Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1685 My sister wants to repay her kindness 4

Chapter 1685 My sister wants to repay her kindness [-]
Qing'er was a little out of control, and said slowly: "Master, I think... people are really strange..."

When Lu Xiucheng heard this, he burst out laughing, "Aren't you human? Why do you say such things, little girl, what is going on in your mind all day long?"

Only then did Qing'er come back to her senses, and quickly said: "I...I mean...it's...everyone is different, and people's minds are also different..."

"Of course it's different. It's because everyone is different that this colorful world is formed!" Lu Xiucheng said softly, "Don't think about it anymore!"

Qing'er followed with a sigh, "Master, it's really hard to be a human being!"

Lu Xiucheng couldn't help it anymore, he burst out laughing all of a sudden, there were stars in his dark eyes, twinkling, and Qing'er was stunned.

"You silly girl, of course it's hard to be a human being, but it's not so difficult to do other things, like being an animal, not only to guard against natural enemies, but also to guard against human beings, they struggle to survive in the mountains and forests...Everyone's life It's not easy, even small flowers and grasses are having a hard time, but compared to other human beings, their lives are simple, more human beings have desires, and they can do everything they want!" Lu Xiucheng said slowly.

Qing'er's eyes flickered when he heard this, "Master, you are right, I shouldn't think about this, now I have an uncle who loves me, I have a stable life, and a stable environment, I have already I had a great time, so I shouldn't be sad, thinking about what I have and what I don't!

But Master, the students read a book a while ago, but they were a little confused about the content in it, so I want to ask Master for advice! "

Lu Xiucheng asked curiously: "Tell me, what problem did you encounter?"

Qing'er rolled her almond eyes round and round, looking bright and lovely, "Master, I read a story book a while ago, it was about a scholar who saved a fox, but the fox turned out to be a former monster, in order to thank the scholar For the life-saving grace of the scholar, I specially transformed into a human form and married the scholar, so as to repay the scholar's life-saving grace..."

"You don't need to say, I also know the following story. Later, with the help of the monster, the scholar was admitted to the first prize, and was favored by the princess of the dynasty, or the daughter of a high official... After the monster learned about it, , became a scholar, and went to the jungle to practice..." Lu Xiucheng smiled and shook his head, "Basically all the scriptures are like this, and there are some ladies from rich families who have taken a fancy to poor scholars Literary talent, insisted on marrying him, and even disobeyed parents, in the end the poor scholar won the first prize, and the young lady was also old and decrepit, so she took many concubines for the scholar..."

Xiaoqing nodded, her eyes sparkling, "Yes, these are the stories. I want to ask Master, what choice would Master make if he saved a monster and said to come to repay his favor?"

Lu Xiucheng was silent, and it took a long time before he said: "Since you are my student, I will not hide it from you. You have to remember one sentence, no matter what the person is here for , since he is not my kind, we must be on guard against him, and if necessary, we can use extraordinary measures!"

Xiaoqing was really frightened, and broke out in a cold sweat, "Master, that monster just came here to repay his favor, and he has no evil intentions..."

Hearing Xiaoqing's trembling voice, Lu Xiucheng naturally understood that she was frightened, and said comfortingly: "You silly girl, although you are here to repay your kindness, but she is not a human being, she is a monster, and monsters can eat people No matter what, such a monster must not survive in the world, it will threaten other human beings!

Also, the story books you read were written by some poor scholars. Their purpose is very obvious. They want to find a free nanny when they are poor, and kick that woman away after they become famous. Don't believe the script, the love you said is all fake!

Your uncle loves you very much. He will definitely find you a good family. After you get married, you think you will have a good life, so you must not believe that those words will ruin you! "

"The master is right!" As soon as the words finished, a woman in a red dress came over, with a slim figure and a red bell tied around her waist. There is a trace of gorgeous color between them, just like the most gorgeous flower on the tree.

"Lin Lang..." Xiaoqing stood up and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Lin Lang smiled, "Sister, I don't feel at ease when you come to uncle's place alone, and I'm afraid that you won't get used to this strange environment, so I told grandpa to come here to see you!"

Xiaoqing lowered her head, "I'm fine, I'm really fine, by the way, I haven't told you yet, this is my wife!"

"Oh, it turns out that this is the person my sister told me about. I saw him today and he really deserves his reputation!" Lin Lang nodded to Lu Xiucheng, "Especially what Master Lu said just now, it's amazing!"

Lu Xiucheng was a little dumbfounded. He had never seen such a beautiful girl. She was like an elf in the mountains. She was so beautiful and dazzling. After a while, she found her voice again, "Girl Awesome!"

Lin Lang slightly raised her head towards him, "Master, I finally saw my sister, so can today end early so that I can catch up with my sister!"

Lu Xiucheng nodded quickly, blushing for some reason, said "Okay", packed his things in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

Xiaoqing also knew that her younger sister was very good-looking, but she never thought that her younger sister would be so popular, especially with Lu Xiucheng's performance. In fact, she is not ugly herself, and she is considered a top beauty in the human world, but Compared with my younger sister, one is the bright moon and the other is the stars in the sky, there is no way to compare!
Especially the Master's attitude just now, Xiaoqing was a little lost, and there was even a trace of complaint in his tone, "Why did you come here without saying hello?"

Linlang naturally heard Xiaoqing's complaints, and as a woman, she also understood why Xiaoqing said that. He sat aside and said disapprovingly: "Sister, you also heard what the master said just now, it is impossible for humans to interact with monsters. together, so don't even think about marrying him!"

Xiaoqing was a little sullen, "So what, he doesn't want to marry me now because he doesn't know that I really love him, and when he knows my heart and I'm here to repay his kindness, he will definitely be willing to marry me! "

"Sister, are you confused? He just said it very clearly. If he encounters such a thing, he will definitely eradicate that monster. Do you want to die?
Repaying a person is very easy, you can give him what he wants, I just saw that scholar, he wants to be successful, you can help him, anyway, the mouse has money, use his money to open the way, will definitely let that One of the scholars is back! "Lin Lang said disapprovingly.

"Shut up, Master is not such a pedantic person!" Xiaoqing shook her head, "I will handle my own affairs, if you have nothing to do, you can go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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