Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1708 Aunt Xianglin 4

Chapter 1708 Aunt Xianglin IV
That group was so angry that after seeing Lin Lang left, when he was about to go back, he gritted his teeth looking at the coins on the ground, and picked them back cheekily. After all, those coins could buy a few catties of vegetables.

After such an experience, everyone knows that what the family did was unethical, not because the family couldn't make it through and threw the child away, but because you threw the child away, you simply wanted to plot against them, it was too kind Bad, you don’t want children, you can give them to others, but if you give them to others, you don’t want to admit it in this life, otherwise they will work hard to raise your children, and finally wait for the children to grow up and be successful , You parents come here again, what's the matter?

After such scolding, Linlang became famous completely, and no one else dared to provoke her. After all, Linlang could use hundreds of words, and scolded others without panting. What's more, he was able to sell for three days and three nights. Others don't have this kind of foundation, and they just say a few words over and over again, such as giving birth to a son without an ass hole, it's too boring, and it's so obvious that it's defeated.

Lin Lang doesn't want to be a shrew either. Although he is a little widow now, he is still a young, beautiful and attractive little widow, and he is still very marketable. Now that he is a shrew, no one will come to marry him. It doesn't matter if you don't marry, but it must be great to find someone you know and accompany you for the rest of your life.

In fact, Lin Lang has already made plans to die alone. After all, her reputation is really bad, and people who are a little more particular don't want to marry her at all, but she doesn't care. Anyway, she has money, and when she is liberated, she has been raped since she was a child. Selling to others as a child bride belongs to the oppressed kind of people, and belongs to the kind of people who are particularly good in composition, and they will definitely be able to live in peace and stability.

But she never thought that someone would come to propose marriage. Looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't laugh or cry, "Go back, I never thought about getting married!"

Zhou Dazhuang hurriedly said, "Don't refuse, I'm not a gangster, I came here on purpose to amuse you, I really came here to propose marriage!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "No matter what you want, I won't agree anyway, so leave now!"

Zhou Dazhuang hurriedly said: "Listen to me first, and then consider whether to refuse. In fact, I proposed marriage to you not because of your small courtyard or because you can make money, but because I think you and I are very suitable!

Of course, I am not talking about male talent and female appearance. I think you are very good for me, so I will not hide it from you. My mother passed away when I was very young, and my father married again. A wife, with a stepmother, there will be a stepfather, and I am the elder in the family, so my stepmother will not deal with me, and I was sent to the escort agency to learn art when I was very young Well, it wasn’t so good when the world was in chaos. I came back when I made money, but my stepmother still didn’t want to see her. I was afraid that I would rob the family’s property, and I was so old that I didn’t marry a wife!
I married you mainly because you are so... powerful... you should be able to deal with my stepmother, you don't have to think about it, anyway, I don't have much affection for my stepmother. I have been watching me suffer all these years, but I have never expressed anything, so in my heart he is not my father at all, you can deal with them, don't worry, I will not wrong you, I have been outside for so many years. I have saved some money, as long as you marry me, all of my money will be yours, let's live a good life..."

The corner of Linlang's mouth twitched. What do you mean I'm great?Is it swearing?This is really not a good name, is this man out of his mind?Don't all men like a good wife and mother?Why do people still like this tune?

Zhou Dazhuang said that men really like good wives and good mothers, but good wives and good mothers are nothing. His stepmother is aggressive, and if he doesn't find a good wife, he won't be able to stand up to it at all.

Lin Lang shook her head, "I don't think we are suitable!"

Zhou Dazhuang rubbed his hands, "Tell me, what's wrong with us? I'm young and capable. Not only can I give you money, but I also listen to everything you say. Not only that, you, a little widow, can be yours without relying on me." You can rely on me, and our family is a big family here, and there are many scholars!
By the way, you will not be afraid of being discriminated against by others, you don’t have to be afraid, there are still many people in our family who go abroad to study, for example, I have a distant cousin, he went to Japan to study, and he studied medicine. But instead of becoming a doctor, he became a writer now, so our family's atmosphere is quite open, so you don't have to worry..."

read the book?Especially went to Japan to study?Did you study medicine?Later, he became a writer, and his surname is Zhou...how does this look like a certain person...

Linlang's eyelids twitched suddenly, it couldn't be such a coincidence, "Well, let me ask you something, what's the name of your distant cousin who is studying abroad?"

Zhou Dazhuang's eyes lit up, "Do you agree? My family is indeed a scholar, and there have been many scholars. My cousin is the most amazing, it seems to be called...Zhou Shuren!"

It seems that it is really Lu Xun, thinking of the pain of being tortured by Lu Xun's articles when I was a child, Lin Lang's teeth hurt, what kind of evil fate is this!

Lin Lang shook her head, "Your family is really great, but I really don't deserve you. I'm a little widow, and I've killed my parents and my husband. There's something bad about me..."

"I'm not afraid. I've traveled all over the years, and I don't know how many times I've seen the Lord of the Underworld. I still feel that I have bad luck!" Zhou Dazhuang continued: "I just think that a woman like you is very energetic, and she can definitely manage her well." Our home!"

Lin Lang looked at the mighty and majestic man in front of him, sighed and continued, "That's all right, I won't hide it from you, in fact, I ran out secretly, because my mother-in-law wanted to sell me and give it to my uncle Marrying a daughter-in-law...Of course I can't sit still, so I sold everything left by my dead ghost husband, and ran to the town with the money to beg for a living. Even so, if you really marry me, if you are killed My mother-in-law knows, and I'm afraid she will trouble you again..."

When Zhou Dazhuang heard this, his eyes became brighter and brighter, "You are really amazing, you are courageous and resourceful, you can be regarded as a hero among women, don't say anything, I don't care about anything, I will marry you You, how about it, let's find a time, and then I will let the matchmaker come to ask for it, as for your so-called mother-in-law, I have traveled all over the world for so many years, and I am not afraid at all, so you can rest assured!"

All right, since you agree, then I will too. She really wants to see what the family of a famous writer looks like, and also wants to see what the legendary Baicao Garden looks like, and even more wants to see the family of the famous writer. Yun's young man wants to see that tofu Xi Shi even more...Maybe when she travels to the modern society one day, she can still brag about what she has seen and heard.

 This article is purely a brain-hole entertainment article, I hope you don't think too much, thank you for loving everyone, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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