Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1698 Chapter 1714 Heir to a wealthy family 5

Chapter 1698 Chapter 1714 The wealthy heir five
The third child seemed to understand something, and winked at Lin Lang, "Mom is so self-restraining!"

Lin Lang tore off the scarf around her neck, threw it on the table, and said casually: "If I don't take it easy, I will be the one who gets hurt, so it's better for women to love themselves more. As for you, don't worry about it." Just take care of your own business, don't worry about other things, they can't make any trouble!"

Here, Xu Sixin came downstairs to Wang Yingying, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand, and walked upstairs slowly.

"You are finally willing to look at me!" Wang Yingying said coquettishly, "You don't even know how much people miss you!"

Xu Sixin smiled lightly, put his arms around Wang Yingying and said, "You little fairy, I'm with you every day, but I just left you this year during the Chinese New Year. Do you miss me that much after a while? It's really exhausting!"

Wang Yingying blushed, "Of course I miss you, if you don't see each other every day, it's like three autumns, and if I don't see you every day, it's like three years!

Also, Chinese New Year is a festival for old-fashioned people. As people in the new society, what do we do with that kind of festival?Anyway, I don't care, since you have come to me, don't go out today, just stay with me! "

"Of course, since I'm here with you, I definitely won't go anywhere else!" Xu Sixin promised.

Wang Yingying was naturally very happy. Although he said just now that the date is not a big deal, she knew in her heart that New Year's Eve is one of the most important holidays for Chinese people. Xu Sixin is willing to leave it at home and come to accompany her. Of course she is She was moved, but no matter how much she was moved, she also had her own calculations in her heart.

After some cloud and rain, Wang Yingying leaned against the head of the bed, and said softly: "Sixin, since I am your woman, but I don't want to show my face outside, I want to marry you, whether it's a child or something Anything is fine, as long as I can be by your side, I am willing!"

Xu Sixin was a little itchy. After all, this woman was really pretty, but no matter how beautiful he was, he always felt uncomfortable if he married a female celebrity home. After all, he was an old-fashioned person, and marrying a female celebrity home was equivalent to In ancient times, bringing an opera singer home was too shameful.

"This... let's talk about it. After all, the new year is not over yet. I want to tell our family about this suddenly. She is definitely not willing. Wait a little longer. I will find a suitable opportunity..." Xu Sixin prevaricated Said.

But when is the right opportunity, no one knows, after all, opportunities don't come every day, let alone everywhere.

Although Wang Yingying was a little disappointed, she was a sensible person. Since Xu Sixin didn't want to mention it, she didn't want to force it. She just wanted to find a suitable opportunity and bring it up to him again.
On Linlang's side, Xu Sixin's romantic affairs have already caused a lot of trouble in the city, but Linlang doesn't care, what to do, she still has a smiling face outside, and people can't help but praise her.

"Mrs. Xu, you are here. We have recently added a new batch of jewelry to our store. Do you need to take a look?"

Wang Yingying was shopping in a jewelry store when she suddenly heard the voice of a shopping guide. Turning around, she saw a dignified and majestic woman, biting her lips and thinking about whether to go up.

"Okay, my daughter is coming back recently, and I want to buy some jewelry for her too!" Lin Lang nodded, "I'm an old-fashioned person, and I prefer emerald and gold, but my daughter is relatively new, and I like jewelry." Diamonds and the like, you can choose these for me, I will take a good look at them later!"

The shopping guide was very happy when he heard this, these things are not cheap, if he can sell these things, he will get a lot of commission, so he is more active, one good word after another.

Wang Yingying stood aside and saw the scene in front of her, she felt itchy in her heart, if this is also Xu Sixin's wife, then she can have whatever she wants, not to mention the diamond, let's just talk about the emerald, the best emerald But it costs tens of thousands of dollars a piece!

After all, Wang Yingying couldn't resist the temptation in her heart and stepped forward, but her attitude was very flattering, "Mrs. Xu, I've heard that Mrs. Xu is dignified and generous. I saw her recently, and she really lives up to her reputation!"

Linlang followed the voice and found that it was a very beautiful girl who nodded to him, but her husband couldn't remember where he had seen this woman, but everyone came to say hello, so it was impossible for him not to respond , so she smiled at her, "You are too famous, but you are also very beautiful!"

That's right, it's just that she is pretty, but the woman in front of her is dignified and dignified. Only those who marry a wife are virtuous and generous, and those who take a concubine choose beautiful ones.

But now the new society is different from those old societies. Even if I can't stand on the stage, I can still be a wife, and I can compete for superiority. If I am born a son, I might be able to inherit the family business.

"Mrs. Xu, I don't know if you've heard of me. I starred in the most popular movie recently!" Wang Yingying introduced herself.

As soon as Linlang heard this, she immediately understood who this girl was. The movie that was released recently showed that this woman was a movie star, and all the stars she had met remembered their faces. The only one she hadn't met, And the one who came up to say hello to me, I should say that I don't know him, but this person who knows me means that he has an inexplicable relationship with the one in his family. Thinking of the recent gossip, Lin Lang immediately understood who this person is .

She gently put down the jadeite bracelet in her hand, and smiled socially at the girl in front of her, "So it's you, it's better to see it after hearing it for a long time!"

Wang Yingying took a deep breath and continued, "Mrs. Xu, I like you very much. I hope that one day we can be sisters!"

"Hehe!" Lin Lang hated talking about sisters and sisters the most, "What a coincidence, my parents only gave birth to me as a girl. I am an only child, so I don't have any sisters. If you want to be a sister, you can find someone else." Do it, our family will never tolerate people who can't stand on the stage as relatives with our family!"

Wang Yingying's face was pulled down, "Mrs. Xu, you are also a rich and noble lady, why do you speak so vulgarly, even worse than me, an actor?"

Lin Lang was also not polite, "Whether I speak well or not depends on the kind of person I am with. If others respect my goodness, I will naturally respect others. Unlike some people who come straight to the point and get straight to the point, they are thick-skinned It can be used as a city wall!
Ms. Wang, I don't know what kind of thoughts you have in your heart. If you want to enter the house, you should go to the person concerned. Don't show off your power in front of me. My wife won't take this kind of thing!
To be honest, I am used to a lot of women like you, just like some time ago, our family also fell in love with a young white-collar worker, who looks first-class, and I heard that she is an intellectual, but I didn’t throw it away after playing for a while, so I’m not afraid of someone like you, why you will disappear one day, if you really have the ability, let him marry you, anyway, I don’t care, I Now that he wants his son to have a son and his daughter to have a secure identity, it is impossible for him to abandon his poor wife! "

When Wang Yingying heard this, her face was burning with pain, "I...I have no other intentions, just want to come over to say hello..."

Lin Lang raised her hand, "I don't care if you want to say hello or what, but don't provoke me. I hate those people with vicious thoughts the most, especially the kind... who don't know the heights of heaven and earth. It is shameless to open a dyeing room just by dividing the color!
Miss Wang, you are a public figure anyway, pay attention to your identity, since you are a third party, just curl up your tail and be your tortoise, you are still showing off your power here, hehe, if your fans know What kind of person are you, what would you think? "

Wang Yingying lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "Your words are too harsh, I don't have any malicious intentions, I just..."

 The seventh grade mathematics is almost done, and it's time to go to the eighth grade. I feel that I have a headache. I got into trouble again today, because I slipped my mouth and told others about our basic salary.

  Then let me tell you what happened today. I am from the charging department of the hospital, and we have a very close relationship with the pharmacy. Then when charging today, the aunt at the pharmacy said that there should be many people after the pneumonia. Unemployed, I said I was so poor that I could hardly afford to eat, he said didn't I just get paid?I just said, what can I do with a salary of 1100?
  Then it exploded. Our hospital is outsourced, and the salary standard is the basic basic salary plus a commission. The basic salary of 1100 may seem very low to outsiders, but in our small third-tier city, it is actually quite good. , In the past, our basic salary was 800 yuan. After three months of work, the hospital gave us an additional 300 yuan.

  The basic salary is 1100, and there is no five insurances and one housing fund. Then I said that we did not buy insurance if we added 300 yuan, but you bought it. You have pension insurance, and you are regular employees. We are at most a contract worker. We Nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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