Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1707 Aunt Xianglin 3

Chapter 1707 Aunt Xianglin III
Linlang turned around and went back to her yard, took stock of the money in her hand, gritted her teeth, went to Renyazi the next day, and bought a small yard. Although it was a small yard, the price was prohibitively expensive , the main reason is that the people living around are either rich or expensive, and the value of that small courtyard has also risen accordingly.

The reason why Linlang bought such an expensive yard is because the people here are either rich or expensive. Ordinary gangsters would definitely not dare to come here to make trouble. Since she left there, Linlang no longer has to listen to gossip, and her life is much better up.

Of course, the water level is dropping day by day, the weather is getting hotter day by day, and there hasn’t been a single rain in the past few months. In addition, the current world is not good. Many people have lost their harvests and have to sell their children. Because Lin Lang had saved some food and had money in hand, she didn't worry about it. She usually stayed in her small yard and wouldn't go out when she was free.

But he didn't go out, but others made trouble and found his head. The next morning, Lin Lang hadn't woken up when he heard crying after another at the door. When he opened the door, he found a skinny child , Judging from this appearance, it should be just a few days after birth, but this is too unconscionable.

Lin Lang carried the child back, and at the same time couldn't help but marvel at my God, this child is still a boy, isn't a boy very precious in this feudal society?Why throw the boy away?
Lin Lang didn't want to raise a child either, but it was impossible to watch the child die. She looked for the neighbors around to see which woman gave birth to a child and asked them to give the child a sip of milk.

But going on like this is not an option, because Lin Lang really didn't think about raising other people's children, so she asked the people around her to find out who wanted to adopt children.

The aunt who fed the child shook her head, "Now every family can't afford to eat, how could anyone adopt a child who is not related by blood? I didn't say that, your child didn't come out of thin air, obviously someone wanted to plot against you Ah, I saw that you are a widow living there and you have a small courtyard, and you don’t have to worry about food and drink, but you actually leave the child here, and you will recognize the child when the child grows up..."

Lin Lang's face was full of disbelief, "No way, how could such a thing happen in the world? Aren't they afraid that I will be ruthless and don't care about the child's life?"

The aunt continued: "This kind of thing is very common. The people who just put the child with you must be the people around. Once they see that you won't adopt the child, they will probably take the child back. I didn't expect you to be too soft-hearted. Asked the child to take it back, and gave it to the child to drink, I didn’t say that, you are young, you can’t be dragged down by this child..."

It doesn't matter if it's dragged or not, but Lin Lang really doesn't want to raise a child. It's so comfortable to live alone, and she doesn't want a child. She must have this idea in her heart. If the child is forced to stay, the child's happiness will not be enough. Not sure, and this is someone else's child. I have raised it by myself, but it is someone else's child after all. I don't have a sense of accomplishment. Not good.

Raising other people's children is like being a stepmother. If you do well, no one will praise you, but if you don't do well, tens of millions of people will scold you.

Lin Lang thought for a while, and then went to the poor house. The place was very poor, and the children had already been taken in, and the children there were also doing very badly. They were often full and hungry, and finally grew up. When I get older, I might have to go to work, and my life is extremely hard.

Lin Lang handed over the child to the dean, and at the same time gave a large sum of money. She was betting that she wanted to see if the couple would show up. If not, she would take the child back and raise the child first. , Wait until you find a suitable opportunity, and then find a good place for your child!

Sure enough, he sent the child away with his front foot, and when he received the news, he stood in front of his door and kept cursing over there.

Lin Lang has experienced so many worlds, but she is not a weak little white rabbit. She immediately opened the door and began to curse.

"You blame me for being heartless, and you have the face to say that you lost your newborn child. I think you are the one who has no conscience. Even if I have no conscience, at least I will give the child a bite, at least I will give the child a bite." Drink, and found a good place for him, at least I can sit upright, unlike you guys who are devoid of conscience, who even throw away their own children, so they should cut off their children and grandchildren, and no one will throw the basin after death! "

The family was so angry when they heard this sentence, who would throw away their own son? It was not because the family could not afford to support them, thinking that the little widow on the opposite side should be quite rich, otherwise they would not Maybe she could afford to buy a house, so she wanted to throw her son to the little widow, thinking that if the little widow lost her husband, if she could find a child, she would definitely take care of it and treat the child as her reliance, but no one thought that this The little widow actually threw their own son into the poorhouse. What kind of a poorhouse is that?

The couple were terrified. Although the family was poor, it was impossible for them to watch their son die. They ran to the poorhouse and took their son back, but they couldn't swallow their breath and cursed loudly. .

"Anyway, you're a little widow whose husband died. Wouldn't it be good to raise a son for nothing? A man with no conscience, what a good opportunity he puts in front of him, and he doesn't know how to cherish it. Mother, after getting married and killing her husband, she is really a lonely star who can't do any good things..."

"Get out!" Lin Lang waved her big hand and cursed at the top of her voice, "I will marry after I can give birth, and I will have children of my own. Why should I raise your children? Look at yourselves, everyone is black-hearted. It's terrible. As the saying goes, like a son, like a father, with parents like you, what can a child look like? I won't raise a white-eyed wolf for nothing!

Alright, now that you have brought your child back, let me calculate the expenses during this period. In order to get milk for your son, I have given away a lot of things, in order for the director of the old theater to take him in. Well, I paid a lot of money, you have to give me all the money, if you don't give me, I will scold you at your door every day, let everyone know that you two are devoid of conscience, throw your son in At other people's door, trying to let others raise your son, the heart is terribly dark!
When your son grows up, I will scold you every day, let your son know that you don't want to see him since he was a child, let him know that you are not good to your parents when he grows up, and he will not give you old age when you die! "

My dear, this is really murderous, the couple's eyes were red with anger, to be honest, what they did was really unethical, and they were afraid that others would see them with colored glasses and guard against them everywhere, so they gritted their teeth and felt aggrieved He took out a few coins and threw them on the ground, "Isn't it just money? We'll give you that damn bitch. I'll see who would marry such a heartless person like you!"

Of course, Lin Lang didn't pick up the money, "Bah, I don't want your money, because I'm afraid of getting your bad luck, and even if I can't get married, even if no one wants me, and even if I can't have children, I will I will definitely not raise your children, a family of snakes and rats is not a good thing!"

 It's a bit like a shrew cursing...

(End of this chapter)

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