Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1712 Aunt Xianglin 8

Chapter 1712 Xianglin's Wife Eight
The queen mother-in-law was not afraid of anything, but she was afraid that her children would be wronged. She took two steps back, her eyes widened, and she waved her sleeves, "Okay, I don't need to trouble you, but we writers want to Faceless person, your mother-in-law's matter needs to be resolved quickly, if it is not resolved... don't say I am making trouble for you, when the time comes the whole Zhou family will be making trouble for you, then it will not be a matter of driving you away, but I'm going to put you in the sink..."

Lin Lang squinted her eyes, and wanted to choke back, but hesitated again. The clan concept here is still very strong, and the matter of her mother-in-law should be resolved, so that night, Lin Lang knocked the ex-mother-in-law unconscious while others were not paying attention. , and then spent a lot of money to throw him on the train. As for what happened later, hehe, who can say for sure, if he can come back alive, he will come back alive, but he is a little woman, so old, I don't know how to read, so it's really a matter of whether I can come back.

Early in the morning of the second day, the mother-in-law found that the old woman sitting at her door had disappeared. She asked the people around, and they didn't know where the woman had gone. After that, the mother-in-law was a little scared. Maybe it was her eldest son who killed her. up?

Thinking of this, the step-mother-in-law was terrified. She had to guard against this terrible thing. After all, that man traveled all over the world for so many years and killed countless people. Maybe he could really do such a thing. If one day he Offended him, white knives in and red knives out...

Thinking of this, my mother-in-law became more honest, and she didn't dare to argue with Lin Lang anymore. After you, Lin Lang, did something out of the ordinary, her mother-in-law didn't dare to take care of her anymore, and she was very obedient.

Zhou Dazhuang was also very happy. During the time he came back, he finally found a job to make ends meet. Although he was a policeman in the police station, he had a decent job, at least he could support his wife.

Not only that, his stepmother is also much more honest, his father doesn't say anything about him, and the whole family is very peaceful. Sure enough, this daughter-in-law is really married to the right one. If he married a slightly more honest daughter-in-law, he This home has been turned upside down.

Lin Lang was also very happy. After marrying into the Zhou family, she finally saw the legendary Baicao Garden and the legendary desk with the word "Zao" engraved on it, her eyes glistened with joy.

Not only that, but Lin Lang also drank the bean curd from Tofu Xi Shi, saw Kong Yiji, standing in front of the tavern, haggling with others, not only that, there was also Ah Q, entertaining himself all day long.

Lin Lang never thought that she would encounter these things. She found it very novel, as if the textbook had come alive in front of her eyes.

Zhou Dazhuang also felt very strange, why his wife was so interested in his distant cousin. Could it be that his daughter-in-law liked the peach tree in the distance, but it shouldn't be, the two of them had never met before.

"I'm very surprised, why do you like to ask about my cousin so much? Could it be that you have seen him?" Zhou Dazhuang finally couldn't help it, and asked curiously.

Linlang dodged her eyes for a moment, "Oh, your distant uncle is famous not only in your clan, but also in the entire literary world. I'm a fan of him, and I've read some of his articles, really. Very delicate, I adore him very much!
It's just a pity, I can't see him now in Beiping, if I can meet him, I must ask your cousin for an autograph! "

"You've even read my cousin's article. Could it be that you can read? That's really amazing?" Zhou Dazhuang praised.

Lin Lang was about to admit it, when she had a sudden understanding, could she read?A child bride-in-law who doesn't have enough to eat and clothes to keep warm, how could she possibly have the chance to learn to read?She quickly shook her head shyly, "I don't know many characters, only a few commonly used ones. As for your uncle's article, when others read it, I listened to it twice and thought it was very well written. Remember it carefully!"

"So that's the case, but knowing how to read is a good thing. If you want to continue to learn how to read, you can go to the church. I heard that it teaches women how to read for free!" Zhou Dazhuang exhorted.

Lin Lang nodded, and then changed the topic again, "By the way, how is your work lately? According to our country, there should be no troubles here!"

Zhou Dazhuang sighed, "Don't mention it, a big incident happened just after I went in, a lot of things were stolen from the master's house, even the secretary... some documents were stolen from there, some people said it was done by Gong , and some people said that it was made by the Japanese, and they tossed it back and forth many times, which gave us all a headache!"

Lin Lang didn't dare to continue talking, "It's enough for us ordinary people to take care of ourselves, as long as we behave properly and sit properly, we are not afraid of getting into trouble!"

Zhou Dazhuang nodded, "I know what you said. By the way, I'm not at home. How is my stepmother during this time? He didn't bother you anymore, did he?"

Lin Lang waved her hand, and said indifferently: "No, your stepmother is honest. After a few fights with me, she felt inferior to me, so she never quarreled with me again. She was so obedient all day long!"

"Hahaha, sure enough, it's true that I married you, if I married another woman, I wouldn't have such a peaceful life!" Zhou Dazhuang said with a smile: "This wife is really worth marrying! "

After Linlang talked to him for a while, the couple turned off the lights and went to bed. On the second day, Linlang went to the church after doing the housework at home. Sure enough, there was a mousse teaching everyone how to read, but everyone who could read It was some children, Lin Lang was not shy, she got to know those children and learned English with them, the time passed quietly like this.

The Chinese New Year will soon be here. After Lin Lang prepared a lot of things, her brother-in-law and sister-in-law also came back. When they saw Lin Lang, their noses were not noses, and their eyes were not eyes.

Especially the sister-in-law scolded loudly: "You are the daughter-in-law married by my eldest brother. I heard that I am not at home. During this time, you have been annoying my mother every day. I don't know if it is true?"

Lin Lang originally didn't want to argue with such a little girl. After all, adult affairs are adult affairs, and there is no need to involve children. But since children are so ignorant, then she, an adult, doesn't have to be polite. Pick up Sleeve said unceremoniously: "Xiao Guozi, then I have to say, what does it mean to give him a look? I'm just telling the truth. It's like the tuition fees for you and your uncle. It's all my money." The head of the family earned it back through hard work, but we worked tirelessly there, but some people thought we didn't do enough, and wanted to drink our blood and eat our flesh!

Also, sister-in-law, you are not young. Girls as old as you should get married, and it’s okay for boys to study, but what do you do with a girl? Girls should stay at home, three obediences and four virtues, you It's easy to lose our Zhou family's reputation if we show our faces outside all day like this! "

The sister-in-law blushed with anger, "What do you know? I am a progressive, with progressive ideas. How can I be a feudal woman like you!"

"Yes, I am indeed a feudal woman. I don't have as much knowledge as you, but I eat and work with my own hands. At least I don't drink the blood of people in my family. Unlike sister-in-law, you eat your brother's blood." Yes, drinking your brother's, turning your face and scolding me as a sister-in-law, you are really shameless!" Linlang mocked unceremoniously: "If you say this is the so-called progressive thinking, then you are really shameless, I think progressive thinking should be self-reliance, self-improvement, self-respect, and self-love, but which point do you occupy?"

(End of this chapter)

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