Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1713 Aunt Xianglin 9

Chapter 1713 Xianglin Sister-in-law Nine
The sister-in-law clutched her chest, with a weak face, "What do you know? You are a village woman who can't read a single word. I am... I am a progressive member of the new society. Where is it that a woman like you only knows how to pinch sores all day long? I only know who spent how much money, I have no knowledge at all!"

The stepmother stood aside, her eyelids twitching all the time, ouch, this girl of mine really doesn't wink at all, for the sake of this, if she really offends this Lord Hades, there are probably even worse things to say.

Lin Lang stepped forward and pulled the door, and said at the top of her voice, "Progressives in the new society, I would like to ask if there are any progressives who spent money from elder brother and scolded sister-in-law. Such a thing, not respecting the elders, not benevolent, not grateful, really makes people sick!

Okay, you think I'm an ignorant village woman, then I'll go to school tomorrow to find your teacher, I want to ask him, we paid so much tuition, why Xiao Guo didn't make any progress in his studies, he didn't know how to understand the hard work at home , and blamed my sister-in-law for not understanding any rules! "

The sister-in-law turned pale. If this dead woman really went to school, what face would she have? A trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she quickly looked at her mother, "Mom, I..."

The uncle stood aside. He originally didn't want to bother the women quarreling because he felt a headache, but seeing that the situation had reached this point, the fire was about to burn on his sister, so he stood up and said, "Sister-in-law, although the words are That is to say, but this family has not been divided yet, everything is decided by the mother, no matter how unwilling you are, you still have to listen to the mother!"

"Of course I know how to be filial to my elders, so I don't say anything every time I give money, but you guys know how to be filial to your elders, and they say that elder sister-in-law is like a mother. I see that you don't show much respect to me, do you?" Lin Lang said to her brother-in-law I rolled my eyes, "Don't speak harshly, I am a person who has something to say, look at my husband, he was sent out since he was a child, traveled all over the world, begging for life on the tip of a knife, but you made money in seconds It’s all cheap to you little white-eyed wolves, I’m not reconciled in my heart, if you talk nicely to me, it’s fine to spend the money, we’re all a family anyway, but you obviously don’t treat me as a family, You still despise me, I feel uncomfortable, I want to ask for an explanation, you all say that your Zhou family is a big family, the father is kind and the son is filial, I think it is a fart!"

"Okay!" The old man of the Zhou family stood up, "What's the matter with the noise during the New Year's Eve, everyone, I know you don't want to be reconciled in your heart, but you are a family after all, don't make it so ugly!"

Lin Lang cried and said, "Elder-in-law, I know it's a family, and I don't want to make it so ugly, but look at my uncle and sister-in-law, they came to look for me as soon as they came back, it's not that they don't take me seriously, Our family worked so hard for him to study, don't say a word of gratitude, at least be respectful to us, but you look at them like a little white-eyed wolf, we spent so much money as the head of the family, but ended up looking for you two Master, come back, what do you think this is!"

"You..." The uncle blushed with anger, "I really have no shame, why did my elder brother marry such a daughter-in-law as you..."

"Do you want to know? Then let me tell you, because all the money your elder brother earned was taken away by your mother. He can't marry a daughter-in-law when he is dozens of years old, so he has no choice but to marry me. Husband's little widow!

Although I am a little widow, I am also a moral person. My husband-in-law treats me well and I naturally treat her well, but you white-eyed wolves eat other people's favors and scold others. As for the progressives who have passed the book, they are not shameless at all. Anyway, I don’t care. If you apologize to me today, I will not pay the money next year. If you dare to pay, I will go to school to make trouble. I want to see, do they still have the face to study over there? "Lin Lang said cheekily.

The mother-in-law was startled, and took two steps back, "Why bother, can I apologize to you? It's all mine, right? I raised these two little bastards wrongly, the second and third, you are still in a daze What are you doing? Hurry up and apologize to your sister-in-law. If you don't apologize, don't go to school this year, just stay at home and farm..."

A trace of fear flashed across the sister-in-law's face, staying at home, no, I can't be like those village women, marrying that kind of man who can't read Chinese characters casually, if I want to marry, I have to marry the kind of intellectual who came back from abroad , so I can’t stay at home and go to school by myself, so that I can have more opportunities to meet more people and see more of the world.

Sister-in-law lowered her head, "I know I was wrong... Sister-in-law, you see I am young and ignorant, so don't care about me like me..."

Lin Lang snorted coldly, then glanced at her uncle again, "Son, what do you say?"

No matter how you say it, he is just a sick and weak scholar who can't carry it on his shoulders or hands. Can Nancheng just give up the money at home and go outside to study?Not to mention the annual tuition fee, let's talk about the monthly living expenses, he can't even come up with it.

"Sister-in-law..." That's all, it's not shameful for a gentleman to bend his waist for five buckets of rice. After thinking about it, the uncle gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I also know that I was wrong. I am ignorant. I shouldn't haggle over every detail with you... ..."

"That's right, we're all one family, and I don't want to make a fuss!" Lin Lang smiled and glanced at my sister-in-law, "But I didn't say that, you two are not young, and you can't let the family help you all day long." Ah, my husband-in-law went out to beg for a living when he was very young, and never spent a penny in the family. It is really unfair to compare you two young ones. Of course, the elder brother loves his younger brother and younger sister , It’s nothing, I don’t care about it as a sister-in-law, but don’t forget that it’s me and my husband-in-law who are reading your books, so don’t do things like eating with a bowl and putting down the bowl to scold your mother!”

The faces of the two children were flushed with anger, but they didn't dare to say anything, because they were afraid of offending this crazy woman again, and then they would have to listen to those ugly words again.

Lin Lang patted the dust off her body, looked up at the victorious rooster, and went to the kitchen proudly.

After Zhou Dazhuang came back that night, he found that his younger brother and younger sister who he looked down on on weekdays were extremely well-behaved. Not only that, but after seeing him, there was a trace of fear on his face, my God, what's wrong?Is the sun coming out from the west?

After Lin Lang brought out the food, she naturally saw Zhou Dazhuang's unusual expression, and explained, "What else can I do, just let them know who is the one who feeds them? Get out of this family, we don't want any white-eyed wolves!"

As soon as the words were finished, the stepmother's face was extremely ugly, "They are your sister-in-law and uncle after all, don't speak so harshly, the two of them told you to read, and they will make great contributions to this family in the future!"

"Oh, I'm envious of raising them so hard that I didn't hear them say a word of thanks. When they read it, let alone a contribution, I don't think they will even come back. I wish I could get along with this family." Erjing!" Lin Lang said sarcastically.

The two children had had enough. They wished that this year would pass sooner. The two of them left the house earlier. They swore that they would never come back next year.

(End of this chapter)

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