Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1669 The eunuch's wife 4

Chapter 1669 The Eunuch's Wife IV
Seeing that Lin Lang didn't listen to him at all, Eunuch Xia said viciously: "You little bitch, I kindly let you go and found you a place to go. I didn't expect you to be so cruel and merciless, and dare to take mine Life, well, I will suffer if I die at your hands today, but even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Lin Lang frowned, "If there were ghosts in this world, you would have died countless times!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang lifted Eunuch Xia's leg and threw him directly into the pond. She was also afraid that Eunuch Xia would climb up along the pond, so she squatted by the pond all the time, holding a stick in her hand, and saw Eunuch Xia help him up. , just hit it with a stick, and tossed it back and forth several times. After Eunuch Xia stopped floating completely, Lin Lang clapped his hands, took the stick, and went back leisurely.

Early the next morning, Lin Lang pushed open the window and looked at the sunny and sunny appearance outside, showing a slight smile, and dealt with that damned eunuch, the rest should be dealt with Concubine Gao, and the emperor... ...I will deal with them one by one.

"Hey, why are you so honest? If you are asked to sweep the floor, you can sweep the floor. You don't need to sweep the floor. Anyway, no one has visited this place in Lenggong for hundreds of years!" The maid Chunhua came over, "Have you heard that? , the big red man next to the emperor, Eunuch Xia, fell into the pond last night and drowned!"

Lin Lang paused, then continued to sweep the floor, "And then? What does this have to do with us little citizens? Let's do our own thing!"

Chunhua curled her lips, "It's true that it has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with you. If I remember correctly, you were able to go to the Lenggong because of Eunuch Xia. Now that he's dead, you can find something to do with him. Get out of this place, I can't do it, my mouth offends people so much, if I go out, it will only be a dead end, if you don't just stay in the cold palace, at least I will have a bite to eat, and silver flowers..."

Lin Lang shook her head, "I'm giving up too, it's too dangerous outside, I just want to stay in the cold palace honestly!"

Chunhua threw the melon seed husk in her hand on the ground, clapped her hands, "Okay, don't sweep the floor here, let's go and rest under the tree, and you can tell me about the imperial concubine by the way, what is she like?" What kind of person?"

Lin Lang stopped in her tracks, "Why did you think of asking Concubine Gao? He is not a kind person. I am Concubine Gao's servant girl. I grew up with Concubine Gao. After Concubine Gao enters the palace, I will be her right-hand man. In the end, Concubine Gao sent me away not because of Eunuch Xia's words, but everyone in the palace is very ruthless..."

"My God, I didn't expect you to have a rough experience. I ask you, if you have the chance, would you still be willing to return to Concubine Gao?" Chunhua asked curiously.

"Why do you go back? He gave it to another father-in-law when you go back, don't think about it, I escaped from Eunuch Xia's hands with great difficulty, how could I fall into it again!" Lin Lang shook her head, "Okay, don't say these orders It's frustrating, by the way, Eunuch Xia left just like that, and no one helped him collect the body?"

Chunhua shook her head, "Grandpa Xia is not very popular. If he dies, there might be people applauding him. As for what happens after his death, just roll it up on a broken mat and throw it in a mass grave!"

Linlang lowered her eyes, as long as no one noticed, he was happy, but Concubine Gao was upset, and threw all the porcelain around her on the ground.

"I'm really pissed off. That damn Eunuch Xia is useless at all, and he wasted me as a court lady. I really lost my wife and lost my army!" Concubine Gao said angrily.

The palace maid shrank her head, she didn't dare to say something and was afraid because she said something wrong, which made Concubine Gao angry, and it would be bad if Concubine Gao gave it to the eunuchs. Those eunuchs not only have physical defects, but also have defects in their hearts. Beating and scolding at every turn, each of them was very vicious, if he was sent to a eunuch, he would definitely die.

Concubine Gao was really angry when she found that the maid beside her was silent, she became even more angry, "Are you a fool? I am angry now, don't you know how to calm me down by saying something, or give me some ideas?" That's fine, I know I'm stupid all day long, no wonder the emperor doesn't come to my side, my palace is going to fall out of favor, and you servants can't escape!"

The court lady couldn't help but slander in her heart. It's not because of me that you fell out of favor, but because you were too evil. I think the emperor just praised the court lady beside you, and you gave him to the eunuch in jealousy. I believe that as long as it is a man, I would not choose such a jealous woman.

"Your Majesty is not the time to be angry. Since Eunuch Xia is dead, why don't you ask Lin Lang to come back? After all, she is your confidant, and she grew up with you..." The maid was really terrified, thinking what if Lin Lang is back, and she can help her share some of her anger.

Concubine Gao glared fiercely at the court lady, "I sent her away with great difficulty, how could I want her back again, what am I doing when I'm full? It's fine, it's none of your business here, You will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs later, and then choose some porcelain, and make it more beautifully crafted!"

The palace maid was terrified, she ran out scrambling and scrambling, and when she ran outside the door, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like she was alive after a catastrophe.

A court lady came over, quickly supported him, and said with concern: "It's all right!"

The palace lady shook her head, "It's okay, but you don't go to her, she is angry, if you offend her, you probably won't be able to go around!"

The little maid nodded, "I know, I'm not a fool!"

Here, Lin Lang also started to prepare the next plan. She ran to the grassland when there was no one around, and after some searching, she finally found what he wanted.

That night, Lin Lang wore a black night gown, walked in the darkness, and soon arrived at Concubine Gao's palace. Although she hadn't entered yet, she heard Concubine Gao's voice.

"What? You didn't get the porcelain, what are you doing to eat? It's useless!" Concubine Gao said angrily, "I'm a concubine and empress, are they going to use these junk to fool me? Be careful, I'll tell the emperor to let them I can't eat and walk around!"

"Your Majesty, I'm not angry now. The emperor once said that he wants the concubines in the harem to be frugal. If the emperor finds out that you have received such a large sum of porcelain..." the eldest palace lady persuaded in a low voice.

When Concubine Gao heard this, she sat on the chair loosely like a deflated ball, and said sadly: "Their servants are just bullying, isn't it because they saw that the emperor hasn't entered my room for more than a month?" As for the house, it’s just over a month. I’m a noble concubine, and I’m the oldest under the empress... and these broken porcelain, even the lowest concubine doesn’t use it, but they gave it to me, obviously looking down on me. The other concubines know about it, so why would they laugh at me..."

"Your Majesty, don't be angry!" The palace maid said comfortingly, "It's just a few porcelains, it's really not enough, the servants will take out the porcelains from the warehouse, but this time..."

Concubine Gao naturally knew what this servant meant. It was nothing more than to make herself stop beating the porcelain when she was angry. She nodded reluctantly, "Okay, I already know, you should quickly take out the porcelain. , Looking at these scares the porcelain to give it a headache!"

The grand lady sighed, first put away the porcelain sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then went to the warehouse, picked out some exquisite porcelain, and placed them in every corner of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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