Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1714 Aunt Xianglin

Chapter 1714 Aunt Xianglin Ten
Apart from the unhappiness caused by sister-in-law and uncle, Lin Lang was quite happy the rest of the time, because he finally met his idol.

Zhou Shuren came back this time to remember on the one hand, and on the other hand, he wanted to dispose of the property in his family. Linlang really wanted to buy his house. After all, in seven or eighty years, that place would become a There are places of interest and historic sites, maybe you can still sell tickets or something, but think about your own wallet, let's forget it.

Linlang followed suit and bought some things, most of which were furniture and the like, and there were some antiques among them. However, considering that the Zhou family is also a big family, some things have been used for hundreds of years, and some antiques are normal, but he But instead of buying those things as ordinary things, they bought them at the price of antiques.

After Zhou Shuren learned about this, he was full of admiration for them. Knowing that Lin Lang had read books and also read his articles, he gave him a special opinion.

Lin Lang finally met her idol. She was so excited that she couldn't help herself, and quickly said, "Mr. Lu Xun, I read your article before and found it very sharp. Now that I see it once, this life is really worth it!"

Zhou Shuren was also a little embarrassed, "Ms. Zhou's family is exaggerating. I only hope that more and more Chinese people will wake up and serve the country and the people after reading my article!"

"Mr. Lu Xun is so ambitious!" Lin Lang praised quickly.

Back home, Lin Lang kept wearing it on her face, like a sister-in-law, she came out and said indignantly, "It's a shame that you are still a woman, and you are so excited when you see a foreigner. You really don't have any face!"

Linlang was happy at first, but when she saw what sister-in-law said, she lost all joy, and squinted her eyes, "Then according to what sister-in-law said, your sister-in-law, you go to school all day long, and you have met so many men, how can you not be so happy?" Isn't that also disobedient?
Sister-in-law, it is said that you are not young. I was already married when I was your age. Why don't you come back? Why do women read so many books in this life?Let's get married honestly! "

Standing in the room, the stepmother just felt a headache. What's the matter with this little girl? She told her not to provoke Linlang at the beginning, but why did she provoke her again? The key is that every time she provoked her, she never won.

"That's enough, it's all a family, why are you arguing over such a trivial matter!" The stepmother came out and said to Lin Lang, "Don't think too much, your sister-in-law also likes that uncle of the Zhou family very much, see Uncle Zhou Jiatang met you alone once, and he was jealous in his heart, so he said these words without hesitation, don't take it to heart!
There is also the matter of reading. Girls can actually read some books. You see, didn’t you go to church every day a while ago?Reading more books can make more sense! "

Lin Lang sneered, "Of course I know that women want these words, but my sister-in-law... how to read more and more, ordinary people know, don't be like a gossip, but sister-in-law doesn't have a problem, over there It's too annoying to be pretentious!

Mother-in-law, that sister-in-law was born by you anyway, you have to teach it well, you can't wait until after you get married, all these disadvantages will come out, and then others will say that your daughter is uneducated, and then you will lose it. My face, but the face of the entire Zhou family! "

In the room, the old man of the Zhou family and the uncle of the Zhou family were also suffering from terrible headaches, and these women started arguing again. It's only been a few days since they came back, and there hasn't been a single cleansing!

The stepmother's face turned red, she was really afraid of this woman, her words were not polite, her style was irregular, and this woman was shameless, she could say anything, but she wanted her face, when she met such a shameless person Women, I'm really a little scared.

Lin Lang flicked his sleeves, "Sister-in-law, let me tell you one last time, I let you go not because I'm afraid of you, but because you are a child, but it really made me anxious, hehehe ...Anyway, you are not young. I have gotten close to a few women recently. When the time comes, I will find you a man-in-law to marry you off. I can't bear it..."

The sister-in-law's face changed, "I don't want to marry, so I don't want to be a farmer who doesn't know a single word. If I want to marry, I will marry an intellectual!"

"Heh, he looks average, but he has a lot of thoughts, what an ugly man!" Linlang waved his sleeves and said to his stepmother, "I'm not happy today, so I won't make dinner!"

The stepmother lowered her head, "I see, I'll do it later, you can go back to the house and rest, and, don't worry about your sister-in-law's marriage, I will handle it myself, just leave it alone, just be me I beg you……"

That's enough, you have to use the word begging, and I'm not a person who can't be unreasonable. Lin Lang nodded casually, and immediately went back to her room, closed the door forcefully, and said to the outside while closing it: " The little girl is so thick-skinned!"

When the sister-in-law heard this, she covered her face, and ran into her room crying, and said while crying, "Who is it? Why is my family so unlucky, marrying such a sister-in-law, look at other people's sister-in-law , Those who are well-educated have never said sister-in-law, just look at her and come back for a few days, just say me again, and say that my brother and mother, who are wronged every day, should treat such a woman Give it a rest..."

"If you think someone else's sister-in-law is good, go to someone else's house, I'll see which sister-in-law will support my sister-in-law to study!" Linlang naturally heard her sister-in-law crying over there, and shouted at the top of her voice .

As soon as my sister-in-law heard this, she didn't dare to cry anymore, she was afraid that after the annoying woman heard it, she would say some nasty things again.

After the Chinese New Year, the two little ones couldn't wait to go to school, Zhou Dazhuang also breathed a sigh of relief and said to Lin Lang: "You don't know that after the two little ones came back in previous years, I was complained by them all day long, It’s not that I’m generally not one of them, just say that I’m vulgar, alas, I’ve had enough of their anger, I didn’t expect to be much more honest after I came back this time!”

Lin Lang sneered and said: "That's because you are too kind to them. They don't know how to appreciate you for giving them a little face, and they know that you can't mess with it. So, don't get used to this person. Once you get used to it, you have to Get used to it!"

Zhou Dazhuang echoed with a smile: "My lady is right, you see this time, after the new year, these two little ones can't wait to leave, it's really satisfying!"

As for the two elders above, they are completely honest when they meet a daughter-in-law who is so shameless and daring to say and do things. She doesn't dare to fight against Lin Lang on weekdays. She is honest and responsible, and she will help Lin Lang with some things. chores.

Lin Lang is not a cruel person either. Seeing that the two of them are honest, she no longer criticizes them, but once they are dishonest, she turns around and treats them coldly.

Time passed day by day, and in summer, Lin Lang was pregnant with a child. Zhou Dazhuang was overjoyed when he learned about it, and went to work every day with a smile on his face, but his thoughts outside became more and more serious day by day. My uncle came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face. up.

Not only that, even my sister-in-law came back, and when she talked about what happened outside, she was as frightened as a quail, and hid in her room all day long, not daring to come out.

Lin Lang picked up the money in his own hands, and regardless of the current situation of sister-in-law and uncle, she dragged the whole family to dig a cellar at home. The two younger ones didn't want to do it, so Lin Lang just followed their heads to do it, okay, If you don't want to do it, then don't eat.

One meal can be skipped, two meals can be skipped, but at the third meal, the two little ones couldn't take it anymore, so they helped to work together, because the two little ones were pampered since they were young, so they only worked for two days. There were several blisters on the ground, and the stepmother saw it in her eyes and felt distressed in her heart, but she couldn't say it, because the cellar was dug for the good of the family.

After Lin Lang dug the cellar in the house, she transported a lot of grain in. Not only that, she also reclaimed all the land reclaimed by the people around her, and planted flowers, fruits and vegetables, but my sister-in-law detested the vulgarity.

(End of this chapter)

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