Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1687 My sister wants to repay her kindness 6

Chapter 1687
Xiaoqing's eyes flickered for a moment, then turned and left without saying a word.

Three days passed, Lin Lang went to look for Xiaoqing, but found that she could not be found, and asked the servants in the mansion, but since three days ago, no one has seen him again.

Lin Lang's heart was raised, and she went straight to Lu Xiucheng's room without saying a word, and asked, "Since Xiaoqing came back from your side, no one has seen her again, do you know where he went?" ?"

Lu Xiucheng had already proposed resignation yesterday, and he had never paid attention to Xiaoqing at all. He shook his head, "Since Miss Xiaoqing came to my place last time, I have never seen her again. Never taught her!"

Lin Lang's expression darkened, "Then what did you say to her?"

Lu Xiucheng blushed a little. He was really embarrassed to say those words. After all, if outsiders really knew about it, it might damage a woman's reputation, "This...girl, she...Miss Xiaoqing..."

Lin Lang also saw his embarrassment, raised her hand and said bluntly: "You don't need to say that I understand what he said to you, just tell me whether you agreed or refused!"

Lu Xiucheng breathed a sigh of relief, then shook his head, "I am a gentleman, and I would never do that kind of thing that violates human ethics, so I refused!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she cursed in a low voice and said, "You damn girl, you don't understand a thing. Does she have to touch the south wall to turn her head?"

Lu Xiucheng also realized that something was wrong, "Girl, you have been asking Miss Xiaoqing, but what happened?"

Lin Lang looked at the scholar in front of her and said, "Be careful and go away, and I don't know where she went, but I guess she will come back, come back to find you!"

Sometimes Lin Lang also felt that this scholar was quite pitiful, he obviously did nothing wrong, on the contrary he did a good deed, but ended up being haunted by monsters, alas~ This should be saving people and rescuing a white-eyed wolf.

A flash of self-blame flashed in Lu Xiucheng's eyes, "It's all my fault. If I had been more tactful, Miss Xiaoqing might not have run away from home!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "Forget it, I can't blame you for this matter, his temper is too strong, he typically doesn't bump into the south wall and doesn't look back, I don't have to do anything, I just need to wait for her to get into trouble and go directly to him She's fine, please don't tell anyone about today's incident, Mr. Lu, as for my sister, I will tell the public that she went to a distant relative, so... my sister's reputation..."

Lu Xiucheng nodded, "It's understandable, if the girl needs my help, just ask, it's my duty!"

Lin Lang nodded, "During this time, I have really troubled the master. After the master returns later, I will ask the servants to prepare a good ceremony as a thank you!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiucheng blushed, "No... I don't need these..."

Naturally, Lin Lang knew that their scholars had integrity, so she said in the most tactful way: "Master, you don't need to recommend them. These are what you deserve. Regarding my sister's matter, you will have to trouble Master at that time!"

After talking about playing, Lin Lang ignored what Lu Xiucheng said, and left in a hurry. She went to Grandpa Turtle first, and told Grandpa Turtle about Xiaoqing's escape.

"Grandpa Turtle, Xiaoqing's cultivation level is not very high, if he encounters some Taoist priests, it will be dangerous!" Lin Lang frowned, "I also hope that Grandpa Turtle will ask the monsters around to see if there are any No one has seen Xiaoqing before!"

Grandpa Turtle sighed, "Lin Lang, although you and Xiaoqing are considered sisters, they are not real sisters. They just lived together since childhood, and they are of the same race, so it is inevitable that they got closer. , but she is her after all, and you are only you after all, Xiaoqing is confused, let her go to the end, after suffering a loss, she will naturally know the pain!"

In fact, Lin Lang didn't want to take care of Xiaoqing anymore. She felt that this girl's head was a little abnormal. What kind of help did she say? She felt that Xiaoqing had taken a fancy to her beauty and wanted to marry her. I have never seen such an idiot.

"Grandpa, I don't want to worry about her either, but I'm a sister anyway, so maybe I'll really watch her die!" Lin Lang felt a headache, "Besides, Xiaoqing also helped me a lot, I can't Just watch her go the wrong way!"

Grandpa Turtle shook his head, "Grandpa, I've lived a long time and I've seen many of them, and it's rare for a monster like her to come back alive!
But since you care about Xiaoqing so much, then I will show you the way. That dead girl obviously has a crush on that scholar. If you want to find Xiaoqing, I suggest you follow behind that scholar and say Maybe you can find Xiaoqing!
Also, the fact that Xiaoqing was able to run away from home shows that she is stubborn. I am also afraid that Xiaoqing will go the wrong way and go the same way to the end, and I am even more afraid that she will do something that hurts human beings. Time will not only form karma, maybe it will... and be punished by God! "

Lin Lang was also a little worried, "Grandpa Turtle, I understand, don't worry, I will definitely find Xiaoqing and bring her back!"

Lu Xiucheng felt that something was wrong, something was wrong, he always felt that someone was watching him, but when he looked back, he found that there was no one at all. At first, Lu Xiucheng thought it was Miss Xiaoqing who was watching him secretly, but then he felt that Something is wrong, Miss Xiaoqing is a mentally handicapped girl, it is impossible to hide it so well, could it be that she is a helper hired from outside the staff, and she specially asked someone to watch her, wondering if Xiaoqing has come back to find him?

Lu Xiucheng also knew that they had no other intentions, but it was always awkward to be looked at by others. He stepped forward and said to the air outside: "Everyone, I don't know who is looking at me, but... I think it's awkward to do this, I don't want to live under the surveillance of others, if you have anything to say, let's have a good talk!"

Replying to Lu Xiucheng that it was a quiet atmosphere, Lu Xiucheng frowned and couldn't help but said: "If this continues, then I will have to move out of here, and when Miss Xiaoqing comes to look for me, I won't look for her." Someone to notify!"

Lin Lang flashed and appeared in front of Lu Xiucheng, with a hint of apology on her face, "Mr. Lu, I didn't do it on purpose. The main reason is that I'm really worried about Xiaoqing, but I'm also afraid that after being seen by others, I will It caused some gossip, I don’t care about these names, but Mr. Lu is different, Mr. Lu, you are going to take the imperial examination, if your reputation is ruined, it will be difficult to be an official in the future!"

Lu Xiucheng didn't expect that it was Miss Linlang who was watching her, her handsome face flushed slightly, and there was a little shyness on her face, "It turned out to be Miss Linlang, if I had known it was you, I wouldn't have yelled, but... …Is it really appropriate for Miss Linlang to spy on a man like me?

Miss Linlang, I'm really sorry about Miss Xiaoqing. I really didn't know that she was so stubborn and would run away from home because of some words. If I knew these things at the beginning, I'm afraid things would not have developed to such a point. ! "

"You don't have to blame yourself. You can't blame you for this matter. If you want to blame, you can only blame Xiaoqing. But Mr. Lu, besides rejecting Xiaoqing, did she say anything?" Linlang asked anxiously.

Lu Xiucheng was just about to say that Xiaoqing agreed to one of his wishes, but this kind of thing is so mysterious, it's not a trivial matter, do you really want to tell this girl?

Lu Xiucheng was a little hesitant. He didn't know why he hesitated. If he told this girl Lin Lang, would the girl find Xiaoqing and leave him?Thinking of this, his heart ached a little.

Lu Xiucheng has his own selfishness, but he lowered his head. Although he has selfishness, he is still a gentleman and will never hide this matter, so he honestly told this little girl what Xiaoqing said. Girl, "I don't understand why Miss Xiaoqing said that. As for a wish or something, I didn't take it to heart at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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