Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1672 The eunuch's wife 7

Chapter 1672 The Eunuch's Wife VII
After Concubine Gao woke up, the whole harem was rumored that Concubine Gao had encountered a ghost. Everyone said that Concubine Gao had done a lot of evil things, so she was punished.

The emperor didn't believe it at first, but the rumors spread, and the emperor believed it a little bit. After all, Concubine Gao is indeed not a good bird. If it wasn't for Concubine Gao's not being smart, and her family background is quite good, the emperor would not believe it at all. He would not make her a noble concubine.

Although the emperor said that he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, how can he say that he doesn't believe in them? Every spring, he would worship gods and pray to God to bless the farmers with a good harvest. Moreover, the emperor was a little scared when encountering such a thing. The investigation by the mansion has not made any progress, so the emperor simply found an eminent monk and asked him to chant sutras to Concubine Gao to dispel her hostility.

Concubine Gao was terrified. Wrapped in a brocade quilt, she huddled into a ball, her face was pale, and her whole body trembled, "How could this be? What is that thing? How could I encounter a ghost? Someone must be causing trouble, Your Majesty. I want to see the emperor..."

The palace maid sat aside, and quickly said comfortingly: "Your Majesty, don't talk about it, the government has not investigated anything until now, there must be ghosts at work, and the emperor also knew about this matter, so he specially found it. Daoist monk, let him come over to save ghosts and gods!"

Concubine Gao raised her head and asked in a daze, "Has the Emperor not come?"

How could the emperor come over? When encountering such a thing, the emperor has no time to hide, how could he come together again, after all, the emperor is also very afraid of this matter, afraid of some bad luck.

"Your Majesty, you also know that this matter is too infiltrating. As the emperor, it is impossible for the emperor to put himself in danger!" the maid persuaded in a low voice.

Concubine Gao was really terrified, she couldn't figure out why she had encountered such a thing?Obviously she didn't do anything wrong.

"Where's that skull?" Thinking of that skull, Concubine Gao trembled in fear, and said with a face full of fear: "How to deal with it?"

"Your Majesty, the skull has been handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they will find someone to find out where it came from. After all, the palace is so big, and that thing can't just appear for no reason!" the maid said comfortingly. .

Concubine Gao nodded with fear, "If you know anything, don't worry about it, just tell those officials and let them investigate the truth quickly!"

Although this is what I said, how dare the maids and eunuchs dare to say it? The only thing they dare to say is that their mother-in-law gave her grand maid to the eunuch to be his wife. After all, this matter is really out of conscience, but if It's impossible to say revenge, I heard that Eunuch Xia is dead, and the big palace lady is still in the cold palace, a maid in the cold palace, what can she do?

But I didn't expect that that afternoon, the group of people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs found Lin Lang. They didn't care about the three seven twenty-one, and directly pushed Lin Lang to the ground.

"Quickly tell me, did you do those things in Concubine Gao's palace?" The chief eunuch said in a high-pitched voice, with a gesture of torture to extract a confession!
Linlang pretended not to understand anything, "Eunuch, what are you talking about? What happened to the imperial concubine and empress? The servant has been staying in the cold palace, and many things are unclear. Can you talk to the servant?"

"Oh, you must be quibbling. As a court lady next to the imperial concubine, when you saw the imperial concubine gave you to the eunuch, you hated the imperial concubine so much, so you wanted to take revenge on the imperial concubine, and you were once a noble concubine. The great palace maid next to the empress, so you joined forces with other people around the imperial concubine to do something that pretends to be a ghost!" The eunuch said sharply, "Don't try to lie in front of me, I know the little things in your hearts! "

Hey, what kind of eunuch is this? He almost told the truth. Those things were done by himself, but he did not cooperate with other people. But looking at the attitude of the eunuch government, it must be made up. The reason is to find a scapegoat.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang quickly shook his head, "Your father-in-law, your servant is wronged. This servant really has never done anything. This servant is a big maid next to the imperial concubine and empress. She grew up with the imperial concubine and empress. It is too late for the slave and maid to weigh more than the imperial concubine. How could it be possible to harm the imperial concubine, as for the matter of the imperial concubine giving me to Eunuch Xia, in fact... this servant is also willing, after all, if it can help the imperial concubine, this servant is willing to do anything..."

When the eunuch heard this, he said, "What a loyal slave, but how could there be such a slave as you in this world? You must be telling lies so that you can get away with it. You can't fool my eyes!"

Lin Lang shook her head, and said with tears all over her face, "Elder-in-law, I really didn't lie to you, what I said was the truth, if you don't believe me, then I... then I will prove it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang broke free from the hands of the eunuchs, slammed into the pillar, and fell slowly to the ground.

One of the eunuchs was terrified. After Lin Lang really bumped into it, he realized it. He touched Lin Lang's nose, and when he found that he was not breathing, he shook his head at the big eunuch.

Seeing this scene, the great eunuch was also stunned, "Why did he die suddenly... Forget it, if that's the case, then... just throw it to the mass grave. It's just a pity that no scapegoat was found. Think about it carefully, see if you can find another one, and end this matter as soon as possible!"

Just like that, Lin Lang was rolled up by a broken mat and thrown into the mass grave. After everyone had left, Lin Lang touched her head. Fortunately, she didn't hit her head too hard. Everything else is fine, but because I hit my head, there are still some sequelae, a little nausea, nausea, and dizziness.

Lin Lang walked out of the mass grave and found a remote place to stay, but after getting her body back to normal, she began to carry out the third revenge.

Here, Concubine Gao also knew what happened in the Leng Palace, she sighed, and said pretendingly: "Lin Lang is the most proud court lady by my side, now that she is gone, I feel very sad, and I didn't think of it either. It's a pity that she is so loyal to me, if Eunuch Xia left, I would have brought her back sooner..."

That night, Lin Lang was dressed in white, her face was covered with thick powder, her hair was loose, her fingernails were long and dyed black, she looked a little scary!
"Take your life, give me my life back..." Lin Lang used his internal strength to spread these words into Concubine Gao's palace for everyone to hear, and then he floated around in the palace in white clothes , Just like that, everyone saw a female ghost in fluttering white clothes.

"Help!" The eunuchs were terrified, and hurried to open the door, but found that the door could not be opened at all. Finally, a door was opened. They wanted to rush out, but just as they walked forward, the door closed again, and it was closed again. Damn, this is not normal at all.

"Gao Guifei, you are so cruel. I grew up with you, and I am loyal to you. I didn't expect you to send me to the eunuch. I don't blame you, but why did you force me to death? I hate you." You, take your life for a life..." Lin Lang continued to float in the palace, saying these words while floating, not only that, but also took out the phosphorous powder that she had collected in the chaotic guard, and sprinkled it into the air, Created clusters of will-o'-the-wisps.

 Self-improvement, democracy, harmony and freedom.

  Let me report the progress to everyone. Today I am still learning the mathematics knowledge of the seventh grade. I have learned the monomial polynomial, and then I will learn its calculation. I will try to work hard tonight, and then I will learn the point and line, and do some problems. Continue to work hard tomorrow .

  In fact, I suggest that you Qingqing learn more other knowledge, because only when you acquire knowledge, you will feel that you are shallow. When I didn’t study before, I thought I was okay, but once I learned it, I found that half a bottle of water was always in the water. Dangling over there.

(End of this chapter)

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