Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1684 My sister wants to repay her kindness 3

Chapter 1684
Qing'er was really terrified, "Human beings are too scary, how could they do such a thing? That woman had been with that man anyway, and she was a married couple after all. How could a man be so heartless?" Ruthless, you can sell that woman by turning around..."

"Selling women is nothing, there are some people who can't get over it, and those who sell their sons and daughters, not only those who can't, they sell their sons and daughters!" The mouse spirit shook his head, "Did you see that I convinced your servant? Some of them were sold by their parents, some were because the family couldn’t make it through, and some were because their father married a stepmother, and the father had a new wife, so naturally he didn’t want to see his former son, so he gave his son to him. sold!
It's a disaster year, if people don't have food, maybe they will..."

The mouse spirit didn't know how to continue, "Anyway, it's very scary, and people have deep thoughts, so you must not tell others about yourself, and you must not act recklessly. Come back and ask me if you encounter anything! "

Qing'er was really frightened, and nodded hastily, "I see, don't worry, I promise I won't act recklessly!"

With the mouse spirit, Qing'er really learned a lot. As for Qing'er's identity, the mouse spirit said to the outside world that he was a distant relative. Because his parents passed away, he came here to join him.

With a legitimate identity, Qing'er really doesn't have to worry, at least when she goes outside and meets a Taoist priest, as long as she doesn't reveal her secrets, she is not afraid that she will be caught by the Taoist priest.

Qing'er also quickly found out the identity of the man, he was indeed a scholar, but a poor scholar, and now he is a scholar, his mother is sick and blind, and has been taking medicine.

The mouse spirit stroked his beard, "Since that man's family is so poor, then give him some money, but you definitely can't give him money so easily. Scholars have backbones, and they refuse to eat cheap food, so we You have to think of a way to do it!"

It's just giving money, just give the money directly to others, is it so troublesome?
Qing'er was really dizzy, but she still listened to the mouse spirit and didn't get involved in that matter too much.

The man's identity was Lu Xiucheng. Because of the poverty of his family, he was thin and his complexion looked a little too pale.

When Mouse Jing proposed to hire that Lu Xiucheng to teach his distant niece to study, Lu Xiucheng agreed. Of course, the main reason was that his family really needed money. His mother's eyes were broken. If there was no money to treat her If not, my mother might have to leave.

When Qing'er learned that Lu Xiucheng was coming to teach him to read, he was really happy, but later found that although Lu Xiucheng taught him to read, the two of them were separated by a screen and could only hear each other's voice , Seeing the figure of the other party, you can't see the face of the other party at all.

Qing'er wanted to see what his savior looked like. Although he had seen it before, it was just a glance, and he didn't see the whole picture clearly. He had forgotten many things.

But the mouse spirit disagrees. If a woman gets along with a man day and night, it will be said that the woman is shameless, will ruin her reputation, and will make people think that the woman is frivolous, and Qing'er The monster can ignore it, but the rat spirit is different. He lives in the world now, so he naturally has to abide by the rules of the world. He doesn't want to be told that he doesn't understand any rules when he goes out, and he taught a shameless niece .

Qing'er could only sit there obediently, listening to Lu Xiucheng teach over there through a screen. .

After the two of them got acquainted thoroughly, Qing'er finally couldn't help it, and asked softly: "Is there anything you want, sir?"

Lu Xiucheng was asked where it was, and smiled softly, "If there is something I really want, then I hope that my relatives and girls can study hard. If you pass the test, then the staff will think that I didn't care enough to teach!"

Qing'er blushed, because she was a monster, and she hadn't thought about living in the world, so she didn't pay much attention to reading, sometimes reading notes, what was taught the day before yesterday, might be forgotten the day after tomorrow , but Qing'er didn't take it to heart, it's okay if I don't read well, anyway, I don't rely on reading for a living.

"Miss Qing'er, I know that you were born into a wealthy family, so you don't think it's a big deal whether you read books or not, but if you go out and have a look, there are many girls who can't read a single word, so it's right for you to read books." It is unattainable for others, but now Miss Qing'er can read and write easily, and I hope Miss Qing'er can cherish this opportunity!" Lu Xiucheng naturally wants to teach others with his heart when he is hired by others.

Qing'er was really ashamed, and quickly said: "Master, I know everything, I will study hard, but besides this, do you have any other wishes?"

Lu Xiucheng really couldn't understand why a little girl asked himself this question, and asked amusedly, "Why are you asking me this? Could it be that you want to help me realize my wish?"

Of course Qing'er wanted to say yes, but she was afraid of being abrupt and said hesitantly: "This...it's not...I just think that the master is ascetic, like a monk, so I just want to ask the master what he wants. want……"

Lu Xiucheng put down the book in his hand, and said slowly: "As long as it is a person, the desires in his heart will never be satisfied, just like when one wish is satisfied, he will think about satisfying the second one, just like before. , I hope to earn some money so that I can take care of my mother, but now, I hope you will study hard... So it's really hard to say what you want..."

"Ah?" Qing'er had a headache, "What you said is so complicated, so how about this, or tell me what you want most now?"

"Of course I want to honor the family!" Lu Xiucheng was a little excited when he said this, "My mother worked so hard to bring me up, I hope that after I win the exam, I can be worthy of my father who is under the nine springs, and I can make my mother happy!"

Qing'er tilted her head, "I don't even understand, do you want to win the exam? Can the child be worthy of the father? Or make the mother happy? Your wishes are really complicated, and I am almost confused! "

"It's very simple, I just hope that I can win the exam, but how difficult it is to win the exam. When I was 13 years old, I passed the Xiucai exam. At that time, all serious people said that I was a genius and a child prodigy. For the past few years, I went to the exam every year, but I failed in the result. I have been slowly wasting until now, and no one said that I was a genius anymore. sad.

Qing'er covered her mouth, "My God, have you taken the exam so many times? Since you failed the exam, why do you continue to take the exam?"

"Miss Qing'er, for scholars, if they can win the exam, it will be the happiest thing in the world. There are many people at my age who take the exam, and there are also some people in their seventies and eighties who are also taking the exam. It's equivalent to status, you may be able to become an official and change your family!" Lu Xiucheng laughed suddenly as he spoke, "What are you doing talking so much about a girl like you, let's study hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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