Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1683 My sister wants to repay her kindness 2

Chapter 1683 My sister wants to repay her kindness [-]
Lin Lang grabbed Qing'er's hand and said anxiously, "Let's go back first, and then discuss countermeasures!"

When Qing'er heard this, she took a step back and shook her head, "Lin Lang, are you trying to trick me into going back with you? I won't, that young master just now is my pride, I have to face it If he doesn't end this karma, I have no way to practice!"

Lin Lang truly understands that cultivation is not easy, and at the same time understands why those cultivators should be pure-hearted and ascetic, because they are afraid that they will be contaminated by karma.

"Sister, I know, I know everything, let's go back and ask the monsters in the mountain to see what they would do when they encounter such a thing, and then find a way to do it, so that we don't panic when we go down the mountain !” Lin Lang said slowly.

Qing'er reluctantly returned to the mountain with Lin Lang, and said emphatically as he walked, "You can't persuade me after you go back, anyway, I must repay that son!"

Lin Lang suppressed the anger in her heart when she heard this, and when the two arrived on the mountain, Lin Lang went to find her former friends and told them what happened today.

The oldest tortoise grandfather in the jungle heard this and stroked his white beard, "You can repay the favor, but what kind of repayment method should you choose? What does a man need? Money, status, or a wife? In what way are you going to appear in front of that man? Is it possible that you have to tell that man that I am a monster, and I came to you today just to repay my kindness. I guarantee that the man will die of fright after you finish speaking. After all, humans are very afraid of monsters!"

Qing'er's face turned pale, "I didn't think about it at all, I just thought about repaying my kindness, I didn't think so much... Then Grandpa Turtle, what should I do?"

"I have a good friend who is a rat spirit. He is over a hundred years old. Seeing that there is no hope of practicing, he ran down the mountain to become a landlord. He has a good life when he is rich. If you want to repay your kindness, you can Let's take refuge with my friend first, get a decent identity, and slowly get in touch with that man, and see what the man wants!" Grandpa Turtle said with a smile.

Qing'er's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Grandpa Turtle!"

The tortoise looked at Qing'er and sighed softly, "Qing'er, you have very good heels, if you practice honestly, you might be able to cultivate into a fairy, so don't indulge in love, sometimes You think that you are good to others, but others don’t necessarily need it. Human beings, some people are very nice, some people are very cunning, and their minds are changeable, so you must not tell anyone that you are a monster, otherwise there will be He might be caught by a Taoist priest..."

Qing'er nodded quickly, "Grandpa Turtle, don't worry, I must have remembered it all, and when I finish repaying my favor, I'll come back and practice honestly!"

Lin Lang stood aside, she wanted to go down the mountain with Qing'er, but her current cultivation was too low, going down with her relatives would be tantamount to courting death, but if she didn't follow, she was afraid that Qing'er would be deceived by that man's rhetoric, Married to that man.

Grandpa Turtle naturally saw Lin Lang's embarrassment, and called Lin Lang aside and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, my good friend Mouse Spirit is very smart, he will definitely not watch your sister get stuck, and he won't let you fall into it." Your sister was deceived by someone, so you should practice honestly on the mountain, if there is something wrong with you, I will let my friend notify you!"

Lin Lang nodded, and said worriedly: "Grandpa Turtle, I actually want to go down the mountain with my sister, but my current cultivation... If I really go down the mountain with my sister, maybe I will expose my target, and I'm even more afraid that I will be killed." Others caught them all at once, so I just want to practice hard on the mountain, and if my sister is really caught by others, I can still save her..."

Grandpa Turtle nodded in relief, "You are a good girl. Although your elder sister is well-cultivated and old, she is not psychologically old. Otherwise, she would not want to marry someone else just because a man saved her. Promise by body, you must know that the monster married a scholar and promised by body, that is a story that only appeared in the story books, and those story books were written by those poor scholars, the purpose is to reach the sky in one step and marry a monster wife After becoming famous, the monster's daughter-in-law leaves, and they can get the children of high officials, but how can there be so many good things in the world, although the monsters are simple, they are not stupid...

Not only are they not stupid, some people are also very vicious and eat human flesh for a living, otherwise those humans would not be so afraid of monsters..."

Lin Lang frowned tightly, "I also don't understand why my sister has such an idea. There are many ways to repay a kindness, you can help others tide over difficulties, and you can help others when they are in trouble. Why do you have to marry? What about people? This damn idea makes me unable to be safe!"

Thoughts are indeed quite a headache, but Qing'er insisted on going his own way. Although he was persuaded to come back by others, he should have this idea in his heart. Go there and learn the rules.

Qing'er naturally doesn't want him to be a monster, unrestrained, why should he learn the rules of human beings?What a hassle.

"But you are a human being now. Human beings are the most respectful of rules. If you don't understand the rules, people will think you are uneducated and a bad boy. No one wants to get close to you!" Only by following the rules can you know how to advance and retreat, and you will also understand a lot of truths, so that you will not be exposed by others!"

Qing'er had no choice but to follow the mouse to learn the rules. At first, it was naturally very boring, but Qing'er persevered and learned a lot about the world. At the same time, he also understood that if he wanted to marry a certain person, of course, if it was a monster. , then you can do whatever you want, if it is a human being, it will be more troublesome, you must have three matchmakers and six rituals, otherwise it is very shameful to elope.

At first, Qing'er still had some headaches about the clarification methods of human beings. She couldn't figure it out, since the two of them saw each other right, why couldn't they go home?Why do so many things and go through so many procedures?It's too much trouble.

"You silly boy, we monsters are right, we can be together, but humans can't, human beings pay attention to the right family, sometimes the union of two people is not only because of love, but sometimes it is the union of two families!
Also, in our monsters, a man can only marry one wife, and if the two parties are not suitable, they can separate, but it is different here. A man can marry one wife, but he can take many concubines, and there are no concubines Separately, once a woman marries a certain man, she will follow that man for the rest of her life, unless two people are with you or the woman does something wrong and the man will give you a share of humiliation, but usually this kind of thing happens Girl, life will not be particularly good..."

Qing'er seemed to understand a little bit, "Human beings are really complicated!"

"And wow, the reason for going through so many procedures is because you have to be polite, so that the man will pay attention to the woman, otherwise the woman will follow the man casually, and people will think that the woman is very contemptuous and will not make people angry. And They also have a saying that the recruiter is a wife and a concubine, and they say that the one who has given the dowry to get married is the real wife. If you follow that man for no reason, you are a concubine, and a concubine has no status. Yes, you can be beaten to death by your regular wife at will, or you can be handed over to someone else by the male master!"

"What does it mean to hand over to someone else? Don't two people love each other?" Qing'er was really frightened.

"Yes, if that man thinks this woman is not pleasing, and his friend or his boss likes this woman, the man will transfer this woman to others, don't say what you like or not, human beings are Like this, the love that is sworn to each other is basically in the book, and there are very few in the real world, so don't fantasize about the love of your life, be realistic!" the mouse spirit reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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