Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1726 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 9

Chapter 1726 My Character Design Is About to Collapse Nine
One of the young men, with colorfully dyed hair, held a baseball bat in his hand, "Oh, I just won't let you do anything to me, my lord!"

Father Wang sat down and frowned, "Who is it!"

Something was wrong with Lin Lang. After all, according to normal people's thinking, it was too late to hide from a luxury car like theirs. How could she come forward to find fault with her in her spare time? Maybe she wanted to touch Cier, but if she wanted to touch Cier If so, the pavement should have been laid the moment the car drove over, and it shouldn't have done nothing.

Lin Lang didn't speak, but kept paying attention to the movement outside, trying to see what these people were up to.

The driver frowned, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

"We didn't want to do anything, we just wanted to hang around here!" The young man said with a smile.

The driver was terribly angry, "The road next to this is so fast, why do you have to turn around here? And it is so dangerous beside the road, what if we are hit by a car? And we are still in a hurry, if you want to play , can you step aside!"

"If we don't give way, what can you do to me? This road does not belong to your house. If you say let us get out of the way, let us get out of the way. Why!"

Lin Lang finally understood that these people must be looking for trouble, she pushed down the car window, looked at the young people and said, "I don't know who sent you here, but are you really sure you want to fight against us?" I may not be able to do anything to you, but what about your family, our car has a driving recorder, as long as you have money, you can investigate everything in this world, are you sure you can bear our anger?"

Several people's faces changed, "I don't know what you mean by that!"

"Hehe!" Lin Lang smiled softly, "I don't know what it means, do you think everyone is a fool? We are going to a very important banquet, if we mess it up, I can't guarantee that this anger will be vented To whom!"

The young man's face became even more ugly, "Who do you think you are? Heavenly king and old man? I just won't let you see what you can do to me!"

Lin Lang leaned on the chair and said slowly: "I just said that I really can't do anything to you now, but do you have a family? Do you have friends? Kid, I advise you to get out of the way, our family Very rich, I know what the person behind him wants to do, but can he stop it once, can he stop it a second time? You are just being used as scapegoats, get out of the way obediently, and I can pretend that nothing happened!"

Several young people shook their heads, "We will not let go!"

When Linlang heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she opened the car door directly. Under the surprised eyes of Wang's father and Wang's mother, she directly got into the driving seat, then started the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and rushed towards the group of people.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Several young people quickly stepped aside, "Are you crazy, woman? Do you know? If you hit us to death, you won't be able to eat and walk around!"

"Hehehe, didn't you say you won't get out of the way?" Lin Lang squinted her eyes, "Why did you let me see you again? I killed you, at most I can pay you a little money, I have nothing to do, but you have to take care of me." Go in and die, what a bargain!"

"You..." The young man said with an ugly face, "Money doesn't represent everything!"

"It's true that it can't represent everything, but it can represent everything. This place is sparsely populated and there are no cameras. If I hit you, I can ask the driver to take the blame. After all, the driver's duty is to drive, and you As long as these people find a way to seal your parents' mouths, the rest will be fine, so are you sure you will risk your life for a small matter?" Lin Lang asked warningly.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes, "Okay, you're ruthless, brothers, let's go first!"

But after everyone had left, the driver came to his senses, and Lin Lang returned to his seat, patted Papa Wang and Mama Wang, who were startled, and said, "Dad, did you see that? You have to do very well when you treat extraordinary people." thing!"

Ms. Wang was really a little scared, "But there's no need to do this, just let the driver handle it. If...you really hit someone to death, and you have to be taken in, mom can't bear it..."

Lin Lang gently raised her hand, "It's okay, I know in my heart that those people are cowards, and I don't dare to confront them head-on, but I probably know who the person who plotted against me is, but I still need my father to help investigate... ..."

Father Wang had a gloomy face, "Naturally, I want to see who is plotting against my daughter!"

A group of people came to the banquet venue without any danger. Lin Lang held Papa Wang's hand and made a stunning appearance. Many ladies came to inquire about Lin Lang.

Lin Lang also maintained a polite attitude and nodded to them. After getting to know most of the people and leaving a good impression on them, Lin Lang was relieved and took some food to a remote place.

"Who is following me?" Because of what happened today, Lin Lang was a little vigilant and found someone following her, turned around and reprimanded loudly.

Wearing a black tuxedo suit, Xue Wenzhen slowly walked over from the shadows, his eyebrows and eyes were like jade, like a noble son, "It's me!"

Lin Lang raised her chin slightly, as noble as a white swan, "Why are you following me? Could it be that you are interested in me?"

Xue Wenzhen said with a smile: "Master, how could I be interested in a woman like you? I came to you because I finally remembered something. I really didn't expect you to do such a shameful thing." matter……"

Lin Lang didn't make a sound, "What are you talking about? I can't understand? Or maybe you want to make something up to throw sewage on my head, okay, I think you are a manly man, and you can do it too." I didn't expect such a shameless thing... You can tell any lies in order to suppress me, you are really amazing, is this the upbringing of your Xue family?"

Xue Wenzhen squinted his eyes, "I didn't make it up. This is what happened for real. That day... are you sure I want to tell that story? You are a girl. If this story gets out, you All the faces are gone?"

"Hehe, I really don't understand what you're talking about. Nothing happened that day, and I can't remember what happened. Maybe you just want to make up some ugly words to slander me while I don't remember anything!" Lin Lang made a face of not admitting it.

Xue Wenzhen continued: "Are you guilty? Maybe if you beg me now, I can not tell those things!"

Linlang lowered her eyes, "That kind of thing never happened at all, why did I ask you? You are talking about him here and there, don't you... want to say something, hehe, I'm not a fool, how could it be possible? Fall into your trap!"

Xue Wenzhen clapped his hands, "I really wanted to blow you up, but I didn't make up any lies, because I did remember that day...you let go...a fart!

Hahaha, the little princess farted, if this news gets out, everyone will die laughing! "

Lin Lang paused for a moment, then pretended to be blank and said, "Ah? What are you talking about? Are you telling a joke? What do you mean by farting? Oh, this is really a big joke, I'm a girl Ah, how could you do such a shameful thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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