.

"Honey, you don't need to buy these!" Bevney said softly.

"It's okay!" After all, it's a little exciting to meet those scientific lunatics, but Lin Lang's favorite among them is Sheldon. Although he is a bit weird and has a stubborn temper, he is very cute.

When they came to an apartment, the door opened before they walked in, and a group of people walked in. When one of the people wearing glasses stopped after seeing Bevney, he shouted in disbelief, " Mother?"

Bevney nodded, pointed at Leonard and said, "This is my ineffective little son!"

Leonard's face changed again and again, "Mom, I'm a physicist now, and I'm also a Ph.D., and I'm employed at Caltech!"

Bevney nodded, "I know, but among my few children, you are still the least capable!"

Beveni's other children, one of whom is a judge of the court and the other is a biologist, have published several papers. Compared with his older brothers and sisters, Leonard is indeed not enough to read.

"Oh, Bevney didn't expect to meet you, I'm so happy!" Shelton walked over, "I have some new ideas recently, do you need to take a look?"

"No, I'll take my friends to visit today. By the way, are you going to school? Can you show us around?" Bevney asked.

"Of course!" Sheldon immediately agreed.

Rip has been following them, listening to them talking about various physics knowledge, his complexion sank a little bit, and when they came to the university, Rip completely lost his sense of superiority.

Lin Lang looked at the famous university, and whispered to Rip next to him, "This university is quite close to home, you can come here to study in the future!"

"Yeah!" Rip nodded casually.

Lin Lang continued, "Don't study physics, just study engineering. The engineering here is quite famous!"

"Oh, lady, are you discriminating against physics? You must know that only physics can better understand the world, engineering? That's knowledge learned by gorillas, okay?" Sheldon heard their conversation and replied Turning his head, he said sarcastically.

Lin Lang smiled apologetically at Sheldon, "Physics is really amazing, but my brother is most interested in engineering. He likes to build all kinds of small things, especially some robots and the like. We don't have any Discrimination against physics, you don't mind!"

Sheldon looked better, "That's the best, physics is the most amazing!"

At this moment, a man in a high-necked shirt turned around and winked at Lin Lang and said, "You beauty, you made the right choice by choosing engineering. Through space!"

"Howard, you have told many people about your experience in space. It's no big deal. Even monkeys have been in space. When I win the Nobel Prize, it will be a big deal!" Shelton said. Said sarcastically again.

Rip has been silently following them to visit the school and various laboratories. When he went back, he suddenly said: "Fiona, I think my knowledge is very shallow. I thought I was smart, so I was complacent over there, but I didn’t expect that there are people outside the world, such as Sheldon, who was admitted to university at the age of 11... and got a Phd at the age of 15... He is really smart, and that Howard looks like It’s unreliable, but I’ve been in space…”

"Honey, you don't need to belittle yourself. In fact, you are already very smart. You just need to work harder!" Linlang said comfortingly.

Rip nodded with a sad face, and studied harder after returning home. When Bevney was about to leave, Rip had a good chat with him again, which seemed to untie a lot of knots in his heart. More calm.

Lin Lang could see the changes in the children, especially Rip, who was about to be a sophomore in high school and could apply for university in one year. Lin Lang hoped that he could apply for Caltech, after all, this university was close to home.

Rip also liked Caltech, especially the engineering there, so he chose Caltech without hesitation. In order to go to college, Rip participated in many community activities, made many friends, and won a lot of money from his teachers. Got a good reputation.

In the second year, Rip was admitted by Caltech. Lin Lang was very happy and rented an apartment directly above Sheldon's apartment, but it was not for him to live in, but for Rip to live in. , with good people, people will become better.

Not only that, Linlang also bought a car for Rip. Although it was a second-hand car, it was already great. It wasn't that Linlang didn't buy him a better one. The main reason was that Rip was a student and didn't need to drive too much. A good car is almost fine, and I can buy him a better one after work.

Several children are also on the right track. First of all, Ian wanted to be a soldier. Later, after talking with Bevney, he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to study medicine. Lin Lang was more in favor of it. After all, there is no danger in studying medicine.

As for Debbie and Carl, Debbie is still a little angel. She is very kind to people and has made many friends. As for Carl, she has also learned to solve problems without violence, and her academic performance has also kept up.

The youngest, Liap, has already started to learn to speak, and Lin Lang sent him to kindergarten when he was a little older!

When Lin Lang thought that life would pass day by day like this, two uninvited guests came. Seeing them, Lin Lang pulled his face down, and said angrily: "If you have anything to do, just stand here and talk, this family is not good. welcome!"

"But... I am your mother, I really want to see the children, and I want to fulfill my responsibilities as a mother..." Monica said with a weak face.

Lin Lang shook her head, "If you really want to fulfill your responsibilities as a mother, you shouldn't come to us. We are living really well now. Rip went to college, and it is the best California university, Ian I'm also planning to apply for university to study medicine, and Debbie Kekar ​​has become very good, this family doesn't need you anymore, and you will only cause us trouble when you come here..."

"But, I really want to meet them!" Monica said sadly, "I am their mother, please, I want to fulfill my responsibilities as a mother, I really miss them..."

"Tell me, how much money do you want this time? $1000, $2000, forget it, I'll give you $5000, don't show up in front of my eyes again..." Lin Lang took out the check, "Of course, I I have a request, if you show up in front of me again, I don't mind calling the police!"

After Frank saw the check, his eyes lit up and he said quickly, "Dear daughter, I really didn't break my promise. In fact, I had to. Your mother is terminally ill, and she hopes to see her child before she dies... "

Hearing this, Lin Lang lowered his head, remembering that Monica died almost at this time, he sighed, "Since you are sick, please stay in the hospital. As for the children, I will inform them Come back!"

Monica's eyes flashed with gratitude, "Thank you, really thank you..."

(End of this chapter)

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