Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1724 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 7

Chapter 1724 My Character Design Is About to Collapse Seven
After Lin Lang leisurely returned to the classroom, she found that her seat was surrounded by a large group of people. She walked over and found that Xue Wenzhen was sitting on her seat.

Lin Lang frowned, "Why are you here? Maybe you are also attracted by my beauty, so come and see me, oops, I didn't expect you to be quite vulgar!"

Xue Wenzhen's face was blue and purple, "Why are you so narcissistic, woman, I came to you for important things, didn't we hold a club at school, if you have nothing to do today, go and join it!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she seemed to pause for a moment. Their circle formed a club at school, but the original owner never participated. The main reason was that those people were unwilling to take her with her because of her brain damage. .

Unexpectedly, they just changed their hairstyle and clothes, which made them agree again, hehe, they are really vulgar.

Naturally, Lin Lang would participate. After all, she wanted to be a queen, and these people's help would be indispensable, so she nodded, "I see, you can leave if you have nothing to do!"

Xue Wenzhen stood up, and said angrily, "A woman like you, don't you have a heart of gratitude? I kindly invited you to join the club, and you...just drive me away like this, don't you want to say thank you?"

Linlang tilted her head, and said innocently: "Hehe, thank you, I deserve everything!"

Xue Wenzhen blushed and said, "You woman, why are you so thick-skinned? If I hadn't reminded them, they would never have let you in..."

"So what if I don't go in?" Lin Lang said lightly: "I won't lose a piece of meat, but they will come back, I think my Wang family is also a top rich family, and I can look down on all of you. Without me, you will lose One way, when I take charge of the Wang Group, you will have no way out of me!"

Xue Wenzhen said in a hurry when he heard this: "You are only relying on your parents, if you don't have your parents, you are nothing!"

"You too, without your parents, you are nothing!" Linlang replied flatly, "We are all civilized people, are you sure you want to keep entangled with me here? I don't care , but what you lose is your face after all!"

Hearing this, Xue Wenzhen flicked his sleeves and left angrily. When he just walked to the door, he met Song Shishi who came down from the roof and was out of his mind.

Xue Wenzhen asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? You look out of your mind, did something happen to you?"

Song Sisi came back to her senses when she heard Xue Wenzhen's voice, and smiled softly, "It's okay, I just talked to Lin Lang for a while, and I was thinking about what happened just now, so I didn't pay attention to the people around me. By the way, what's wrong with you? You look angry, did someone offend you?"

Xue Wenzhen said angrily: "It's not that dead woman Lin Lang, I just went to invite her to join the club, but she didn't even say thank you!"

"What?" Song Sisi said in surprise: "You invited him to join the club, did she agree?"

"Of course she agreed. After all, that club is from the same circle. Since she is in that circle, she must join us!" Xue Wenzhen said inexplicably.

Hearing this, Song Sisi's face was almost distorted. What she was looking for so hard was so easily obtained by others, why?
"So that's how it is..." Song Sisi lowered her head, "But I'm a little confused, don't clubs never let people join casually? When I wanted to join before, you didn't let me join. How did you come to her?" Is that what you agree to?"

"Actually, he was already eligible, and he never let her join, mainly because her aesthetics didn't fit with her, so we just pretended that she didn't have such a thing. Now that she has changed, everyone thinks about it, after all, we have to deal with the Wang family. So I agreed to her joining!" Xue Wenzhen explained: "Don't worry about you wanting to join the club, in fact...everyone likes you quite a lot, and after a while maybe everyone will agree...and Even if you don't agree, so what, it's just a club anyway, it's not that important..."

It's just a club, if it's just an ordinary club, it's really not that important, but it's not an ordinary club, then you have gathered a lot of high-class children, as long as you are with them, you will have many opportunities.

Song Sisi forced a smile, "I see, by the way, class is about to start, you should go back quickly, and don't be angry about what happened just now, after all, Lin Lang has that temperament!"

Xue Wenzhen nodded, this is a woman, gentle and considerate, not like Lin Lang's dead woman, hehe, relying on his parents to have money... I shouldn't say that, after all, my parents are also quite rich, it should be said Because her parents are rich, she just does whatever she wants, not feminine at all.

After school, Lin Lang deliberately procrastinated, and then went to the club slowly. It was not because he was afraid, but because the most important people were often the last to play. I attach great importance to this society, hehe, I am the daughter of the Wang Group, and I am the only daughter. Although their girls are rich, they have two or three children. Not only do they not have many children, but they Her uncles and uncles also have the right to inherit, and she is the only one in the family like her, and he is the sole heir, which is very rare, so her status is very precious and worthy of everyone's respect.

"Lin Lang is here!" A male student raised his head and clapped his hands, "What a warm welcome!"

Lin Lang nodded reservedly, "Hi everyone, I'm a new member of the club today. As for my name, everyone must know it, and I don't need to introduce myself!"

"Oh, I didn't expect Lin Lang to start acting like a high-cold goddess!" One of the classmates said with a smile, "But your little princess from before was also quite cute!"

This is definitely not a compliment to herself, Lin Lang lowered her head, with a hint of indifference, "Really? I also think that I was cute before. Although people can change, some things don't change, such as temper. I have a bad temper, if anyone offends me, don't blame me for not reminding me!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was silent, and after a while, a female classmate said: "Student Wang is really outspoken, what can I say, we like a hearty and generous girl like you!"

Lin Lang nodded to her, and found an empty seat to sit down. Because of her procrastination, she was the last one to come. After she sat down, the head of the club stood up and told everyone about the club At the same time, I started to discuss the recent events.

Speaking of them, when they get together, apart from talking about things, you basically just go out and play. Rich kids like them also play in a very special way, skiing, camping, and spending money to play!
Lin Lang also lacked interest, reluctantly waited until the meeting was over, carried her schoolbag on her back, walked out without saying a word, and even yawned a little bored.

At this time, a girl suddenly ran up to her, and her voice was sweet, "Lin Lang, do you remember me? We used to play together when we were young? It's just that we haven't met for a long time. We are still friends after all. Do you want to go shopping together?"

(End of this chapter)

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