Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1696 The heir of a wealthy family 3

Chapter 1696
Xu Sixin gritted his teeth with anger, "How could I not care about you, you are my wife, your bad reputation outside means that my reputation is bad, you hang out with those actors outside, and even I've got grass growing on my head, I'm hanging around outside, if I let others know that I don't even care about my wife, what will others think of me?"

Lin Lang waved her hands, "You can do whatever you want, anyway, I've decided to shoot the movie, it's getting late, I'll go to bed!"

"Don't go, I won't allow you to make a movie!" Xu Sixin said forcefully.

"My hands and feet are on my side. I can do whatever I want. You can't control me. If you really want to control me, then you have to listen to my discipline. From now on, you go home honestly and break up with the women outside." As long as you can do this, I will listen to you, stay at home honestly, and be a good wife and mother!" Linlang looked at Xu Sixin and said word by word.

Xu Sixin suddenly realized, "Oh, I said, why do you have nothing to do to make movies? So that's your plan. You should give up on it. I am a man and I can have three wives and four concubines, but you are a woman. From the beginning to the end!

Don't blame me for being rude if you mess up again outside! "

"What's the matter? You want to hit me, okay, hit me hard in the face, as long as you dare to hit me, I will go to the reporters and tell them what kind of man you are, Let everyone see how disgusting a man you are!" Lin Lang was looking forward to this man's attack on her, as long as he dared to attack her, she would dare to fight back, so that she would understand why Hua'er was so popular.

Xu Sixin raised his hand and was just about to hit it, but then he took it back, "Okay, I don't want to talk about anything else, since you don't want to, then I will take back all the money, I just want to see you After you have no money, how can you invest in making movies!"

Lin Lang made a coquettish gesture, "Hey, I'm afraid you forgot one thing, I'm your wife, just go to the bank with the cheek, you can spend as much money as you want, if you really can't, you can take it at home. I’m not afraid anyway, but if people know that your wife is poor and can only sell her own jewelry, what will others think of you? Do they think you have financial difficulties? No Will it affect your business? Anyway, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, in order to be able to do what I want to do, I will give up anything!"

Xu Sixin was silent for a long time, and finally squinted his eyes and said darkly: "Tell me, what do you want to give up those messy thoughts!"

Lin Lang also got straight to the point, "Actually, we are both husband and wife, so there is no need for such an embarrassment. My wish is very simple. I just hope that I can be respected. I am your eldest wife. Since you want to take a concubine, you have to According to the ancient method, concubines cannot stand on the stage and cannot be righted, and the sons of concubines have no inheritance rights. Not only can these concubines not be placed on my head, but if one day I am unhappy, I want to toss my concubine as much as I want, you can only watch from the sidelines, you are absolutely not allowed to meddle in the affairs of the house!

Not only that, but if my concubine is disobedient, I can simply divorce her. If you want to give something away, you must get my permission!

Of course, as long as you promise me these things, I will listen to you honestly and be your good wife and mother. You can find a few women outside if you want in the future, and I will never interfere! "

Xu Sixin heard this, "Do you really only want these?"

Lin Lang nodded, and then pretended to be aggrieved, "Of course, my request is very simple, and there are no excessive demands. In fact, I have been tossing and tossing to make you pay more attention to me. I am even more afraid After you had a concubine, you took me seriously... So... let's take a step back, you agree to my request, and I will listen to you in the future..."

"I have to think about the right of inheritance..." Xu Sixin only hesitated on this point. After all, he is his own son. If his son has everything and other sons have nothing, he, as a father, I also feel bad in my heart.

"I'm not a vicious stepmother, I can give them things, but most of the family property must be left to my children. You must know your family property, but I earned it with you. I accompanied you to endure hardships, and I accompanied you You started from scratch, so you can't let other women pick up the cheap stuff!" Lin Lang said confidently.

Xu Sixin nodded slowly, "That's fine, but don't forget what you promised me, you must be obedient in the future!"

"I know, I will never gossip with those messy people, but I will never give up on the things that should be invested, and making movies is not something I just think about casually. Recently, the movie industry is relatively developed. Making movies You can make a lot of money, not only this, but the real estate industry is also on the rise..." Linlang said, and then waved her hands, "Okay, don't talk about these annoying things, it's getting late, you should go up and rest early !"

Xu Sixin nodded, and just as the two were about to go up to rest, the butler came over and saw that their faces were a bit ugly, and finally gritted his teeth and said slowly: "Master, that Miss He called again, and she also called Let you answer the phone, saying that if you don't answer the phone, she will go to the reporter and tell them what kind of heartbreaker you are..."

Xu Sixin's face was extremely ugly. He really likes women because he is petty, but it doesn't mean he likes women who are tricky and willful.

Lin Lang sat aside and giggled, "This has reminded me again, next time when looking for a woman, try to find someone who is educated and reasonable, at least someone who understands some rules, such as this is really unruly, dare to threaten the master, ha ha , who gave her the guts!

But forget it, you are my husband, I can't just sit and watch you being calculated by others. You have worked very hard outside, you go to sleep, and I will leave the rest to you! "

Xu Sixin showed a grateful expression, "It's really hard work for you. As for that He Lanlan, I used to think he was quite sensible. I wanted to marry her back, but now it seems that I am getting more and more unruly!"

After sending people away, Lin Lang came to the living room to answer the phone, and said to the woman on the other end of the phone: "Miss He, you are getting bolder and bolder, and now you are calling my house openly, now you are a mistress Are you all this arrogant?"

"What little San, I'm his girlfriend, don't say anything, let him answer the phone quickly, or I'll go to the reporter!" He Lanlan said angrily.

"Girlfriend? Ms. He, do you know what a girlfriend is? An unmarried man and a woman are unmarried. Two people together are considered boyfriend and girlfriend, but my husband and I are married to me, and I am the first wife he is marrying. You You are with him now, and you are a mistress, a third party. Of course, you can also go to the reporter, and let everyone know that you are a vain woman!

In fact, men, it doesn't matter if they play outside. After all, the relationship between men and women, if it is spread outside, it can bring glory to men, but the relative embarrassment is women. Anyway, my men are not at a disadvantage. You go tell it Maybe it can increase his romantic affairs, but Miss He, once you do such a thing, do you think my husband will marry you?Will I still be with you?What will happen to a woman who is not wanted and has no reputation?

Anyway, that’s the end of the story, I don’t want to say a thousand words, next time you call, don’t call home again, I don’t want to listen to you anymore, if you are not sensible, then I will let the police find you Let's talk! "

He Lanlan was terribly angry, "Yes, he married you, but he doesn't love you at all. You are old, and I am the youngest person he loves. Hurry up and ask him to answer the phone. I have something urgent to say to you." He said!"

Lin Lang smiled softly, "Miss He, my husband's attitude is already very clear. If you are honest, he doesn't have to return those things he gave you. Maybe he can even give you a parting gift, but you If you're being dishonest, don't blame our subordinates for being ruthless. It's normal if something happens to a young girl in broad daylight... Oh, it's late, I won't tell you these things, I should Go to bed...Miss He, those who know current affairs are brilliant, I hope you can understand what this sentence means!"

(End of this chapter)

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