Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1730 My Character Design Is About to Collapse 3

Chapter 1730 My Personality Is About to Collapse Thirteen

Father Xue sighed, "Actually, it's okay to introduce business to them, but do you know who got their business? It was the Wang family. I want to help send it off, but I can't offend the Wang family. After all, I am in business. We also have a lot of cooperation with the Wang family on the field, if I help the Song family, what will the Wang family do against us? You can't watch Dad's company go bankrupt, can you?"

"It should be..." Xue Wenzhen said hesitantly: "It's not that serious. In fact, this matter is all Lin Lang's fault. It's just a small conflict between some girls. She insisted on telling her father about it, and the result was that the company was on the verge of dying." bankrupted……"

Father Xue shook his head in disapproval, "I don't think that's the case. Maybe there is a conflict between the two of them, but it shouldn't be a conflict between children. I know Lao Wang well. Feelings belong to the love company, and he never does anything to avenge his personal revenge, so this time the Song family was robbed of business by the Wang family, it must be that the Song family did something wrong, what offended the Wang family, and ended up like this!"

Mother Xue nodded, "Yes, the Wang family has a good reputation in the whole upper class, and they are not the kind of low-class people. As for the Song family, I can't say for sure... Son, it's not mother I won't help you, but I really can't help you..."

Xue Wenzhen had a headache, "Mom, I didn't say how much I asked you to help. I just helped introduce two businesses. Whether they can succeed or how much they can do depends on their own abilities..."

Hearing her son's words, Mother Xue sighed, "You, you are really fascinated by the beauty, don't you just like that little girl from the Song family? That's why I want to help their family, but I can remind you You, I don't like that little girl from the Song family, if you really want to marry her, 100 out of 1000 I won't agree!"

Xue Wenzhen quickly said: "Mom, you really think that he and I are just classmates, not like you think. As for why you help others, after all, you have already promised others. If you don't keep your word, Wouldn't that lose face for my son!"

It was my mother who had no choice but to find some old friends of her own and introduced a few orders to the Song Group, but the orders were indeed completed, but the Song Group stuck to it like brown sugar.

"Oh, Mrs. Xue, our two families are so close, and we will be married when our children are older, so don't be so ignorant!" Song's mother was so cheeky.

Mother Xue was very angry, "Don't say that your daughter is a wealthy daughter, our small family, especially my son, is simply a stupid brother, he is not worthy of your daughter, we can I can't afford it!"

This is not to praise the Song family, but to belittle the Song family. I think that when the Song family was prosperous, they looked down on everyone. At that time, they also said that their daughter was the real daughter of a thousand gold. Not worthy of his daughter, this face is really big.

Mother Xue was also there at the time, and she was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. Do you think your daughter is a golden baby?

Mother Song didn't feel embarrassed after being stuffed. After all, she has experienced more embarrassing things than this over the years, so she has long been used to it, and continued: "Mrs. Xue, don't say that, your son likes my daughter , my daughter is interested in your son again, it will be a matter of time for these two people to get married!"

Mrs. Xue said with a sneer, "Then I will tell you directly, my son will never marry your daughter, and you all know the reason... I would rather be born in a small family." Girl, I wouldn't want a girl like yours!"

Mother Song was furious, but she didn't dare to say anything harsh, because she didn't have the confidence.

Here, Father Wang also knew about the Xue family's help, but he didn't let people continue to suppress the Song family. As for what he did before, it was just to teach the Song group a lesson and let them understand who can provoke who It can't be provoked.

After such an incident, Song Sisi's desire to climb up was even more aroused, but he had no stepping stones, he had nothing, except for his beauty, so he could only hold onto Xue Wenzhen tightly.

Originally, Xue Wenzhen was also very happy. He liked Song Sisi very much when he was a child, but now that he has grown up, this liking has faded. In addition, it is said that the stickiness is relatively tight. Talk to Song Sisi.

Lin Lang was not interested in the love and hatred of those children, because he was busy with his homework, as if, to be an elegant princess, he had to be excellent in his studies, and to be an existence that everyone looked up to.

Although the original owner's grades were good, they were not very good. She took a lot of effort to get her grades to the top 5, and then managed to reach the 1st meter. When she graduated, she ranked first in the school , No. 1 in the city with excellent results, admitted to the best university in the country.

In the second year of university, Lin Lang went abroad to study, and later started a business abroad, and took over his family business when his parents got older. Yes, he made his family's company very large, completely reaching all The existence that everyone looks up to.

As for Xue Wenzhen and Song Sisi, I don’t know what’s going on. They have been together for many years, but they separated again. Later, it was reported that Song Sisi was pregnant and then had a miscarriage. The two have been entangled for decades. Even if Song Sisi Later, another girl was born, but the two were still unmarried.

Xue Wenzhen really regrets how he fell in love with such a woman when he was young. She did like Song Sisi, but no matter how much she likes him, he has to think about his own future. He must marry a woman of the right family, so that he can treat himself His career was helpful, but it was because of Song Sisi. At the beginning, this woman said that she could not have a status, and that she could not follow him all.

But I didn't expect that this woman would cause troubles between the two of them in the city, so that those women who are well-matched would not scare me to be a little lower, and they would not look down on me, so that I can't get up or down. They are almost 40 years old, and they are not married yet.

Thinking about it later, let's forget about it. If you don't get married, you don't get married. Anyway, your family has no money, so the company can just muddle along like that, but he will definitely not marry Song Sisi.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she smelled a messy smell, sour and smelly mixed with various smells that almost made people vomit.

Lin Lang looked around the room, and found that the house was not bad, with blue bricks and tiles, but the room was not very clean, with all kinds of paints, the whole room was dim and dark, there was barely a ray of sunlight coming in, but it couldn't be clearly illuminated at all. What kind of room is it? It seems that the whole room is particularly gloomy.

Lin Lang felt a little cold, and because of the smell in the room, he opened the room, looked at the messy room, and touched his own face, it was full of bumps and sparse beards, my God, This time travels to become an old man, and a sloppy old man, too disgusting.

Just as Lin Lang was sighing to herself, an old lady came over, followed by a woman with a big belly, "Daoist, did you come to wait for me on purpose? Oh, Daoist, you are really amazing, you are so clever , knew I was coming, and came here to wait for me, what a fortune teller!"

(End of this chapter)

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