Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1723 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 6

Chapter 1723 My Character Design Is About to Collapse VI
Lin Lang naturally agreed, and also agreed to go to maintenance with Wang Mama that morning, trying to let others see them, their eyes would light up, and leave a deep impression on them.

In addition to changing her attire, Lin Lang is also studying hard. After all, she likes girls who are good-looking and beautiful.

On the second day, when Lin Lang went to school, she naturally received a lot of amazed gazes. After all, the original owner was really good-looking, but she went the wrong way, wore clothes she shouldn't have worn, and with that peculiar hair, No matter how good-looking she is, she can't hold it.

Lin Lang lifted her chin like a proud little swan, and sat gracefully in her seat, but before her butt was warm, she heard someone calling herself outside the classroom door.

Lin Lang went out and found that it was Song Sisi who looked tired, and smiled softly at her, "What's wrong?"

Song Sisi looked at Lin Lang with deep thoughts in his eyes, and then said, "I...I have something to do with you, can I talk to you alone?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Can't we talk here?"

Song Sisi looked at the people coming and going around, bit her lip, and said slowly, "It's hard to say, let's go somewhere else!"

All right, I forgive you for not daring to do anything in broad daylight. Lin Lang followed Song Shishi to the rooftop.

As soon as I went there, Song Sisi couldn't wait to ask: "Linlang, I want to ask what happened and why you have changed so much? I'm not saying I don't like you now, but I think you were cuter before. More real!"

It's even more stupid, isn't it...

Lin Lang looked at the sky in the distance, sighed softly, and said pretendingly: "I also like my former self very much, but... no matter how much I like it, girls can't wear pink clothes. I know that some of you don’t say anything in front of me, but you often say behind my back that I’m a fool, but you don’t understand me, and I don’t want to follow the crowd, and I don’t want to fight for your understanding, but as time goes by, people I have to learn to grow up, people are social animals, I also have to learn to be subordinate to the world..."

Song Sisi stood aside, the long nails of her fingers dug into her palms, she forced a smile, "You don't have to do this, you are very cute..."

"Of course I know, she is a little princess, the cutest in the world!" Linlang said pretendingly, "No matter how cute you are, you also want to become very beautiful and popular, just like classmate Song. The classmate is very popular in school, not only is he beautiful, but also his academic performance is very good..."

Song Sisi lowered her head, "Lin Lang, some people like to look at the inside, and some people like to look at the outside. I just like to look at the inside. I think you look good in the past. As for you now, I feel very strange... If If possible, can you change back to the way you were before..."

"Back to the old one..." Lin Lang shook her head and did not continue, "Student Song, this world is not my world alone, I have to go along with other people's tastes in order to make myself popular, just like send Like my classmates, I obviously don’t like to please others, but because of my family background and various reasons, I can only pretend to be myself, isn’t it, student Song?”

Song Sisi's face changed, "What do you mean by that? I don't quite understand?"

"I don't quite understand. Even if you say something, it's meaningless. I like you, Student Song, but I like myself more, for my own future, so I want the position of the school flower and the position of the top student. I want to be a member of the entire upper-class society!" Lin Lang raised her chin and smiled proudly, "So, I won't be as stupid as I was before, Student Song, don't treat everyone as a fool..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang walked down leisurely, and Song Sisi's lungs were about to explode when he saw such a scene, "I have many friends, believe it or not, as long as I tell them, they will never pay attention to you again !"

Lin Lang stopped in her tracks, but didn't turn her head back, "Student Song, the bustle and bustle of this world is for profit. They play with you because you are beautiful and you can make trouble, but who in this world would refuse money? I grow up You are beautiful and rich, and I have the backing of the Wang family. Do you have any Song Group? If I remember correctly, your Song Group is about to go bankrupt, otherwise you wouldn’t be chasing those sons and brothers every day. You're like a courtesan, I'm embarrassed to say...you think of yourself as a goddess, but in fact they regard you as a courtesan, hehe, you haven't noticed yet, you are so proud of yourself, thinking you have mastered everyone , but you never thought that others are making fun of you as a fool..."

Song Sisi's face became extremely ugly, "What do you mean by that?"

"I've made it so clear, student Song, don't you know what it means? Those who don't know have read the book, and those who don't know think it's a fool who came out of nowhere!" Lin Lang raised the corners of her mouth slightly, "That's what you mean. I look down on you. As for the friends you mentioned, hehe, is a friend who can be easily seduced still a friend? It's just a follower. I don't care if you care about it. Like me With a high status, will a socialite like me still lack friends? As long as I raise my hand casually, many girls will come to me, because they all rely on my parents for food... By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you about it, my mother will take me to a banquet tomorrow, you should know what it means, I didn’t go before, it was because my mother disliked me, but now it’s different, I’ve changed... ..."

Song Sisi became nervous, once this woman appeared in the upper class, wouldn't she have another strong and powerful opponent, "Lin Lang, don't do this, we are friends after all, there is no need to get so stiff, let's talk... ...Although we can't be friends, we can be partners. I can introduce many friends to you and I can be your little partner, just..."

"Just ask me to bring you to that circle, right? And then you step on me, I'm not a fool!" Lin Lang shook her head, walked down, and said as she walked, "Actually, I really want to see , you have reached such a step, how far can you go..."

What can she rely on?Do you rely on your own parents?When the family was in a good situation a few years ago, my parents offended a lot of people, but this parent didn't take it seriously. In recent years, business has been bad, and others are unwilling to help. It is estimated that their family will go bankrupt in a few years, although How many catties of iron are there in the broken ship?But can it be compared with those high society? She has seen the prosperity of that circle, how could she be willing to be ordinary and be an ordinary person.

Song Sisi really didn't want to confront Lin Lang, because Lin Lang's family's Wang Group was not only thriving these years, but also an old-school wealthy family, quite powerful at home and abroad, Song Sisi didn't want to lose this ally!
But why are they all human, and why are there such big differences?Why can't I be Wang's daughter?Then she would be the eldest lady of the Wang family, and if the Wang family's parents were unable to give birth to a child, she might inherit the Wang family group.

With Wang's Group, I can look down upon the heroes and trample those who look down on me fiercely, but there is no if in the world...

(End of this chapter)

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