Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1729 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 2

Chapter 1729 My Personality Is About to Collapse Twelve

Father Song was very angry, "Can you blame me? Although I offended some people at the beginning, but you never admitted it too much. Do you still remember that you offended those wives? You can form a strengthened company. People say To marry a wife is to marry a virtuous wife, if I had married a virtuous wife who would have pushed me when I was high, I would not have become like this!"

"You still blame me, it's so funny!" Mrs. Song said angrily, "Did I ask you to offend those people? You did it yourself, and you wanted to kill yourself. Can you blame others?" !"

Song Shishi was about to explode hearing their quarrel, "Okay, stop arguing!"

The husband and wife looked at each other indignantly, and because they were concerned about their daughter, they could only swallow it first.

On the second day, Song Sisi stood at the gate of the school, hesitant in her heart, did she really want to go in?To seek a woman who is inferior to myself in everything.

"Sisi, this is about to hit the bell, why are you still standing outside?" The classmate ran over and patted Song Sisi.

Only then did Song Sisi come back to her senses, "I...I'm waiting for someone at the door, you go in first, I'll go in later..."

"That's fine, pay attention!" The classmate nodded and ran to the classroom faster.

Here, Lin Lang was also late, so he naturally saw Song Sisi standing at the door, but he didn't pay attention, thinking he was waiting for someone here, and when she was about to leave, Song Sisi stopped her.

"I have something to tell you!" Song Sisi bit her lip, with a trace of grievance on her face, yes, she felt very wronged.

Lin Lang looked at Song Sisi with an aggrieved face and said, a little puzzled, but still followed, "What are you doing?"

Song Sisi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I know that I am sorry for you, but no matter how much you hate me, you shouldn't attack my parents. My parents have never offended you...Of course, I can also complain to you. Apologies, I just ask you to let my parents go, don't bother them anymore, they have worked very hard, that company is everything to us, if there are no such small orders, our family will go bankrupt..."

Lin Lang suddenly realized, "Oh, what did I say wrong? So it was because of such a small matter, but you begged the wrong person. I didn't attack your parents. It was my dad who did it to you. You think my father is a fool Do you know who was the one who plotted against me last time? Little girl, you are still too young. If you want to beg, please go to my father, maybe... my father will see it for your groveling sake, forgive me Maybe even if you let me know..."

"You..." Song Sisi was about to cry, "How can you be so vicious, I didn't do those things on purpose, and I didn't let them hurt you, I just... just wanted you to come later , without any other malice, and did not cause substantial harm..."

"Then my father snatched your company's list, and it didn't cause any real harm to your family. After all, your family is already very poor, and it's no different from bankruptcy. It's better to go bankrupt earlier, maybe it will make you recognize it sooner." Be realistic!" Lin Lang followed up.

Song Sisi flushed with anger, "How could it be the same..."

That's right, no matter how bad the Song Group is, as long as it doesn't go bankrupt, the Song Group itself is still a wealthy lady, but once it goes bankrupt, she will become a bankrupt and sensible daughter, and become worthless...

Lin Lang blinked at Song Sisi, "Don't be so double-standard, okay? You can't, but I can't. Everyone has to pay the price for what they do!"

But the price was too heavy, and Song Sisi couldn't afford it at all. She grabbed Lin Lang's clothes and begged bitterly: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I know I made a mistake, and I apologize to you. Go kowtow to your parents, please let us go, we really can't bear it!"

"Sisi, what are you doing here?" Xue Wenzhen came over, saw Song Sisi begging Lin Lang with tears on his face, seemed to understand something, looked at Lin Lang angrily and said: "Okay, I didn't expect you to become It's time to bully people!"

Linlang shook off Song Sisi's hand directly, "You are really unreasonable, as if I did all the wrong things, what's wrong? Am I easy to bully?"

Xue Wenzhen stepped forward and protected Song Sisi, "You still said you did nothing wrong, look at how you bullied Sisi, why is your heart so bad, although she doesn't want to play with you, but before that, she was My friend, why are you so merciless?"

"I didn't provoke her, she was the one who provoked me first!" Lin Lang heard the class bell and didn't want to continue entangled with them, "Anyway, I didn't do anything wrong, you can do whatever you like, don't provoke me again, otherwise ...I'm going to use extreme measures!"

Seeing that Lin Lang was about to leave, Xue Wenzhen naturally wanted to stop her and ask for clarification, but Song Sisi was not willing to hold Xue Wenzhen's clothes tightly, and still pretended to say: "Forget it, forget it, if she wants to leave Let her go, don't stop him, what if she really makes her unhappy and she wants to take revenge on you? I have already tasted the bitter fruit, and I really don't want you to taste the same bitter fruit... "

"What do you mean?" Xue Wenzhen frowned, "Did he do something to you, so you begged her here? It's really unreasonable, how could there be such a vicious woman, you don't have to Worry, tell me what happened, and I will help you..."

Song Sisi sobbed softly, "I... I did some things wrong, and I seemed to offend him, so he started to take revenge on me, first intercepting my parents' business, you know, the economy has been bad these years, My parents’ wages are getting worse day by day. If I lose these businesses, I’m going to go bankrupt. I really can’t bear to see my parents’ company go bankrupt, so I came here and begged her to show mercy and let her go. Our family, but I didn't expect her heart to be so hard..."

Xue Wenzhen didn't notice Song Sisi either, because Lin Lang was offended by something, but after thinking about it, it should be some small things, after all, it is impossible for some big things to happen to the girl's family.

"It turns out that you don't have to worry about this matter. I'll go home and ask my parents to see if they can help!" Xue Wenzhen said comfortingly.

It's really just a small favor, but Xue's father and Xue's mother really don't want to. After all, the Song family's parents are really not a good thing in their eyes, and they don't have a good reputation.

"Son, this is someone else's family business, why should we mix it up? Besides, their company is already like this, why not file for bankruptcy!" Father Xue shook his head.

Mother Xue followed up and said: "Yes, and their company is not a good company, and the quality of the products they make is also problematic. If I really help them introduce business, it will be our reputation if it is ruined. Let's not Go get mixed up in this matter, just take care of yourself, at worst, their family will go bankrupt, and our family will just lend them some money, there is no need to work hard to help a white-eyed wolf!"

Xue Wenzhen begged and said: "Dad, Mom, just treat me as a son, please help me, I have already promised others, if you can't do it, it will be my face that will be lost." Help me out this time, and I promise I won't bother you again next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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