Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1686 My sister wants to repay her kindness 5

Chapter 1686 My sister wants to repay her kindness five
Lin Lang squinted her eyes and said warningly: "Sister, you should be more clear-headed, you can indulge in love, but don't forget that you are currently living in someone else's house, if your real identity is exposed by others, what will you do to the mouse spirit?" Do? Do you want people to pay for your mistakes?
And his wife has already made it very clear that different ways do not conspire with each other, even if you really marry him, he will still want to marry you, but don't forget that you are a monster who can absorb human energy, he is with you You will lose your life together. If the two of you are together, the child born will also be half human and half demon, and you will be punished by God! "

"I..." Xiaoqing's eyes dodged, "I didn't think so much..."

"What are you thinking? You think that the father and son saved you, so you want to promise yourself with your body, but you don't want to think about whether he will marry you. Be realistic. People won't be with monsters, and you don't want to be with monsters. You can't force it, there are many ways to repay people, you don't have to choose one, you can't wait to pick it up, you are no different from a brothel girl!" Lin Lang said, her tone became serious.

Xiaoqing's eyes turned red, "You...why do you speak so badly, I...I really like Master, I want to be with him, is there something wrong?"

"You can't be together. Even if you can hide your identity, your father and son won't marry you, because the teacher can't be with his students here, otherwise it's against human relations and will be punished by thousands of people." It's impossible for him to ruin his official career for you!" Lin Lang said emphatically, "Sister, don't forget that you came here to repay someone's kindness, not to take revenge on him!"

Xiaoqing was very angry, "It's all you, if you didn't let him come to be my teacher, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, anyway, I must marry him!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "It seems that you don't give up until you reach the Yellow River, how about this, we will ask Master later, if he is willing to marry you, I will help you hide your evil spirit and let you marry He, but if he doesn't want to, you can't force him, you have to go back to the mountain with me to practice!"

Xiaoqing hesitated, "I promise you this, but you can't ask, I have to ask myself!"

"Okay, I'll give you three days, and within three days I must have a reply!" Lin Lang flicked his sleeves, "Don't try to lie to me, I have been practicing hard on the mountain during this time, and my cultivation level has already reached a high level. If you are not obedient, I will tie you up to the mountain and wait for a hundred or eighty years, when your wife will be honest, and you will have nothing to do even if you want to repay your favor!"

Xiaoqing stomped her feet angrily, "Okay, I get it, you are really annoying!"

After sending Lin Lang away, Xiao Qing kept thinking about what Lin Lang said, took a bite, went to the kitchen and took two plates of pastries, and walked to Lu Xiucheng's yard.

"Is the master there?" Xiaoqing stood outside the door and knocked on the door, asking softly.

Standing in front of the desk, Lu Xiucheng kept thinking about the girl in red that he saw today, and his face became more and more red. Then he picked up the brush and drew the girl in red in his mind. When he heard a voice outside the door, he hurriedly put away the scroll, opened the door, and found that Xiaoqing was standing outside the door and quickly took two steps back.

"Miss Xiaoqing, why are you here?" Lu Xiucheng frowned, and was just about to say whether men and women should marry each other, but then he thought that he is now employed by someone else, if he said something ugly, it would not offend the master, so The words came to his lips and swallowed again.

Seeing Lu Xiucheng take a step back, Xiaoqing's eyes dimmed, and she managed to muster up the courage to ask, "Master Lu, I heard that you didn't use it after you came back, so I went to the kitchen to bring you some pastries!"

Lu Xiucheng smiled gratefully, but still didn't step forward, with a sense of alienation, "Thank you, Miss Xiaoqing, but next time such a thing can be done by a servant girl, there is no need for Miss Xiaoqing to come here in person!"

"What if I want to come over?" Xiaoqing stepped forward with a sense of urgency, "Master, I just want to ask, would you...would you marry me?"

Lu Xiucheng was really a little frightened, but he was not a fool, he was a student. During this period of time, he naturally noticed that Xiaoqing treated him differently, but he thought it was just the junior's admiration for the elders, so he didn't let go. In my heart, but I didn't expect...

Lu Xiucheng really has a toothache. He really came here to be his wife. He didn't want to seduce other girls. He is a decent man and he wants to take the imperial examination to become an official. He doesn't want his reputation to be tainted. name.

Lu Xiucheng said righteously: "Miss Xiaoqing, you are a good girl, and you will have a good life in the future. I am your wife, and I will be your wife in this life. I will always be a teacher and a father for life. Treat you as my younger sister, so there will be no possibility for the two of us!"

Xiaoqing's eyes dimmed a little bit, and she couldn't help but said: "If... If you are not my wife, are you still willing to marry me?"

Lu Xiucheng thought about it for a while, then shook his head, "Miss Xiaoqing, I don't mean anything to you!"

Xiaoqing burst into tears, "Do you know who I am? Do you know why I have to be with you? I like you so much, why do you refuse to accept me? Is it because I am not pretty enough? Or is it because... ...Because you fell in love with my sister? Don't lie to me, you just looked at her differently!"

Lu Xiucheng was a little speechless, to be honest, the girl just now was indeed very beautiful, and he was indeed moved, but it was only limited to his heart, "Miss Xiaoqing, please don't frame other girls because of me, especially if that girl is you My own sister, if she loses her reputation, it will be bad for her future reputation!

Miss Xiaoqing, you are very beautiful, but I really don't like you, you should know that love between a man and a woman is not so easy! "

Xiaoqing was sobbing, "Are you really unwilling to accept me? As long as you marry me, you will have a lot of money. You can get into the exam, even the number one scholar, and maybe you can make a fortune... In fact, I really don't care about anything, I can be your concubine, as long as I can be by your side..."

"Miss Xiaoqing, you are a girl, you shouldn't say such things!" Lu Xiucheng said righteously: "I can pretend I didn't hear anything about these words today, but Miss Xiaoqing, girls should respect themselves and love themselves. If I like a woman, I won't mind her identity, let alone whether she will bring me anything, but unfortunately, Miss Xiaoqing is not my type!
Miss Xiaoqing, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay here for long, so please tell me when the time comes, and ask him to find another wife for you! "

Xiaoqing became anxious when she heard this, "Don't go, don't worry, I won't pester you, I will leave with my sister after a while... I guess you will never see me again in your life , but Master, I really like you. By the way, I still owe you one thing. If you want anything, you can find me. I can fulfill your wish. Don’t ask why, this is what I owe Yours... If you don't want to, then you have to marry me!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiucheng had to agree even if he didn't agree, he nodded, "Okay, then I will definitely tell you what I wish for!"

(End of this chapter)

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