Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1728 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 1

Chapter 1728 My Character Design Is About to Collapse Eleven
Xue Wenzhen was a little embarrassed, "Don't say that, you took good care of me when I was young!"

Yes, Song Sisi did take care of Xue Wenzhen, but it was mainly to show her generosity and kindness, and there was no other meaning. I didn't expect to form a good relationship just because of this little thing.

Song Sisi was full of thoughts, "I was standing not far away just now, and I saw you and Lin Lang talking for a long time. I usually don't know people very well. Why did you talk for so long today?"

Xue Wenzhen has a headache when he thinks about what happened just now, my dear, he will be the first to disapprove whoever says that woman is stupid in the future.
"Oh!" Xue Wenzhen smiled awkwardly, "I didn't say anything, I just talked about what happened in school..."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be very familiar!" Song Sisi's face was almost distorted, "But I really don't like her, I think she is quite changeable... Don't blame me for thinking too much, think about it yourself , It is a terrible thing that a person can suddenly reverse his personality here. People can change a lot, but can you guarantee that you can change yourself? And it is changed in the middle of the discussion. Are you sure you can complete it? ?So there is only one possibility, that is, she disguised herself, and she successfully disguised herself. Now that you think about it, don’t you think it’s scary? Does a person who pretends to be very successful feel that she is a little unfathomable?”

Xue Wenzhen's face changed, and he said hesitantly: "I... I didn't think so much..."

Song Sisi took a deep breath, "That's because you boys never pay attention to these things, but we girls are more careful, so we pay more attention, and I play better with her and walk closer , I know her a lot... That's why I feel scared... Of course, you can pretend that you haven't heard anything today, and continue to play with him, I just hope..."

"Who played with her, that dead woman..." Xue Wenzhen suddenly turned his head away in embarrassment when he heard this, "I...I hate her before it's too late, how could I be with her, don't you After thinking about it, I just think... Although she has changed a lot, she is not a bad person, and she hasn't done anything bad... Don't think of the bad in everything, try to think of the good..."

Song Sisi forced a smile, "I didn't expect you to have a good impression of him. In fact, I also want to think of people in a good place, but you know, I have experienced so much and seen the dark side of many people. There is no way to think of everyone in a good place..."

Finally, after the banquet was over, Lin Lang got into the car, and Father Wang looked a little embarrassed, "I really didn't expect that a little girl would have so many hearts, but she can prevent this time and the next time." ?"

Linlang immediately understood that Papa Wang must know everything, so she didn't hide anything, "I was friends with him back then, but now that I think about it, I guess he wants to step on me!"

Father Wang said with a sneer: "It seems that the Song family has been idle for too long, and they don't know who should be recruited and who should not be provoked!"

Lin Lang followed with a smile, "Don't push people too much, I also want to watch the clown jumping around there!"

Father Wang nodded, "I know, but that little girl is so bold, she dared to plot against us!"

Ms. Wang sneered and said, "She's not brave, she's big-hearted. She thinks that we will save face and dare not do anything, but she is wrong, and we will retaliate the most!"

Song Sisi didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He thought that his calculation was unsuccessful, and he didn't expect that others would retaliate. Tian frowns.

"Dad, Mom, what happened?" Song Sisi asked quickly.

Father Song sighed, "I don't know what's going on recently, several big orders of the company have been stolen by the Wang Group, and I don't understand what I have offended them, I want to ask for it, but there is no Can't see Wang's boss, Sisi, since you are friends with the lady of Wang's group, can you help dad to intercede, maybe those few small orders are nothing in the eyes of others, but they are It is related to the life and death of our Song Group!"

Song Sisi thought about it, "What's the matter...I...Dad...Is there any misunderstanding in this, after all, you come and go in the mall..."

Papa Song shook his head, "Papa doesn't know what happened to me either. In fact, those orders can only be regarded as small ones. Other groups don't pay attention to them at all. We are just relying on the meager profits to make ends meet. It's just survival, but now your little bill is almost lost, our family is going bankrupt, you must save Dad, after all, Dad spent so much money for you to go to noble schools, just hope you can be with those young masters and ladies Let's make a good relationship..."

"Okay!" Song's mother finally couldn't help it, "Do you think it's interesting for you to say this? I think that when the Song family was prosperous, they said not to let you offend those people, but you don't think you care about those people you say." It's not a big deal at all, and they said that our family will always be rich, but you see, it's only been a few years, we have become like this, everyone can step on it, if you didn't offend me then If there are many people, our family may not have to live in such an embarrassing way... It's okay now, we have already lived like this, we can rely on our daughter to win a good future, but since you want your daughter to sacrifice your face now , to seek a girl who is inferior to her in everything, do you think this is appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate, I think it's very appropriate!" Papa Song said confidently: "If our company goes bankrupt, Sisi will not be much better. It’s just asking a classmate to help me, it’s not a difficult thing!”

Song Sisi felt very uncomfortable, because she knew clearly why the list of her family was pried away by the Wang family, because she had done something wrong and offended someone who shouldn't be offended, but he didn't expect those people to be so narrow-minded, but It's just someone blocking the car, and you haven't done anything bad, so is there any need to worry about it like this?
"Dad..." Song Sisi said with difficulty, "I will think of a way. After all, the Song Group is our root. If the Song Group goes bankrupt, the only fig leaf of the family will be ripped off by others. I have the heart to watch my parents live on the streets, and I will try my best to let the Wang Group let us go..."

Papa Song said emotionally, "He is really a good daughter of Papa, and it is not in vain that I have spent so much money for you to study in aristocratic schools, but daughter, you can't be too picky, I am the young master of the Xue family you mentioned last time." I think it's pretty good, if it's really not good, you can stay with him, don't pick and choose over there, you won't have anything when you get it, and that's a headache!"

Mother Song patted Father Song fiercely, "What nonsense are you talking about? Our daughter is still young, and there are many possibilities in the future. Besides, the young master of the Xue family is indeed very good, but there are more good boys ah!"

Papa Song curled his lips, "But besides the Xue family, who else would be interested in implementing it? It's better to hurry up and cook the rice now, otherwise there will be nothing by then, and chickens will fly..."

"Okay!" Song Sisi felt a little embarrassed, "I know what to do with my own affairs, so you don't need to tell me, just take care of yourself!
Also, Dad’s face is worthless. If it’s really not good, you should apologize to those people you offended before. No matter what method you use, as long as they calm down, maybe... our family won’t either As hard as it is now..."

Mother Song nodded, "Daughter is right, if you hadn't offended so many people back then, our family wouldn't be like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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