Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1668 The eunuch's wife 3

Chapter 1668 The Eunuch's Wife III
In the evening, after Eunuch Xia went back, he punched and kicked Linlang first, then dragged him to the door regardless of Linlang's wishes, and threw all her luggage out, saying indifferently: "My temple is too small to accommodate you. You big Buddha, from now on you will be on duty in the cold palace. Of course, if you have the ability to return to the side of Concubine Gao, then you can still be your maid of honor, the confidant of Concubine Gao, but Concubine Gao is already around. Now that there is a grand maid, you can only be a poor court lady..."

Lin Lang was angry at the fact that she had been beaten, her eyes lit up when she heard that the dead eunuch was willing to drive her away, but she immediately pretended to be sad, "Elder-in-law, what did I do wrong?" What? Why did you drive me away? I can change it, please, don't drive me away, okay? The imperial concubine doesn't want me anymore, if you don't want me anymore, who else will want me? "

Eunuch Xia said with a look of disgust, "Do you know that because of your affairs, I almost ruined my future today. I finally climbed to such a high position, and it is impossible for me to be driven down because of you. go!
If you wish and don’t blame others, just blame Concubine Gao. If he hadn’t given you to me and threatened me with you, I wouldn’t have driven you away. You are a pretty good woman, because you have served me For the sake of so many days, I also found a good place for you, just go to Lenggong, although there is no one there, and it is often haunted, but at least it is a light-hearted fellow, you can live to old age..."

Lin Lang almost cheered, "Lenggong is good, there is no one in Lenggong, and when he does something to this dead eunuch, no one will suspect a maid in Lenggong."

Linlang sobbed softly, and pretended to be sad again, "Elder-in-law, I know, I have dragged you down, I can't be a husband and wife in this life, so let's do it in the next life, and I will serve you well in the next life!"

Eunuch Xia sighed, "Okay, let's not talk about this, you can go now!"

Just like that, Lin Lang went to the Leng Palace with all her burdens. Compared with her maid, the concubines of the Leng Palace are even more pitiful. They have enjoyed rich clothes and fine food, but suddenly they have nothing left. I can't bear it, basically. The concubine here went crazy within a few months.

Moreover, these concubines also have old enemies outside, so their lives are not very good, but these concubines are much better, they have a lot of power to speak, they can beat and scold those concubines, and they can also detain them. It's expensive, but Lin Lang can't do such a heartless thing, obediently do her duty, clean the yard, and take care of those crazy concubines. By the way, Lin Lang even opened up a small garden to grow some vegetables and so on. of.

Lin Lang has been thinking about revenge, two months have passed quickly, Lin Lang's martial arts has been practiced almost, and on another rainy day, she followed Eunuch Xia, waited for the dead eunuch to go to a remote place, and took out a stone , threw it out, and hit the dead eunuch's leg.

"Oops!" Eunuch Xia screamed. Father sat on the ground. He wiped off the rain from his face, looked around, and shouted, "Is there anyone there?"

"Yes, but I'm not here to save you, but to take your dog's life!" Lin Lang walked out slowly with a wooden stick, and smiled sinisterly at Eunuch Xia, "Do you know what I want to do?" It's been a long time since I killed you. If I wasn't afraid that I would be involved if I killed you, I would have done it a long time ago. I didn't expect you to give me a chance to transfer me to the cold palace, so when I kill you, I probably won't be able to kill you. Some people will doubt me, the world is so beautiful, and now I can finally fulfill my wish!"

Eunuch Xia was terrified, and kept backing away, "What are you talking about? Do you know what you're doing? I'm still an official of the court. If you kill me, you won't have any good fruit!"

"Hahaha, there are no shops in front of the village and no one in the back. I will kill you. As long as the finishing is done well, others will not notice that there is something abnormal. As for you, you are just a dead eunuch. If you die, you will die." Well, maybe others are happy, because your death is equivalent to a vacant seat, so no one will investigate the cause of your death at all..." Lin Lang approached step by step.

Eunuch Xia was really terrified, "Why did you kill me? I really have nothing to apologize for. You betrothed me to me at the beginning, that was also the meaning of Concubine Gao, and driving you away was also because Concubine Gao threatened me. , I am really innocent, if you want to take revenge, you can go to Concubine Gao, what is it for you to find me a little guy?"

"Indeed, it was Concubine Gao who betrothed me to you at the beginning, and it was because of Concubine Gao that I was driven away, but Concubine Gao asked you to beat me? If you have a reason to beat me, that's fine, but you are all because of some Messy things hit me, why am I not human? Do I have no feelings? Don’t I know pain? Just because your official position is higher than mine, you can beat and scold others at will?" Lin Lang showed a sneer, Raising the wooden stick, "So, I want to take revenge fiercely, and don't worry, I will not only kill you, but I will also take back everything that Concubine Gao gave me, so, you Just go on your way with peace of mind!"

Eunuch Xia was really terrified, his pupils dilated rapidly, because his legs and feet were inconvenient and he kept backing up with his hands, but no matter how fast he retreated, he couldn't beat others walking on two legs, and soon Lin Lang arrived In front of her, she raised her wooden stick and hit Eunuch Xia fiercely. Immediately afterwards, Eunuch Xia let out a scream, but it was covered by the sound of thunder and rain.

"Ah..." Eunuch Xia clutched his arm, and a reporter was wailing over there, begging bitterly while wailing, "I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please let me go , I have a large amount of silver in my house, and when I leave, I can give you all the silver..."

Lin Lang sneered and said, "Do I care about your little money? What I want is revenge!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang raised the wooden stick and hit Eunuch Xia's other arm fiercely. Eunuch Xia was knocked down by the wooden stick. He felt that both his arms were broken, but he didn't feel anything at all. Raising his eyes and looking at the woman in front of him, it was as if he saw a ghost from hell.

"I really know I'm wrong, let me go... I won't dare again..." Eunuch Xia cried.

Lin Lang acted as if he hadn't heard the exam, and continued to beat him with a wooden stick. After the beating, he still didn't feel relieved, and even kicked and fanned him with his feet. When he beat Eunuch Xia until he was only venting his anger, Lin Lang finally relieved his anger. He lifted his feet and walked towards the lotus pond.

Although Eunuch Xia was about to die from the beating, he was conscious after all. He felt that after Lin Lang dragged him to the lotus pond, he quickly figured out what Lin Lang was going to do, and crawled back hard, but his hand had already interrupted him. I couldn't use any strength, so I could move my mouth, so I kept begging for mercy, "I really know I was wrong, I apologize to you, I will give you the money, and I can make you appear in the emperor's palace." In front of you, I can make you a concubine, I can also help you deal with Concubine Gao, let me go, I want to live too, I really know I was wrong... I don't want to die... I really don't want to die ...I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... Please let me go, I don't dare to hit you again, I kowtow to you to apologize..."

(End of this chapter)

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