Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1699 The heir of a wealthy family 6

Chapter 1699
Lin Lang also said unceremoniously: "You really don't have any malicious intentions, but your actions and your behavior are particularly disgusting. It's fine to be a third party, and you even came to show off in front of the official, Hehe, fortunately you are still a public figure, you should be ashamed!"

Wang Yingying's face flushed with anger, "If you let Sixin know that you said that about me, he will be very angry, and I don't want to do anything, I just want to come and say hello to you, after all, we are going to be sisters... "

"Stop it, didn't you hear what I just said? My parents only gave birth to me and no other sisters, so don't think about being sisters with me, I think it's dirty!

As for what Xu Sixin thinks, you don’t need to worry about it. If you are really capable, let him marry you. Anyway, I don’t care. Now I want a son to have a son, a daughter to have a daughter, and a status to have status. You have everything, you are not afraid of anything, but what about you, now you have nothing, do you dare to fight against me?Although he dotes on you, he just treats you as a toy, and he can throw it away anytime if he is not happy. You are like throwing garbage! "

Wang Yingying was so frightened that her eyes widened. She was not a fool. In fact, she knew in her heart that Xu Sixin really regarded herself as a toy, the kind of toy that could be sold, so she was willing to give herself three points. But he really doesn't want to be an ordinary plaything, but wants to be the wife of a wealthy family and live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

Lin Lang stood up with a headache, and said to the waiter in the store: "What's the matter with your store? Any cat or dog can come in. If this happens again, I won't come here again, and I will tell you Don't let those good sisters come to your side!"

The clerk was terrified, and hurried forward, "Mrs. Xu, we were wrong, but we can't drive customers out. How about this? Next time, I will open a VIP room for you alone to ensure that you will not be disturbed by others. As for today's Jewelry, which one do you like, I will give you a 9% discount on all of them, do you think it is okay?"

Lin Lang didn't lack that little money, but what she lacked was an attitude, but she didn't want to continue shopping any longer, so she waved her hand, "Forget about it today, I have other things to do. As for these jewelry, I'll come back when I'm free." Let's see!"

"Well, Mrs. Xu, I will definitely keep the best jewelry in the store for you!" the store manager said complimentingly.

Lin Lang took her bag and turned around to leave. The clerk was a bit unlucky. He thought he would be able to make a big order today, but he didn't expect to meet a plague god. It was really unlucky.

"Miss Wang!" The clerk didn't want to offend anyone, but when he thought of the big order he missed just now, he always had some resentment in his heart, "If you don't want to go shopping, please go out, we are not ordinary people who can come in, why not?" Yes, Ms. Wang, how can we say that it is also a high-end jewelry store, you have been educated and you are a celebrity, you should know what etiquette is, right?"

Wang Yingying's face was flushed with anger, and she left despondently, but she was still unwilling after returning home. When Xu Sixin came, she cried and told him what happened today.

"This is really killing me!" Wang Yingying cried softly, "I have never been so uncomfortable, I really like you, not because of your money, who is for you, I just went to give She just said hello, and I hope we can get along well in the future, but her words are too ugly, and she dislikes me ashamed, but no matter how embarrassing I am, she is also your woman, who is also your woman, why should I have to Being bullied?"

Xu Sixin had a headache from crying, so he patted his hand and said comfortingly, "When did you cry because of it? It turned out to be such a trivial matter. Don't cry. She has a straight temper. What can I say? If you don't like to hear it, just pretend you haven't heard anything, anyway, you two don't meet often, so there won't be a next time!"

Is this what Wang Yingying wants?It's not what she wanted at all. She said so much about her status and cried so many tears, but Xu Sixin didn't make any promises. What does this mean?Do you not want to marry yourself?
"I..." Wang Yingying choked and said, "Just tell me, do you really like me, do you put me in your heart?"

Xu Sixin hurriedly said comfortingly: "Of course I take you to heart, don't worry, I won't let you be wronged for nothing, how about this, I will take you to the jewelry store tomorrow, and I will pay for what you like, okay? If it really doesn't work, a big director is going to invest in making a movie recently, and I'll let you play the heroine, okay?"

Who wants these? What she wants is a decent title.

Wang Yingying could tell that the man in front of her didn't want to marry her at all, but what about that kind of person? The man had to break up with her. The entertainment industry is so complicated, and the water inside is very deep. I heard that there are some gangs mixed in. , if he didn't have someone to cover him, he would probably have been swallowed alive long ago.

Therefore, Wang Yingying could only tell herself over and over again that she must not act rashly and must watch the timing.

But the timing, how can such things be accurate? The man who had sworn to himself a while ago turned out to have a new love in the second month. I heard that he was still a little girl. Her mother owed a large amount of debt. The girl's mother had no choice but to push the little girl out.

The little girl is really beautiful, she can be described as beautiful, and she is also sensual, with a look of purity in her eyes. If it weren't for the fact that the girl was too young, Xu Sixin would probably have made a move a long time ago.

Wang Yingying also felt a sense of threat. He felt that he couldn't just sit still. The girl must have no way to drive away. Now if she wants to get a position, she can only rely on her own stomach to get a position. I didn't take birth control pills or anything, but why couldn't I conceive a baby?Could it be that he is too old?Impossible, some men can still be a father at the age of 80 or 40, but he is only in his [-]s now, which is the prime time for a man.

Lin Lang also knew about the little girl, and sighed, "What a poor person!"

Xu Sixin also liked this little girl very much, so he took the girl home, hoping that Lin Lang would take good care of it, after all, that girl's mother is really not a good thing!

"I also like this little girl, she is beautiful and well-behaved, but don't forget, sir, the second and third are at home. Seeing such a beautiful girl, I’m afraid I’ll make a joke out of it!” Lin Lang took a look, and the little girl who was sitting timidly by the side sighed, “Aren’t there many hotels outside, let her stay in a hotel Bar!"

Xu Sixin rubbed his nose, but he didn't rule out the possibility. After all, the children in the family were grown up, so he was also confused. He thought this girl was pitiful and brought him back. Now that he thinks about it, he is really confused.

"That's fine, then I'll take her away!" Xu Sixin stood up, and couldn't help but ask, "What do you think of her?"

Lin Lang said very magnanimously: "I told you, as long as my position is safe and secure, I don't mind you spending time and drinking outside, and I don't mind having an extra sister!
It's just that this girl is too young, and no one can tell what will happen in the future, so let's wait. If after 5 years, this little girl still wants to follow you, if you still like her, then bring her in. Just stay with me! "

(End of this chapter)

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