Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1665 American Drama World

Chapter 1665 American Drama World Ten

Lin Lang sent Monica to the hospital first, arranged for the best doctor, and asked them to choose the best medicine, but Monica's health was already broken. After all, she was drinking heavily and taking some messy medicine. It's a miracle that it lasted this long.

Before Monica left, several children surrounded him telling stories and talking about interesting things that happened in life. Monica had a smile on her lips when she left.

As for Frank, after getting the money, he was not as happy as he had imagined. After Monica left, he seemed to have aged decades and lost all energy.

It was impossible for Lin Lang to let him go outside alone, so she could only take him back home, and specially hired a nanny to take care of him, but Lin Lang didn't want to take care of the rest.

However, the matter of Monica has not subsided, and Frank fell ill again, and the illness was so violent that he coughed up blood. After the doctor's examination, he had liver cancer. If he wanted to live, he had to change his liver, but There are at least tens of 10 people who need to have their organs replaced, and it is impossible for Frank to take his turn.

Frank also seemed to understand something. He no longer drank like usual, and he was unwilling to stay in the hospital. He spent his cautious life with the children. After he left, several children cried, although Frank and Monica They are a pair of unreliable parents, but they finally gave them their lives and gave them a home.

After graduating from university, Lin Lang gave him [-] U.S. dollars as his start-up capital. Rip was very smart and quickly made a lot of money with the [-] U.S. dollars, but then changed again. He became Only the most confidential, the whole person began to degenerate, started drinking, racing cars, doing all depraved things...

Lin Lang didn't care about this matter, the child was very strange, Lin Lang touched their heads, and said: "Rip is an adult, I can't always control him, he has his own choice, we should respect him This is his life, not mine!"

When I saw him again, Rip came back with a child in his arms, followed by a woman. Lin Lang didn't say anything. As a family member, Lin Lang warmly entertained them and provided them with a room. It started to get lively.

After graduating from university, Ian was very busy, and he didn't see each other once a year. On Thanksgiving, Ian came back specially, and the family got together to eat and drink happily.

Debbie is also admitted to college, majoring in teaching, and will graduate next year, and Carl is going to military school. As for the youngest Leap, I have to say that this child is inherited from Frank's head, but not from Frank's bad temper is a positive and optimistic boy.

The children grew up slowly and gradually had their own families. When they got old, they got together again, and then left one by one.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was woken up by the pain. She lifted her clothes and looked at the red marks on her body. They should have been beaten by bamboo weaving and whips. The wounds were burning and painful. There should be pepper water or salt water. of.

Lin Lang looked at the drowsy hut, completely confused about what happened. She squinted her eyes, looking at the place where the light was shining, her whole body ached terribly.

At this moment, the door opened, and a thin and thin man walked in. He raised his orchid finger, held a Buddha dust in his hand, and said in a strange way: "Oh, you are awake. Since you are awake, don't stay here." While pretending to be with our family, hurry up to pick up the water, and chop the firewood by the way, I didn’t marry you to treat you as a young mistress!"

Lin Lang touched her head, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm really not feeling well, I seem to have caught a cold, can you give me some hot water first..."

"Heh, do you still think you are the big maid next to the imperial concubine? Don't think about it anymore, you are just a eunuch's companion now!" Eunuch Xia raised his brows, "Hurry up and go to work, or I will beat you to death !"

Linlang finally knew how the wound on her body came about, but because she didn't know anything, she could only hold her nose and go to work honestly to fetch water, but because her body had been having a fever over there, she worked intermittently Yes, and fell to the ground several times.

After finishing the work with difficulty, the eunuch threw a bowl of cold porridge to him, twisted his waist and left, "Tonight, the miscellaneous family is going to serve the emperor, so I will spare you this time, remember to give me a hand when I come back." Boil the hot water and wash the clothes by the way, otherwise the miscellaneous family will definitely not let you go!"

After the people left, Lin Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief, regardless of whether she was dirty or not, wrapped in a thick quilt, closed her eyes and began to accept the plot of the song.

"I am the eldest maid next to the imperial concubine. I entered the palace with him. I served by the imperial concubine's side when I was very young. When he entered the palace, I also served by his side. I thought I I will serve the imperial concubine for the rest of my life, until I get old!

But just because the emperor praised her beautiful hands, the imperial concubine was afraid of me. In fact, I didn't miss the emperor because I knew that being the emperor's woman would have no good end, and I didn't want to betray my lady either!

But the young lady obviously thought too much, he was afraid that I would steal the emperor's favor, so he betrothed me to the eunuch who was next to the emperor, so as to win over the people around the emperor, the noble concubine was happy, but my life was worse than that of a pig and a dog, that The eunuch is not a human being at all, it’s nothing more than a handicapped body, but also a handicapped heart, he abuses me all day long, doesn’t give me food, doesn’t give me drink, beats me and scolds me in the cold!

I begged the imperial concubine to let him spare me, I can be a rough envoy, and I can never appear in front of the emperor for the rest of my life, but the imperial concubine didn't believe it at all, and told the eunuch to treat me well!
In this way, I was punished more severely, so the maid is not a human being?Do court ladies have no human rights?I just want to live a good life, I beg you, I want to live to someone, I don't want to be beaten by others, I want to take revenge on the noble concubine, what can I do to feel sorry for her, there was a concubine who offended the noble concubine, It was I who tidied up that concubine for the noble concubine, and it was also I who tidied up the tail for the noble concubine!
I do my best for the imperial concubine, but what does the imperial concubine treat me?I really hate him, I want to take away everything around him, I want to make his life worse than death, and that dead eunuch, please help me get revenge! "

After receiving the plot, Lin Lang's eyes flickered, thinking that she was going to attack the eunuch tonight, but hesitated again, now that she doesn't know martial arts, if she attacks the eunuch, if someone else finds out, then she will die One thing, besides, I am now a vassal, relying on the eunuch to transfer ownership, if I am too much under surveillance, I will not have a good life, so wait first, and it will not be too late to attack that eunuch after my wings are strong .

Lin Lang first went to the small kitchen to cook a bowl of porridge for herself, and then boiled a bowl of ginger soup for herself. After drinking it, her body warmed up. She practiced martial arts for a while while she still had time, and then started to boil hot water to wash clothes.

When the eunuch came back, he found that Xiaoyuanzi had tidied up everything in an orderly manner, even the weeds in the corners were gone, and the ground was bare, exuding a clean and tidy smell.

 Let me tell you about my story. People have always said that I have a lot of typos. In fact, there are many typos. The main reason is that I use the voice input method, so there will inevitably be more typos.

  And I don’t hide my diploma from everyone. I did graduate from junior high school, but it’s not because I can’t continue studying. I like studying very much, but...God is so teasing. I had a serious illness and my whole body was swollen. I had no choice but to recuperate at home after the exam, so I graduated from junior high school.

  Over the years, I have been working outside, but I am unwilling in my heart that my life will be ruined. Every time I dream, I can dream that I am studying in school, and I am very sad when I wake up.

  During this period of time, I have been thinking about my own affairs. I thought that I should not continue like this. I thought about taking the adult college entrance examination and getting a diploma back!
(End of this chapter)

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