Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1715 Aunt Xianglin 1

Chapter 1715 Xianglin's Eleven
Sister-in-law has been very wronged these few days. When I returned home, not to mention listening to that crazy woman's sarcasm every day, I still had to work every day, but I did work with him. Usually, you help your mother with housework, which is already great. Yes, but this woman pushes an inch, not only let herself dig the cellar, but also let herself help with the laundry, why?Anyway, if the family has money, can't they hire a servant?
The little sister was very angry, so she went to her stepmother and cried, "You, you are his mother-in-law anyway, do you just watch her torture your daughter like this?"

The stepmother said cautiously: "Daughter, just bear with it, we really can't mess with that woman, if he really gets angry, he will take away your elder brother and the family's food Now, what about our family? Do you drink northwest wind? You are not too young, it is time to share the worries of the family, and you should learn to do some housework, otherwise you will not be able to do anything after you get married. That mother-in-law will blame her!"

Hearing this, the little sister burst into tears, "Mom, why did you become like this? Don't you love me the most? And I haven't done any housework since I was a child, and I was suddenly asked to do it. And I still do such tiring housework, how can I bear it? I am your biological daughter. Although the elder brother calls you mother, he is not your biological son. After all, there is a layer of belly between you, he and you If you don’t kiss me, don’t think about him. Anyway, I don’t want to do housework anymore, so you can talk to that woman. If she doesn’t want to, you can drive her out... As for food, since you stay in our house , that is our family's..."

"Are you stupid? If it was before, I would naturally drive that woman away. Now that she is pregnant and confessed by your brother as a baby, if I dare to treat her badly, your brother will do it." Cut me off!
Now your brother is terrible. Although he is only a small governor, he has connections in his hands. If he really wants to torment our family, it will be a piece of cake... Mother not only has you, but also your brother. You can't lift it, you can't carry it with your hands, and now you drop out of school and go home. You can't do anything. It can be said that you are living for nothing. If you don't want to perform well, you will probably be kicked out..."

The sister-in-law lowered her head, "Then you can tell my father, my father loves me and my brother so much, he will definitely not watch us suffer!"

"Oh, don't even think about it, your father is a shameless person, and your sister-in-law is a shameless person, she can say all kinds of ugly things, your father has never dared to talk to you since he suffered a few times. That sister-in-law of yours is tough!" The stepmother shook her head, "I've been with your sister-in-law for a while, and I understand it. Although your sister-in-law speaks harshly, she is a real person. As long as you are obedient Listen to her, don't bother with something, your sister-in-law will definitely not deal with you!"

Hearing this, my sister-in-law cried loudly: "He and she are tormenting me now, let me wash the clothes every day, let me clean the house, and let me help cook, how can I cook? , I can’t even tell the difference between soy sauce and vinegar... Mother, my daughter is really fed up with her life now, if you don’t help her, she will leave this house and will never come back in this life.”

The stepmother shook her head, "It's been a mess outside, a little girl like you, once you get out of this city, do you know what you will face? It's all my fault, I raised you Yes, I don’t know the sufferings of the world, okay, since you feel that your life is hard and tired, then if you have nothing to do, go outside and see what kind of life those people live, Daughter, I won't hide it from you. When I married your father, I still had some money and some land in the family, but your father is a prodigal son. After a few years of tossing around, there is not much money in the family... That's why I sent your eldest brother to learn art from others, because the family really can't afford to support an idler...

Later, you and your elder brother were born, and it became even more difficult at home. Your eldest brother will send some money back every month, regardless of the past, and rely on this little money, and rely on living frugally at home, Instead, I sent you to study...

But you haven’t read anything about me after so many years of reading, and now you’re all back home, and everyone is sitting and eating. Maybe your sister-in-law has a good temper. If she really met a bad-tempered wife, she would have kicked you out a long time ago. Forget it, you have said everything you need to say, if you don't believe me, then I have nothing to say! "

My sister-in-law's face changed after hearing this, "Is it so difficult for our family? Our writers are a big local family. My father has also studied, and there are several shops in the family. It shouldn't be so poor, right? Didn't you make up some words to lie to me in order to persuade me to be obedient?"

The stepmother shook her head, "I didn't lie to you, there are indeed a few shops, but it's difficult to do business now, and your father is a big spender, and in a few years the shops in the family sold seven or eighty-eight. As for the hundreds of acres of land in the countryside, hehehe...they are affected by disasters every year, and there are troubles every year, basically just making ends meet...but in the past few years, due to the turmoil of war, coupled with natural and man-made disasters, the harvest in the field is getting better and better Less and less, and later we couldn’t even collect the rent. During this period of time, we all ate and drank by relying on your sister-in-law and your brother. Although I don’t like your elder brother and that woman, people have to say Conscience, they have already done us a favor, especially in this day and age, when the grain in the cellar is more precious than gold..."

The sister-in-law lowered her head, "Since there is no shortage of money in the family, then... spend a small amount of money to hire someone to come back. I am young and have a lot of money, and he is about to have a baby, so I have to wait for someone." Well, hire someone back, she can also relieve a lot..."

The stepmother frowned, "What are you thinking? Do you think our family is still a big family? Wake up, it's difficult to eat now, and the work at home is nothing at all. Since you can't do it, then Just follow me, you can't do it once, you can't do it twice, you will definitely do it the third time, and don't blame me for being cruel, if it doesn't work, I'll find you a husband and marry me , at least you have something to eat!"

The sister-in-law's face changed, "I don't want to marry. There are no good people in this small county. If you really want me to marry, I can only marry an intellectual. I want to find someone with the same goals as me. Let's talk about the world together." ..."

"Hey, I am such a shrewd person on weekdays, why did I give birth to a daughter like you? Can you eat what you talk about and what your relatives talk about? Can't you be more realistic?" The stepmother shook her head, " Let me ask again, do you want to marry? If you don’t want to marry, just stay at home and work at home. If you don’t want to stay at home, I can find you one right now. Husband's family, whether you live well or not at that time is all your business, and I won't care about it!"

The little girl was sobbing, "Mom, are you my mother? Why are you bullying me? I'm a girl, I don't want to work, okay? Do you know that I've only been home for a few months?" , I got several blisters on my hands..."

The stepmother shook her head, "No one bullied you, we just told you that there is no free lunch in this world, if you want to live well, you have to work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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