Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1694 The heir of a wealthy family 1

Chapter 1694
Lin Lang thought that there are various folk remedies in Chinese medicine, but she had to plan carefully, and she must not let that dead man notice it.

Lin Lang walked down slowly after tidying up. The housekeeper stepped forward and said respectfully, "Madam is awake? Breakfast is ready. Would you like a Western breakfast or a Chinese breakfast?"

The original owner likes Chinese style, and the dead man with him likes Western style, so the chef in the house usually cooks two kinds of breakfast, and there are two choices.

Lin Lang naturally chose the Chinese style, isn't the soy milk and fried dough sticks delicious?Although milk and eggs are also good, she is a little conservative.

After eating, Lin Lang found the driver, went directly to the local pharmacy, and bought a lot of medicinal materials, all kinds, and they were all packaged individually. It looked like a tonic, but once these medicines were added together, ,hehe.

"Ma'am, why did you buy so much? If you're not feeling well?" the driver asked with concern.

Lin Lang showed a gentle smile, "I didn't feel well a while ago, so I coughed twice. Although it wasn't a serious illness, I was afraid that I might infect the master, so I prepared some nourishing soup, and I drank some. Drink some more for the master, and cook some for the children by the way, let’s make up for it together!"

"Madam is really caring!" The driver said in a compliment.

Lin Lang smiled faintly, and as the car continued to drive, Lin Lang saw an acquaintance through the car window, and the driver naturally saw it too, his expression changed, and he said nervously: "Madam, after all, the master is a man, he is outside It is inevitable that there will be some entertainment!"

Lin Lang showed a sneering smile, is it social?The face is pressed so tightly that the hands are touching together, hehe, think of yourself as a fool, and will you socialize with a little girl when socializing?
But forget it, the original owner has long given up on this man, he can find as many people as he likes, the premise is not to kill anyone, and don't let those illegitimate children rob his children's property.

Lin Lang asked the driver to stop the car, and walked leisurely inside with big bags and small bags. She smiled at the two of them and sat aside.

"I saw you from a long distance away, I thought it was my eyesight, but I didn't expect it was really you!" Lin Lang said very calmly.

Xu Sixin was a little embarrassed. After all, he still had a headache when his wife caught him with other women. He touched his nose and quickly took his hand back, "Why are you here?"

Lin Lang pointed to a pile of things next to her, "I didn't feel well a while ago, so I went to the pharmacy to buy some nourishing things for my body. I wanted to go back, but I saw it from the car window from a distance. What you think about is a family." Just come over and say hello, this little girl is very pretty, if you like it, please take her back, I am not a person who can't tolerate people!"

The little girl turned red with anger when she heard this, and she casually took the man back. She was just a casual person. Although she knew that he had a wife, she was not the one rushing to become a concubine.

Xu Sixin naturally saw He Lanlan's angry expression, and quickly comforted him and said, "How could I take you back casually, at least be more grand!"

"What's more grand, is it possible to give me a divorce? Oh, I almost forgot, the Qing Dynasty is over, and now there is no such thing as a divorce, so you can divorce me if you want to divorce me, anyway. I can still go back to my parents!" Lin Lang said directly.

Xu Sixin was even more embarrassing, he had never thought about divorce, and if he really divorced, what would others think that he had been a poor wife since ancient times, and he hadn't thought about it yet.

"I didn't say that, Lan Lan has been with me for such a long time, I want to be more cautious..." Xu Sixin said quickly.

Lin Lang looked at the little girl next to her, and reached out her hand to touch her face, "It's true that she's pretty, and I'll take her back sometime later, but I can agree, I'm the eldest, so... ..."

"Now is a new civilization and a new society, don't pay attention to the old society!" He Lanlan said stubbornly.

"Hey, you are rushing to be with married women. Is this a new civilization? I am old and don't understand your little girls' ideas, but I do understand one thing. Since you know that my husband has Wife, if you still want to be with my husband, then you have to recognize me as a big wife, otherwise you will stay outside for the rest of your life. Anyway, I don’t care. When this old man dies, you little wife who has no name and no title, but you won’t get a penny!” Lin Lang stood up, patted Xu Sixin’s face, and said warningly: “I don’t mind you playing with women outside, But you have to know that I am the eldest wife that Ming Media is marrying, if you want to bring them in, you have to go through my test!
Also, remember to go back after playing outside, you are getting old, you are crazy about playing outside, and your health is always bad, I bought you some medicinal materials for you to take care of yourself! "

Xu Sixin was a little embarrassed, "She's a little girl, there's no need to speak so harshly..."

Lin Lang narrowed her eyes, "Am I talking badly? What I'm telling is the truth. If you don't want to hear it, you can divorce me now. Don't think that my natal family has lost, and you can bully me at will. It's a big deal If you want to get divorced, will you share half of your property with me? That would be really great, and when I have money, I will raise a little boy!"

Xu Sixin quickly stood up, "No, don't think so, I'll go back at night!"

Lin Lang was holding her medicinal materials, and when she was about to leave, she looked at the little girl and said, "Anyway, the ugly thing is first, since he has it, you will definitely have a second one, and a third one, you have to seize the opportunity, If you miss this village, there will be no such store!"

After He Lanlan and the others left, they immediately burst into tears, "What does she mean? I'm a woman in the new society, educated, and a civilized person. Look at what he just said, really. What's more vulgar, why did you marry her in the first place? Also, although I followed you, I didn't care about those titles or anything. What I love is you, not your money!"

Xu Sixin patted He Lanlan, "Okay, don't cry, he is my eldest wife after all, you still have to get along peacefully in the future, even if his family loses, they still have some contacts, I am I really don't want to provoke her, you just listen to me obediently, and I will carry you in when I find a suitable opportunity, but don't worry, I will not wrong you, I will definitely hold a grand banquet at that time, grand Let me introduce you to everyone!"

He Lanlan burst into tears when she heard this, "Then you must agree, since I am married to you, then I will also be your wife, we are equal, don't favor anyone!"

Xu Sixin is a little embarrassed. Although it is a new society now, he still has the thinking of the old society. The big wife is the big wife and the young wife is the young wife.

So Xu Sixin did not agree, and said casually: "I like you the most, and I will never let you be wronged. Okay, let's not talk about this, are you hungry? I heard that the salmon here is very fresh, Do you want a piece?"

"Okay, give me another steak. The steak is Japanese Wagyu!" He Lanlan said coquettishly.

After Linlang went back, she did cook three tonics. The first tonic was for her own bird’s nest with isinglass tonic, the second was for their children’s health, and the third was to add various kinds of This kind of thing, although it can nourish the body, but the effect~ It doesn't matter if women drink it, but men drink it, hehe...

In the evening, when Xu Sixin returned home, he found that Lin Lang hadn't gone up, but was sitting at the bottom waiting for him with a newspaper in his hand.

"Why don't you go to bed so late?" Xu Sixin still feels a little guilty when he thinks about what happened today, so his tone is much gentler.

"I'm waiting for you!" Lin Lang picked up the tonic next to him, took a sip, and handed it over, "I boiled it for you so hard. I just took a sip and it's okay. You can drink it directly. Don't waste my hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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