Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1671 The eunuch's wife 6

Chapter 1671 The Eunuch's Wife Six
After the emperor finished speaking, he quickly pushed Concubine Gao away and walked out, with a gesture of running away.

"Your Majesty, you must save the courtiers and concubines..." Concubine Gao Gui burst into tears, her nose burst into tears, her facial features were distorted, she looked like a clown, it was annoying!

The emperor glanced back, turned his head away immediately, felt a feeling that he couldn't bear to look directly, suppressed his nausea, and said word by word: "Okay, don't cry anymore, there are no ghosts and gods in the world, there must be someone there Make trouble!

As for this matter, you stay in the palace obediently and cooperate with the officials who come to investigate, and they will give you a reply when the time comes! "

Concubine Gao's heart returned to her stomach little by little, as if she had found comfort, she wiped away the tears on her face, but because of the heavy make-up today, one part of her face was white and the other was darker, as if the color palette had been overturned, the colorful Beautiful, very ugly.

But Concubine Gao didn't know it, she pretended to say: "The emperor's grades are really frightening, so... Your Majesty, can you stay tonight and accompany your concubines... Your Majesty..."

The emperor felt eye pain after just one glance, alas, this woman has too hot eyes, he went to find a few young and beautiful concubines to wash his eyes well, and there was a hint of impatience in his tone, "Okay, what's the matter?" It’s scary, there are so many kilometers too healthy, you will be fine, just stay in the palace!”

"Your Majesty, I really can't do without you!" Concubine Gao Guifei finally looked forward to the emperor's arrival, so she naturally didn't want the emperor to leave, and said softly, "I was really scared, my little heart was there all the time. Jump, the emperor is the emperor of the real dragon, with Long Wei sitting in the town, I believe those Xiao Xiaoxiao will not dare to make trouble, the emperor, you can stay here to accompany the concubine, and the concubine has not seen the emperor for a long time... The concubine is very I miss the emperor..."

The emperor rubbed his temples, "I still have something to do today, so I won't stay here with you, I will come to see you someday!"

When is another day?Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the emperor did not give a positive answer, and Concubine Gao was unwilling to give up this piece of fat, so she cried softly, "Your Majesty, this concubine is really scared..."

The emperor was completely impatient, and shouted loudly: "Enough, it's just a trivial matter, there is nothing to be afraid of, I still have something to do, so I left first!"

After the emperor left, Concubine Gao Guifei finally came to her senses. She was so angry that she was about to pick up the teacup on the table and throw it on the ground, but she remembered that this set of teacups was the last set in the storeroom. If she threw it away, She no longer has a cup for drinking tea. Thinking of this, Concubine Gao gritted her teeth and put the cup on the table again.

But the Land Rover was still there, and Concubine Gao picked up the chair and threw it on the ground. Fortunately, the chair was strong, and it was still intact after falling to the ground.

The palace maid walked in cautiously, knelt on the ground, and really didn't dare to look up to see what was going on inside, "Your Majesty, the emperor has already left, what should we do next?"

Concubine Gao was furious, the emperor finally came here, and she hadn't seized the opportunity, so she just made the meat fly from her mouth, it was really annoying.

"What else can I do? The emperor is gone. Is it possible to bring the emperor back? This palace is not a brothel girl!" Gao Guifei waved her sleeves, looked back into the room, and turned her head away again, full of stomach He said angrily: "Let someone go and clean up the side hall. I live in the side hall today. As for the place, let no one move it. When the investigators come tomorrow, let them take a good look!"

The maid didn't dare to delay, so she quickly went down to order the servants to go, and cleaned up the side hall in a short while, because it was cleaned up temporarily, so many things were not as good as the main hall.

Although Concubine Gao was disgusted, she also understood that now was not the time to hold her nose and sat in.

In the evening, several eunuchs and court ladies sat together, mainly because Gao Guifei experienced what happened at night, so she was a little scared, so they let these court ladies and eunuchs guard.

But those maids and eunuchs couldn't just sit there blankly, so everyone sat together and started talking about what happened today.

"Why are you so panicked? Last time there was an extra snake, this time it was a mouse, and there was so much blood, wouldn't Concubine Gao collide with something?" an eunuch whispered.

"It's really possible. Just think about it. The imperial concubine usually does a lot of evil, and it's normal to bump into anything!"

"My God, it's terrible, I dare not stay here!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, Concubine Gao is still sleeping inside, if she hears it, we won't be able to eat it!"

"Don't worry, the one inside asked me to light the soothing incense because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to sleep well at night. He is probably sleeping soundly now, and he will definitely not be able to hear our conversation!"

Hearing this, several people breathed a sigh of relief in unison, looked at each other, and the other party continued.

"Do you think what happened in the past few days was because Concubine Gao bumped into something bad, or because Concubine Gao offended someone?"

"I think it's because of something bad. After all, you didn't see what happened in that room. It's too infiltrating. It's impossible for people to do it!"

"I think it was made by humans. Think about it, there are no ghosts and gods in the world. Concubine Gao must have offended someone. They took advantage of Concubine Gao not paying attention and arranged the room like that..."

"I think it was made by ghosts. Think about it, we have been looking at Concubine Gao's courtyard and no outsiders have come in, and there is so much blood, and those slanted handprints, obviously made by evil spirits from hell, and those rats, And those snakes, how could they be brought in without anyone noticing, so I think they are ghosts, only ghosts can do such a thing!"

"Okay, don't talk about things that are done by humans or ghosts, let's just do our own things well, don't do bad things at ordinary times, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. The investigating officials will come over tomorrow. Be vigilant What to say and what not to say, or you will be caught by someone, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Thank you, aunt, for reminding me!" Several people quickly thanked, and one of them said angrily, "What is this investigation for? It's obvious that ghosts are causing trouble over there, just find a master to come over and save you!"

"Okay, don't talk about it!" The maid quickly reminded, and then looked around, "It's getting late, let's divide into two groups, one for the first half of the night and one for the second half of the night, otherwise everyone will stay here together , No one will be energetic tomorrow!"

The words of the maid quickly got everyone's approval, after all, they are human beings, it is impossible not to sleep.

On the second day, the emperor sent people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate, mainly asking Concubine Gao who she had offended, who she had had trouble with, and whether she had done anything?
But how can these things be said, if it is really said, it will offend not only Concubine Gao, but also other concubines.

So all the court ladies and eunuchs kept their mouths shut, and none of them would say anything more. They shook their heads quickly when they asked too much, pretending that they didn't understand anything, so this matter has not progressed.

Lin Lang stayed in the cold palace obediently, and after seeing that no one had investigated her, that night, she went to the guard station again to find something.

On the second night, the courtyard of Concubine Gao recalled screams one after another. There were court ladies and eunuchs. They panicked and screamed loudly as if they had encountered something terrible.

Isn't it a scary thing?At night, there are things that flicker and float, moving with people, like fire, but how can fire float, and it is still in the air.

It must be a ghost. There is a ghost at work. After everything subsided, Concubine Gao Hui opened the door in shock, but she screamed again when she saw the situation in the room. It turned out that there was a ghost on the table in the living room. skull.

"Ah!" If the previous few times were not scary, then this time it was too creepy, the floating will-o'-the-wisp, and the skull... Concubine Gao was so frightened that she passed out on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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