Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1722 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 5

Chapter 1722 My Character Design Is About to Collapse [-]
The teachers were discussing enthusiastically, and at the same time their group came to discuss enthusiastically. Xue Wenzhen told his friends what happened today, but they refused to believe it. When Lin Lang changed, she couldn't even close her mouth.

"My dear, is this still that weird woman from the Wang family? This change is too great!"

"Yeah, back then when my mother told me to marry the Wang family, I was 100 out of 1000 unwilling, and I was afraid that after marrying such a woman, the IQ of our children would plummet, but now it seems that, This woman looks pretty good!"

"Are you crazy? He has changed a lot now, but are you sure his head has changed? In case of wearing a pink dress again and pretending to be a little princess, are you sure you can bear it?"

"My God, don't say it anymore, I feel disgusted just thinking about it, alas, if I didn't take into account his parents' face, I would like to taunt that woman once, how old is she, and she still fantasizes Seeing myself as a little princess, I won’t have those unrealistic fantasies after I’m 5 years old!”

"It doesn't matter if this woman is awake, he is the only girl among them. If he has any more unrealistic princess dreams, their royal family will be ruined!"

"Don't talk about this, you see this woman has become so beautiful, I think there will be a good show later!"

"How do you say that?"

"Don't Song Sisi like playing with her the most? You don't think it's some kind of sisterhood, right? It's not the Song Group at all. It's getting worse every year. Song Sisi and Wang Linlang play together. On the one hand, they suppress Wang Linlang's thinking. Improving myself, on the other hand, I want to rely on the royal family to gain some benefits, you see Lin Lang changing so much, Song Sisi should be the most unhappy!"

"Haha, according to what you said, it will really be a good show later, I have to watch it carefully!"

"Yeah, you guys like Song Shishi, I don't like to pretend to be cold and cold on weekdays, actually...hehehe...there are many things in my heart behind my back, what kind of cold goddess, pure and pure, hehehe... ...Isn't it because I want to put a long line to catch big fish..."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, this fish is with us now, if he hears it and tells it to Song Sisi, it will be troublesome!"

Xue Wenzhen: ...

"I just can't figure it out, why do you have such a bad attitude towards Song Sisi? Although her company is so-so, it's the Song Group, and it still has some background!
As for what you said, it's actually their own personality, and it's not as bad as what you said. We all played together to grow up, so why bother to speak so badly? "

"We didn't speak harshly, we just said what we said. Thinking back to the time when the Song Group was brilliant, it was not our noses or our eyes, and it's only been a few years since they all regarded us as the current people... Hehe Hehe, I was afraid that we would retaliate against her and look down on her all day long, so I kept avoiding us, but I couldn't bear to be in this circle, so I hung around there all the time, hehe..."

"That's right, it's Wang Linlang. Although that girl is a bit out of her mind and likes to talk about little princesses, at least she hasn't done any bad things, and she has a lot to say. It's not tiring to get along with such a person, but Song Sisi, there are more eyes than lotus root!"

"Okay, stop talking, class is about to start, let's go back quickly!"

After hearing the bell, the few of them didn't dare to delay, so they left in a hurry, but Xue Wenzhen didn't leave in a hurry, but stood outside the window and looked at you, a little dazed, is this really that crazy woman?This change is too great, and what does she mean by asking herself today?Could it be that what happened that day, but I didn't remember it?What the hell happened?

Xue Wenzhen returned to his class in a daze, and when the school bell rang, he came back to his senses, but he just didn't remember what happened that day.

Here, Lin Lang was packing up her things and was about to leave when someone stood at the door and asked softly, "Hello, is classmate Wang there? Is there anything I need to see her?"

"Oh, isn't this the school belle? Is she here to look for classmate Wang? Your eyes look really bad today. Look, this is classmate Wang!"

Song Sisi looked in the direction pointed by the classmate, but the smile froze on her face, and she almost failed to maintain her elegance, "This... has changed too much..."

Oh, it turned out that it was her best sister who came to find her. Lin Lang raised her head and smiled brightly at her, "How is it? My new hair color is beautiful, right?"

Song Sisi smiled softly, but her face twitched from time to time, "Very beautiful, really beautiful, by the way, why did you suddenly want to change your hair color? Didn't you want to be a little princess before? No Do you like pink the most?"

Oh, it's another plastic sister flower, what's the matter with this round bead?Like plastic so much?The friends I find are more unreliable than the other.

Lin Lang followed with a perfunctory smile, "Is it weird? People's attitudes always change. I used to like pink, but I don't like it now. Besides, I think this hair color is pretty pretty now. At least everyone praises it. I look better than before..."

Song Sisi lowered her head, "It's true that you look much better than before, but you have changed so much that I don't even dare to recognize you..."

Lin Lang showed a smirk, "By the way, why did you come to see me?"

Song Sisi originally wanted to invite Lin Lang to a party, but after seeing Lin Lang change her hair color, she turned out to be so beautiful, and she felt a sense of crisis. With such a beautiful woman by her side, how could she still shine? Before, her family background was not as good as Lin Lang, he can still comfort himself, at least he is prettier and smarter than this woman, but now, everything has changed...

"I... I haven't seen you for a long time, and I haven't responded to your messages, so I just want to see you and ask what happened. Now that I see you, nothing happened, so forget it... "Song Sisi said casually.

Lin Lang picked up her schoolbag, "Since it's all right, I'll go back first, let's get together another day!"

After Lin Lang left, Song Sisi couldn't hold on any longer. If she didn't care about the people around her, she really wanted to vent. Why are some people always perfect?With such a good family background, why do you want to be smart? Isn’t it good to like pink? Isn’t it good to be as stupid as before?Why change?

Lin Lang made his own Rolls-Royce, but he didn't go back in a hurry, but went shopping, buying whatever was expensive, spending money like water, and extremely happy.

In the evening, when Lin Lang went back, she found that Wang's father and Wang's mother were also there. You must know that these two people are workaholics and basically don't go home once a month, but why are they so unified now?It's a bit uncomfortable...

"Linlang is back!" Ms. Wang is really happy, because her daughter has finally changed, and her face is also bright, "Well, Mom has a friend whose son is about to turn 18 recently and is going to hold a banquet. Here comes the invitation card, on this Sunday, mom is going to take you to participate, and let everyone know the new you by the way, what do you think?"

Of course, because I want to be the brightest star in the crowd, I must attend more banquets to spread my reputation and let others know that I am no longer that brainless little girl. It's not the kind of idiot kid who fantasizes about princesses.

(End of this chapter)

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