Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1720 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 3

Chapter 1720 My Character Design Is About to Collapse Part [-]
One of the girls reacted quickly, and said awkwardly: "Little princess, you have changed so much, I almost couldn't recognize you anymore!"

The girls reacted after hearing the voice, and quickly said in agreement: "Yes, the change is really too big, but pink is very pretty, why don't you continue to wear it?"

There was a trace of indifference on Linlang's face. After all, she knew that they were plastic sisters, and she had no feelings for them. "If I were a little girl, it would be fine to wear pink, but I'm already an adult, so I don't want to wear it anymore." I guess people will laugh at me for being naive, I don’t want to be treated as a naive ghost by others, by the way, what are you guys doing here with nothing to do?”

A few girls smiled awkwardly, "I just wanted to come to play with you, but I didn't expect to see you look like this. It's really surprising. Don't you like pink the most, little princess? Actually, wearing pink It's nothing, it looks cute, my sister is wearing pink..."

"If you think pink looks good, why don't you wear pink?" Lin Lang smiled slightly, "Or else, the reason why I don't wear pink is that it looks too stupid to wear pink alone. If you are willing to wear pink and dye your hair pink with me, maybe I can think about it and return to the way I was before, what do you think?"

Thinking of wearing pink hair and pink dresses, the girls shook their heads quickly. They didn't want to be taken as idiots by others.

"No need, the few of us are too vulgar. It's really not suitable for you to wear pink or a little princess. You are suitable for us to look at!" Several girls said quickly.

"Yes, we are too ugly, you are the most beautiful little princess, you should wear pink!"

"Little princess, although the blue ones look good, the blue ones are not eye-catching enough. Let's go shopping in the mall later. I heard that there are a lot of pink clothes recently. Let's go shopping together!"

"Little princess, after shopping in the mall, let's go eat together!"


Let me go, are these girls here to ask you to go shopping or are they using it as a cash machine? I think it is a cash machine, otherwise it would be impossible to be so active.

Lin Lang suddenly lost all interest, "Since you guys still regard me as a friend, let me say here that I have passed the age of liking pink, and I will no longer be a princess from now on. I want to be a queen and choose what I should like at my age!
Of course, if you think the current me is not good-looking, you can leave me, because this is me, and I will not vassalize others, I want to be a maverick!
As for shopping, let’s forget about it today. Yesterday, because of my hair, I went to the mall and bought a lot of clothes. Now I don’t want to go, so I don’t want to go. If you want to go, you can go Go ahead and don't worry about me! "

Who wants to invite you to go shopping, isn't it just thinking that you can pay?If they knew this earlier, they wouldn't have to lick their faces to please you.

The girls smiled awkwardly. Although they wanted to talk, they reluctantly said, considering Lin Lang's family background: "In this case, let's go first. Let's go shopping together when we are free, but Come in, don't forget that we are good sisters, we will always stand behind you, no matter what you become, we will love you!"

Lin Lang twitched the corners of her mouth and said a word. After sending the person away, she turned and went back to her room, and went to catch up on sleep again.

After a few girls came out, one of you finally couldn't stand it anymore, "What's the big deal, it's all about her parents being able to make money, if he doesn't have such good parents, he probably means nothing! "

One of the girls nodded, "Yeah, every day I tell others that I am a little princess like a mentally retarded person. I'm about to vomit. Does the little princess think she is living in a fairy tale world? Why are you so mentally retarded? If I don't Seeing that he has some money in his house, if he is willing to pay for me every time, I will not get close to such a girl!"

"Hehe, you still dare to despise us, it's good that we don't despise him!"

"That's right, that's why I invited you to go shopping because of him. I'm afraid that he'll be too bored at home alone. In the end, the dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people. She deserves to be ridiculed by others!"

"Forget it, I won't be as knowledgeable as that crazy woman, should we go out shopping?"

Hearing that the girls were really moved when they went shopping, but thinking that they didn't have a penny in their hands, they all said that they had something to do and pushed the matter away. They only hoped that Lin Lang could go shopping with them next time and buy the bill by the way. up.

Lin Lang slept until the afternoon, got up, had a simple dinner, went out for a run, and came back slowly, suddenly remembering that she had forgotten an important event.

Why did I come here?Because the little princess hopes that the boy who knows her secret will shut up, hoping to maintain her little princess personality!

As for the little princess, the scope of this operation is too wide, so there is no need to care about it, but did the boy who knew the secret see the little princess fart?Will it spread the word?

No, hurry up and find that boy, and test it out. If that boy really knows this secret, he must keep it secret at all costs.

As for that boy, his family background is quite similar to his own. If he wants to force it, he may lose both sides, so this matter can only be done out of his wits!

Lin Lang rubbed his chin. On the second day of school, Lin Lang didn't go to the classroom early, but stayed at the school gate, and when he saw the boy, he walked up to him, regardless of whether he wanted to or not, he pulled him sleeves and went to a remote place.

"What are you doing?" Xue Wenzhen was pulled by someone suddenly, stumbled a little, and after realizing that it was a girl who pulled him, he suppressed his temper and asked a little impatiently.

Lin Lang didn't care about 21, she pulled his sleeve and walked straight forward.

Xue Wenzhen was really impatient, and shook Lin Lang's hand vigorously, "What on earth do you want to do, oh, I know what you want to do, you drag me away, do you like me, you want to confess to me, oops , I can’t help that the young master is so popular, but I advise you to give up your heart, you are not the person that the young master likes!"

Let me go, I thought the little princess was already very narcissistic, but I didn't expect that there was someone more narcissistic than her. Lin Lang turned around and stared at the little boy, "Can't you remember who I am? ?”

Xue Wenzhen frowned. He really couldn't figure out where he had seen this girl before. What did the boy himself do to offend this girl? Where have you seen him.

"I... I think you are quite familiar, but I can't remember where I met you. Have we met before?" Xue Wenzhen frowned, and for some reason suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had identified a person. But he didn't dare to say it out, "You...you...are you that crazy woman? It shouldn't be. Although they look alike, they are completely two people. Could it be that you are her younger sister or elder sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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