Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1709 Aunt Xianglin 5

Chapter 1709 Aunt Xianglin Five
Although it was a second marriage, Zhou Dazhuang was very cautious. He not only invited a matchmaker, but also sent invitations to all his relatives and friends.

When the old man of the Zhou family knew what his son was doing, he almost didn't go up, and yelled: "You son of a bitch, are you out of your mind? Marrying a widow whose husband died, and she is also the lone star of the devil! You are a little widow, so you want to kill our whole family, no, we writers can't tolerate such a woman, so quickly cancel the marriage, or I will kick you out!"

Zhou Dazhuang was no longer afraid at all, "Father, my life is not good. My mother left when I was born, and I have traveled all over the world these years. If you don't want to see my future wife, then you can separate me!"

"Nonsense, the parents are here, so there is no separation!" How could the old man of the Zhou family separate this son? The youngest son in the family asks for money to study, and the little girl is about to get married. , he is old and can't earn much money, but the eldest son can earn money, because the eldest son can earn money, so his marriage has been dragging on, and he is afraid that after marrying a girl's wife, this little bastard will not give home. There is money in it.

But I didn't expect this little bastard to make a marriage for himself without saying a word. He was really pissed off, no, we can't let that little widow in, or the Zhou family's reputation will be lost.

Zhou Dazhuang wanted to marry this little widow to death. If it was impossible, he would separate and become a monk. If it was in the past, his stepmother would definitely be willing, but after so many years, there are not many properties in the Zhou family. Zhou Dazhuang is separated, what will happen to his family?
The stepmother gritted her teeth and discussed with the head of the family, "If it doesn't work, let him take it. Although she is a little widow, she can be regarded as a woman from a good family anyway, and because she married again and died her husband-in-law, she must have no confidence. When you marry here , let us knead it!"

The old man of the Zhou family sighed, and on the second day he sent a message to Zhou Dazhuang that he could take the little widow, but it was not a big deal to get married, because their Zhou family couldn't afford to lose this person.

Zhou Dazhuang is definitely not willing, what do you mean by being shameless?Is it shameful to marry a wife yourself?This son without a mother is really pitiful, he can't even make decisions about his own marriage, Zhou Dazhuang naturally can't agree to them, so after the first time, there must be a second time why he married a daughter-in-law, but he and himself have a common Resistance, his damned father and stepmother.

"Okay, I don't need to make a fuss about getting a wife, but I have a request, and I can't make a fuss when my younger brother and sister get married or get married. As long as you agree to me, then I will agree. If you don't agree to me, Then I don’t agree with what you said, it’s a big deal!” Zhou Dazhuang said cheekily: “Anyway, if I don’t get married, I won’t have a wife, and if I don’t have a wife, I won’t have children. Yes, my younger brother is studying, and it really made me anxious, so I pulled him back, didn't let him study, and let him go farming all day long!"

That can't be done, the youngest son is Mr. Zhou's darling, and the whole family expects the youngest son to be able to read it out, it's so glorious!
Mr. Zhou was furious, but he didn't dare to confront Zhou Dazhuang head-on, so he could only persuade him tactfully: "It's not that I won't give you a big deal, and you don't even think about it. What kind of identity is that little widow? Our Zhou family still has face. Yes, if we let others know that we have taken a little widow, what will others think of us? You are shameless, and our family is shameless!"

"What's wrong with marrying a little widow? We didn't steal from others, and we didn't rob others. Besides, I'm also the eldest son of the Zhou family, so getting married will naturally be a big deal!" Zhou Dazhuang said very firmly, "Anyway, no matter what, this I am determined to take the little widow, and I will definitely make a big deal of it, if you don't agree, then give me out, as long as I get out, I won't be able to provoke your eyes again!"

How could the couple let go of the hen that lays the golden eggs? That's fine, you can do it if you want, but the Qian family won't let it out. Zhou Dazhuang also knows that this is the couple's bottom line, okay. Well, most of it is more than half, anyway, I have saved so much money, if I don't spend it on myself, I will definitely spend it on that white-eyed wolf boy!
So although most of the money was spent, it was spent on myself anyway, and I was happy in my heart!
In this way, Lin Lang sat on the general carried by eight people, and married into the Zhou family in a glorious manner. When she went to pay respects to the old man and the old lady of the Zhou family on the second day, she found that they hadn't gotten up yet. The mouth just got up slowly.

Seeing them, Lin Lang smiled shyly holding her handkerchief, "I didn't expect father and mother to have such a good relationship. I must have been tossing around very late last night!"

What's the meaning?What do you mean by that?Does it mean that the two of them are old forever?

Mr. Zhou was so angry that he almost passed away in one breath, his eyes were wide open, his eyes turned white, he pointed at Lin Lang, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, "You, you..."

Lin Lang blinked and pretended to be ignorant, "Eunuch, what's the matter with you, are you happy to hear me say this? Oh, my father-in-law and mother-in-law love each other, and I, a junior, will naturally be happy. My husband and I have a child, and my mother-in-law gave birth to a child in Lao Bang Huai Zhu, maybe the children of our two families can play together and go to school together, it will be a good story!"

What a good story, if it gets out, the Zhou family will lose all face, and some people will accuse them, saying that they are old, they are so old, and they are still doing those messy things, alas, no , It's really embarrassing.

"Shut up!" Zhou's stepmother gritted her teeth and said, "It's too uneducated. What you say is as vulgar as a rural woman. I shouldn't have married you in the first place. Look at this father-in-law who has just entered the door. This way!"

"Is the father-in-law angry? I think he is very happy. After all, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are so affectionate, so what is there to be angry about? If they are not affectionate, it is impossible to wake up because of sunburn, but you are old, father-in-law." I can't continue to toss about it, otherwise I will tell my husband to find some good things, such as the body-replenishing knotweed stick and donkey whip..." Lin Lang continued.

Mr. Zhou almost rolled his eyes in anger, and glared fiercely at the chattering woman in front of him, "Shut up, is this something you can say as a daughter-in-law? Your mother-in-law and I got up late because..."

Because no one will believe it even if they say they have signed [-] yuan. A couple got up late, and they knew what they were doing last night after thinking about it. The old man of the Zhou family wanted to explain, but he didn’t know what to say. The others got up late, just wanting to give this eldest daughter-in-law a bad start!

The stepmother of the Zhou family gritted her teeth and said, "Your father and I woke up late because we were happy last night. I am glad that the boss finally has someone who knows the cold and the hot, but your mouth is too worthless. What you said It's too ugly, from now on you just follow me and learn the rules, so you don't have to go outside and say some nonsense, which will make others think that our Zhou family has no education at all!"

Linlang lowered her eyes and pretended to be wronged by her father, "I don't know. Before I got married, I heard outsiders say that my father-in-law and my mother-in-law are very in love with each other. Before my ex-mother-in-law died, they were together. Together, I think it's been so many years, it should be better than before, that's why I said those words..."

The stepmother of the Zhou family was very angry. Yes, she did hook up with the old man of the Zhou family before they got married. It was not because she was too old to get married, so she wanted to marry the old man of the Zhou family, not to mention being a wife. Well, it's okay to be a concubine, at least I can have someone to rely on in the future, but I never thought that that woman would be unlucky, so I went like this, and I became a wife smoothly!
(End of this chapter)

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