Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1727 My character is about to collapse

Chapter 1727 My character is about to collapse ten
Xue Wenzhen continued: "Don't deny it, otherwise why did you ask me what happened the day before yesterday, didn't you just hope that I don't remember anything? But you are right, I didn't remember anything at the time, and later Thinking hard, I finally remembered what happened, in fact, I am really looking forward to it, if you let others know that you farted, what would it be like?"

Lin Lang continued to pretend to be innocent and innocent, "Oh my God, what are you talking about? I can't understand a word, forget it, I never care about being mentally retarded, you hurry up, I have something to do !"

"Are you avoiding?" Xue Wenzhen showed a smug smile, "If you beg me, maybe I will be merciful and not spread this matter, but..."

Lin Lang didn't care at all, "Are young people suffering from Alzheimer's disease? If there is no evidence, please don't make up some gossip, otherwise I don't mind using the law as a weapon!"

"Hehe!" Xue Wenzhen sneered and said, "You just made up your mind that I have no evidence, don't you? Okay, you're awesome, I really don't have evidence!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, but still pretended not to know anything, "What the hell are you trying to say? Talking nonsense almost confuses me, get out of the way, I'm leaving !"

Xue Wenzhen took out the recording pen from his pocket and threw it on the ground, "I didn't expect you to be very vigilant!"

Lin Lang really broke out in a cold sweat, but luckily she didn't say anything.

After Xue Wenzhen left, Wang Tiantian came over and asked with a puzzled look: "What did Xue Wenzhen tell you just now? How did you say it for a long time?"

Lin Lang didn't answer the question, "I didn't say anything, just chatted about school affairs!"

Although Wang Tiantian was puzzled, she didn't continue to ask, and then said to Lin Lang with a gossip, "Did you know? Song Sisi also came today. I heard that he put a lot of effort into this invitation, and his body I spent a lot of money on that dress, and as a result... everyone's eyes were attracted by you, and her teeth were itchy with anger, you didn't see her face, it was blue and purple at that time..."

Of course, it was blue and purple, after all, my calculation failed, and I was robbed of the limelight, no one can swallow this breath.

Lin Lang couldn't swallow this breath, "I have a grudge against Song Sisi, how can I get revenge on her?"

Wang Tiantian smiled softly, "Why are you doing this? If you care too much about a woman like that, you will hurt your dignity. In fact, that woman is a clown in our eyes. Unless her father can get up, otherwise the This life...is just like this, but his father offended so many people at that time, unless the sun comes out from the west, so this life is impossible..."

Linlang lowered her head, "When my dad and I came here today, a few gangsters blocked my dad's car and didn't want us to attend the banquet..."

"My God, it can't be Song Shishi, he can't be crazy, it doesn't matter if you are in the car, but there is your father, if your father knows that he planned this matter, he will definitely not let go The Song family!" Wang Tiantian said in surprise.

Linlang lowered her eyes, "My dad is my dad's business, my business is my business!"

Wang Tiantian patted Lin Lang, "Oh, you don't need to dirty your hands for such a trivial matter, just stand aside and watch carefully, even if we don't do it ourselves, she will ask for it!"

Lin Lang looked at Song Sisi who was not far away, "If I don't avenge this revenge, I can't swallow this breath in my heart."

"You've already taken revenge!" Wang Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Didn't Xue Wenzhen talk to you for a long time just now? Song Sisi's face was blue and purple, you know, Song Sisi's house is not working, only one person is needed Hugging the thigh, and the Xue family is his best choice, seeing Xue Wenzhen so close to you and talking to you for so long, his lungs are about to explode!"

Lin Lang didn't expect to have such a harvest, "So it's like this..."

Wang Tiantian nodded, and continued: "Actually, you don't know. Xue Wenzhen liked Song Sisi very much before, but at that time Song Sisi's family had money, so he didn't take it seriously at all. Later, after Song Sisi's family was defeated, he started to treat Song Sisi very much. Xue Wenzhen has a good face, but everyone can understand that he regards Xue Wenzhen as a spare tire, but this is his best spare tire, unless Song Sisi has no other choice, he will choose Xue Wenzhen!"

Lin Lang clapped her hands, "These two are truly a match made in heaven!"

"Who said no!" Wang Tiantian said with a smile: "In fact, everyone can understand that Song Sisi is not interested in him at all, but Xue Wenzhen is like a dead end. He thinks Song Sisi is good. Alas, we persuaded him. , I said it, but he just couldn’t listen to it, and when he bumped his head in the future, he would know it hurts!"

Here, Song Sisi is about to crush the glass in her hand. What a great opportunity. If by virtue of this banquet, I can get to know a few more people and get more appreciation from them, that would be even better, but why?Why is this woman showing up?Why did she change, and it would be great if nothing changed.

And Xue Wenzhen, didn't he say he liked him the most?But why did he start chatting with Lin Lang once Lin Lang ordered it?What does he think of himself?
Although Song Shishi was angry, he understood that he could not lose Xue Wenzhen now, because this man was his best choice, and she had to hold on to him tightly. Unless there was another better choice, he would have nothing.

Thinking of this, Song Sisi suppressed her anger, showed a gentle smile, and walked slowly towards the corner with her wine glass, "What are you doing? You look absent-minded?"

Xue Wenzhen raised his head when he heard the voice, and after realizing that it was Song Sisi, he smiled, "It's okay, by the way, why didn't you go play with them?"

I want to play with those people, but those people simply refuse to accept me. Why is my family considered a wealthy family, but it’s just a little weaker these years. Why do these people dislike me? When it was developed, these people still disliked carrying their own shoes.

Song Sisi didn't dare to say it, she lowered her head and said softly, "Because I saw you absent-minded from a long distance away, so I was a little worried, so I came to see you!"

Hearing this, Xue Wenzhen was very moved, "Thank you, but I'm really fine, I was just thinking about some trivia!"

"So that's how it is!" Song Sisi sat next to him and said, "But I don't want to go to play with them anymore, so let me stay by your side. By the way, after all... you can still talk to me I got friends, although I am familiar with those people, but in fact... I don't play very well..."

Xue Wenzhen sighed, and also knew the virtues of those people, "Don't take it to heart, in fact, those people are not bad, but they have a bad breath in their hearts, thinking that your father..."

What's wrong with her father? It's just that he looked down on those people when he was rich, but don't you look down on me when you have money?Everyone is the same person, so why such a double standard!

Song Sisi lowered her head, but didn't dare to speak out what was in her heart, "I understand that my dad did do a lot of things wrong at the time, but thank you very much, thank you for not staying away from me, and still being my good friend..."

(End of this chapter)

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