Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1695 The heir of a wealthy family 2

Chapter 1695 The wealthy heir II
Xu Sixin didn't have much, so he picked up the bowl and drank the medicine, then frowned, "This medicine is a bit bitter!"

"Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease!" Lin Lang sat aside, "I even bought several pairs. I have people fry it every day. Not only do I drink it, but the children in the family also drink it, so you must drink it too!"

Xu Sixin didn't care, "It's good, why did you suddenly start drinking the medicine?"

"I didn't feel well the day before yesterday, so I needed to drink medicine. As for you, you are about to become a grandfather, and you still have ambiguities with women outside. Forget it, I don't want to talk about such things, as long as you don't die because of women. You can put it on your belly, so I specially grabbed some medicine for you to strengthen your body!" Linlang said in a strange way.

Xu Sixin's face was a little ugly, "You've been talking about this today, is it necessary? It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Besides, even if I marry another woman, you will still be my eldest wife after all. You are the hostess of this family, and no one can surpass you!"

"Naturally, otherwise cats, cats, and ghosts can sprinkle flowers on my head, so why am I still with you?" Lin Lang sneered, "As for the girl I met today, just tell him it's okay to come in, But if she wants to control her temper, she doesn't have to live with me, but she has to remember one thing, I am the hostess of this family, and I am the boss of this family, so be good to me, otherwise..."

Xu Sixin nodded quickly, "You're right, why don't you choose a date and let all your relatives come by the way..."

"What are you doing here? By the way, tell others that you marry a girl who is about the same age as your son as a concubine? You can afford to lose face, but I can't afford to lose face!" Lin Lang waved her hand, "If you want to If you marry her, marry her, but my relatives and friends will not come, and neither will my good friends!"

"Why are you doing this..." Xu Sixin said with an ugly face.

Lin Lang waved her hand, "Don't think too much, I won't let them come over, it's not because I'm jealous, but because I can't afford to lose that person, just a concubine, let all relatives come over, those who don't know think you're a pet As for concubine killing wives, you can afford to lose face like this, but I can’t afford to lose face like this. After all, you are also a nobleman, and you understand what rules are. Don’t lose such a good tradition, so that one day I will go outside , People say that my husband has no culture at all, he looks like an idiot!"

Xu Sixin's face darkened, "He followed me anyway, so I naturally want to introduce her to others!"

"Okay, you can take him there when you go to the banquet. Anyway, if I stay with you all the time, I will lose your face. If you take a young and beautiful one out, it will also give you a long face!" Lin Lang said bluntly.

What does that mean?Bringing a concubine out to social parties always feels a little weird, like the ancient nobles who let the concubine come out to perform dances, if any nobleman takes a fancy to it, the host will send the concubine out directly.

Xu Sixin naturally thought of the other end, "This...what are you talking about? Our family is a clean family..."

"Now that you know you are innocent, you need to know what to do and what not to do. I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go to bed first. Think about what I said. I'm getting old, although I don't want to make trouble, but I also don't want others to have fun on my head!" Lin Lang said with a sneer.

Xu Sixin was also a little angry, so he turned around and went back to the study to live. When he left the next day, he found that Lin Lang had already gone shopping, and he didn't care that he was so angry, okay, you don't care about me, do you?There are other women who care about me.

He Lanlan is also a little urgent. Although Xu Sixin is old, he is rich, and he was handsome when he was young. Otherwise, it would be impossible to attract the original owner who is a lady. Although he is middle-aged, But with a touch of elegance and original temperament, he is still very handsome and attracts many girls.

He Lanlan also has a sense of crisis, and with Lin Lang's words, he is afraid that other women will take his seat, so he has been talking about marriage. Originally, Xu Sixin was willing to marry this woman, but now it is too urgent I felt bored again, so I distanced myself a bit.

After Lin Lang finished taking all the medicines that should be prescribed, she didn't care about these things, and was still indulging in a luxurious life. Apart from spending money every day, she was thinking about how to spend it. Of course, regardless of these, her man was outside with colorful flags Float, she is outside the red flag does not fall.

For example, investing in some movies is of course, you can invite the leading actors to come out to eat, sing and so on. They have a very pure relationship, but the paparazzi here are very explosive. written above.

Xu Sixin didn't mind this wife at first, but seeing the faces in the newspapers collapsed, she was ashamed and wanted to face herself. If this spread to the outside world, what would others think of her.

That night, Xu Sixin took the stack of newspapers and threw it in front of Linlang, and asked angrily, "Look at all the good things you have done, you really embarrass me!"

Lin Lang glanced at the newspaper and said lightly, "What did I say? It turned out to be just some entertainment news. They made it up. Don't take it to heart!"

"A slap can't make a sound, and a fly can't bite a seamless egg. If you didn't have these things, how could those reporters write these articles? Be honest with me recently, stay at home obediently, I really feel that If you are bored, go shopping, don't walk with those dirty men all day long!" Xu Sixin said angrily.

Lin Lang took out another stack of newspapers from the side and threw it in front of him, "Look, it's all about you, do you think it's all true?"

Xu Sixin glanced at the newspaper, his face was a little ugly, and the reports on it were even more ugly, for example, he had a mistress, a mistress, and some messy things, Xu Sixin felt a little headache, "It's nothing like that, just talking to friends We are just gathering with each other!"

"Look, you don't have such a thing, but they made it up randomly!" Lin Lang spread her hands, "It's the same with me, I don't have such a thing, I'm investing in movies recently, as an investor What happened to the dinner with the leading actor? These are normal things, after all, I also have entertainment and a life, so don't worry about it, and take a long-term view!"

"You..." Xu Sixin choked for a moment, "It doesn't matter how bad my reputation is compared to my being a man, but if you are a woman, if you have a bad name, it is not only bad for me, it is also bad for you, and it is even worse for the children. unfavorable!

Don’t even think about investing in movies. The market there is deep, so just stay at home and be your lady. If it doesn’t work, invest in some stocks and funds instead of those. very messy! "

Lin Lang patted the table, "What's wrong with making movies? Movies are an art now, not like you invest in those things that kill off children and grandchildren. Oh, you're so embarrassed that I'm embarrassed to say it. Anyway, I don't care. You don't care about what I do. You Just take care of your own business, and that Lan Lan girl, it's been so long, what are you thinking? She even called home a few days ago, if you really don't want to spend time with her , let’s settle the matter as soon as possible!”

Xu Sixin's face turned blue and purple, "You don't care about my business, anyway, I don't care about making movies, you can't do it anymore!"

Lin Lang stood up, "I'm just investing in making movies, what can you do to me? Hehehe, only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps. It is really a great official authority, but if you play the official authority, don't come Playing with my aunt and grandma in front of me will not eat this trick!
Anyway, let’s put it here, I don’t care about your affairs, and you don’t care about mine. I’m old and I don’t have the habit of cuckolding others, so don’t put your hands on my side. I’m my own business. I will be the master, and you don't need to worry about it! "

(End of this chapter)

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