Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1719 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 2

Chapter 1719 My Character Design Is About to Collapse Part [-]
As soon as I arrived at the barber shop, I saw a man in leggings and a flowered shirt twisting his waist, tiptoeing his orchid fingers, and walked over with a courteous expression, "Little princess, you are here at last, you don't even know what to do." You know how much I miss you these days!"

Are you missing me?You want the money in my pocket, if I am a pauper, will you still miss me?

Lin Lang waved her hand impatiently, and couldn't help frowning, because the smell of the man's perfume was so strong that it gave people a headache, "I'm going to do a new hairstyle!"

"Oh, what kind of hairstyle is it, do you need to make a pear roll, or a cute princess hair?" Tony said with a smile: "Little princess, how about this, I will wash your hair first, and then I will give you a set of maintenance , As for the hairstyle, it doesn't matter at all, after all, you are so beautiful, little princess, you can hold any hairstyle!"

Lin Lang looked at Tony without saying a word, until the corners of his mouth twitched, and then she began to speak, "Did you say that originally? Or did you say that on purpose? It's too ugly. I want a normal hairstyle and cut my hair Dye it black, and do a simple perm dyeing!"

The corner of Tony's mouth twitched, and he changed into a fawning smile again, "Oh, little princess, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly want to change your hairstyle? Pink suits you so well, it's pretty and pretty, and pink Color is the color of a princess..."

"Have you said enough? If you want to continue talking, I will go to another house for nursing care!" Lin Lang said impatiently: "I have grown up, and little princesses are no longer suitable for me. To be queen, the one and only queen!"

Tony's complexion changed and changed, turning blue and purple, "Oh, look at my mouth, I can say all kinds of ugly things, since the little princess wants to change her hairstyle, I will arrange it right away!"

Lin Lang sat in the vIp room, enjoying the help of four or five assistants washing and dyeing her hair. After working for four or five hours, she finally dyed her pink hair black and made a simple pear flower perm. It looks very pretty and cute, like a cherry blossom, so beautiful and moving.

Lin Lang is very satisfied with her hairstyle. Of course, if she can change her pink bubble skirt and those pink leather shoes, it will be even cuter.

Lin Lang went directly to the mall, because their family had a cooperation with a fixed company, so as soon as Lin Lang entered the store, a large group of shop assistants recognized her and flocked to her.

"The little princess is here, what clothes do you need to buy today? Our latest new styles are here again, and they are all beautiful!"

"Has the little princess changed her hairstyle? It really suits you, I think you are so beautiful, like a little princess in a fairy tale!"

"The little princess is here. We recently bought a batch of pink clothes. They are all very cute. Would you like to try them on, little princess?"

"Little princess..."

Lin Lang was almost driven mad by these people, and said quickly: "Get out of the way, you're disturbing me!"

Upon hearing this, the shop assistants immediately dispersed, with a little panic on their faces.

The store manager walked over quickly, with a flattering smile on his face, "It's my fault for the little princess. I didn't manage them well. Don't be angry because of such a trivial matter. By the way, your favorite clothes I'll keep it for you, do you want to see it today?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I've changed my taste recently, choose some simple and elegant clothes for me!"

The store manager's expression changed a little, but he recovered quickly, "Okay, I'll send someone over right away, little princess, you go to the lounge and wait, I'll get someone to buy you your favorite cake."

The treatment of this VIP is different. There is a special lounge and a special fitting room. Not only that, but when he buys those clothes, there are special people to try them on for him.

As expected of an international famous brand, the tailoring and workmanship are first-rate. As for those pink clothes, normal people would never look at them, nor would they buy them. Choosing such pink clothes is really a waste of so much money.

Lin Lang thought the clothes were pretty, so she just asked someone to wrap them up, and not only bought the clothes, but also bought a lot of bags and shoes, but when the shop assistants saw him, they recommended some pink or little girls. Lin Lang didn't even look at the color she wanted, if it was a seven or eight year old girl who chose pink, it would be fine, but she was fifteen or sixteen years old, and if she wore those pink clothes, she would be mentally retarded.

After Linlang chose the things, she asked the driver to take her back. After all, she was really tired after shopping all day today.

"I'm back!" Mama Wang raised her eyebrows, "The department store has already sent the things back, are you sure you know which dress you want?"

After all, my daughter really likes pink, and everything is basically pink since she was a child. This sudden change of attitude, will it change back after a day or two?

Lin Lang shook her head, "No need, just those clothes, and ah, change all the pink things in my room for me, I look at pink all the time, my eyes are almost pink!"

Ms. Wang nodded, and at the same time she was a little relieved that her daughter had finally grown up and no longer liked those gaudy things. She was really relieved.

Of course, what is even more gratifying is her daughter's black and beautiful hair. She doesn't mean that pink is not good-looking, but a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with pink hair is the heroine in a cosplay anime ?Seeing her mentally handicapped, every time she goes out to socialize, she is embarrassed to tell others that the girl with pink hair is her daughter, because it is too embarrassing.

Simply because my daughter has really grown up, I just hope that she doesn't change casually, but really wants to change.

Lin Lang returned to her room, and found that the servant moved quite quickly. She changed the bed sheet and quilt cover for herself. Although the bed was still pink, at least the sheet quilt cover looked much better, and the whole room was quite refreshed.

As for the clothes in the closet, there is a lot less pink, and most of them are just bought from the mall.

Lin Lang didn't eat dinner either, and fell asleep after taking a shower. On the second day, Lin Lang was woken up by knocking on the door.

"Miss, some of your friends are here to see you!" The servant stood at the door and said respectfully.

Lin Lang rubbed her eyes, "Take me to the living room first, and serve some tea by the way, I'll go down later!"

Lin Lang squinted for a while, then yawned, and sat up slowly. She chose a casual blue dress and paired it with a pair of white shoes. She looked very refreshing and generous.

As for cosmetics, Lin Lang didn't use them because she was relatively young, because she was afraid of hurting her skin, but after putting on a lipstick, she looked dewy and tender.

Linlang walked down the stairs slowly, and found that there were quite a lot of friends in the yard. There were four or five girls. When they saw Linlang coming down, they all raised their smiling faces. The smile froze on his face, Linlang understood everything now, it seemed that they were not good friends, but plastic sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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