Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1737 Chapter 7 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

Chapter 1737
Wang Lan nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I'm not a fool. I won't get in touch with them if I know their true colors. I'm just a poor mother who cares about her body. Can't even eat enough..."

Lin Lang patted Wang Lan on the shoulder, "Okay, don't think about these frustrating things anymore, let's think about yours now, I have quilts and clothes here, but there are not many things. It's not suitable for you as a girl, you can go to the town with me tomorrow and buy some things!"

Wang Lan showed a grateful look, "Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to survive in this world!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "You don't need to be so polite, it's fate that you and I meet!"

Hearing that she was going down the mountain, Wang Lan was naturally happy, touched her empty purse, and began to think about the rules of making money in her heart. Although there is no need to worry about food or drink here, it is still someone else's stuff, and a stranger eats here for nothing Drinking in vain, I always feel a little sorry in my heart!
Besides, she still needs to earn money, so she can find ways to take over the mother with that body and give them a stable life!

Wang Lan bit her lip and thought about it for a while, then suddenly her eyes lit up, looking at the bamboo forest in the distance, she seemed to have an idea.

On the second day, Lin Lang got up early in the morning and found that Wang Lan was also up, holding a jar in her hand, "This is my food, let's see if I can sell it!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, but helped Wang Lan put the things in her back basket. After all, this girl was too small and too thin. Although she knew her soul was an adult, Lin Lang really couldn't bear to let such a heavy thing go. A child back!
After descending the mountain, the two waited at the entrance of the village. After a while, an old man came driving an ox cart, and there were a few women behind the cart. Seeing them, he asked with a smile, "Master Dao, Where are you going?"

Lin Lang replied with a smile: "I'm going to do some business in the town!"

An aunt was very enthusiastic, "Master Taoist, I have a nephew who has talked about a marriage in a while, and I would like to invite you to join in the horoscope!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Okay, I'm free tomorrow, you can send the horoscope to the mountain!"

Sitting aside, Wang Lan heard their conversation and muttered in a low voice: "Feudal superstition is a bad thing!"

Lin Lang naturally heard it, and he smiled lightly, "I am not a feudal superstition, but the wisdom left by my ancestors, don't believe it, because some things can't be explained clearly at all, for example, when you travel to Here, these are fates..."

"Hehe!" Wang Lan sneered twice, "Although the things I came here are strange, I still believe in science, so I won't join forces with you!"

Lin Lang followed up and said, "I don't care, as long as you don't tear down my platform!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of crows flew by, not only that, but also a large number of birds flew up, and the ditches by the roadside were full of toads.

"I'll go, what's going on!" Wang Lan looked at the surrounding situation and frowned.

"Who knows? I don't know why these animals are crazy, so I have to be careful every time I drive the ox cart!" The old man complained.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Lang raised his heart and waited until he got out of the bullock cart. He quickly grabbed Wang Lan and ran to a remote place and said, "Did you not notice any abnormality at all? Animals are the most spiritual. They will predict any disasters in advance, so generally there will be a large number of animals gathering or some abnormal places, often accompanied by disasters, I am a little scared, but... I am afraid that my calculations will not be accurate..."

Wang Lan was really scared. This was not some feudal superstition. It was really like some animals had abnormalities during a major earthquake, such as migrating collectively or running out of holes.

"Then what should we do?" Wang Lan said with some fear.

Lin Lang stretched out her hand, pretending to be calculating over there, and then said pretendingly, "This is really a mystery, what kind of catastrophe it is, I don't know, it might be an earthquake, it might be a flood, or it might be a drought." …Forget it, if you can’t figure it out, let’s just forget it, since we know that there is a disaster, we will try to buy some food and medicinal materials and store them at home when we go back later!”

Wang Lan nodded, "Then should we tell others?"

"Of course, I will tell the village chief when I go back later. As for whether he believes it or not, that is his business. Anyway, I have already reminded everyone that everyone's experience is limited. We just need to do our best. That's good!" Lin Lang said, frowning.

"No way, we all know that there will be a disaster, why don't you tell others directly?" Wang Lan bit her lip and said with a sad face: "I think that some people will die because of this disaster. I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Since we have the ability, why don't we help others more? Isn't there a saying? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

Lin Lang sighed deeply, "You silly girl, why are you so naive? We may be capable, but will others believe you after you say it? No, others will think that we are deceiving people, maybe they will Arrest us, torture us, and maybe even sentence us if it is more serious..."

After Lin Lang finished speaking, she shook her head and looked into the distance with a disappointed face, "Sometimes it's not that we don't help others, but that we really can't do anything!"

"I don't believe it..." Wang Lan frowned, and suddenly thought of something, "We can't tell others, but that doesn't mean others can't tell them about this..."

"What?" Lin Lang couldn't turn his head around.

Wang Lan suddenly smiled, "I have an idea, but there must be no way now, after all, there are too many people, let's do it after we go back at night!"

"Okay!" Lin Lang nodded, because they knew that disaster was coming, so the two of them took out all the money they had on their bodies and bought all the food. Not only that, Wang Lan also sold the secret recipe of her side dish , All the money from the sale also bought food.

"With so much grain, we will definitely not be able to eat it all. We can sell it to others after the grain price increases!" Wang Lan's eyes lit up at the thought of making money.

"Do you want to die? The crime of hoarding is a felony!" Lin Lang said a little bit: "If there is no one behind you, I'd better not do that, otherwise if you touch someone else's cake, they will eat you alive! "

Wang Lan was taken aback, "You're right, you really can't touch other people's cakes!"

After returning, Lin Lang put the things in the warehouse and went down the mountain to find the village chief.

"Something's wrong with the village chief!" Lin Lang pretended to be in a hurry and said, "Yesterday I watched the sky at night and found... there will be disasters during this period. I don't know exactly what disasters are, but they should be very The situation is serious, so I hope the village chief can prepare in advance and let the villagers prepare more food to tide over this difficulty!"

"This..." the village chief was a little embarrassed, "But the grain will be harvested in a few days. Many villagers are going to buy things with money after selling the grain. If I tell them that the grain cannot be sold, the villagers may not be willing. ..."

"The village chief, I didn't say not to let them sell it, it's just that they can't sell it during this period of time. At least three months later, if there is nothing wrong, the villagers can sell the grain. Anyway, the newly harvested Food is worthless, so it doesn't matter if you sell it earlier or later!" Lin Lang continued.

The village head gritted his teeth, and the Taoist head suddenly said that there would be a disaster, and that must have been groundless. It's better to take a gamble. Anyway, the food won't spoil if left there.

"Okay, I'll talk to the villagers tomorrow morning and let them pay attention!" The village chief agreed.

Lin Lang also heaved a sigh of relief, he had done what he needed to do, now, he should go back and see what Wang Lan is going to do!
As a result, seeing Wang Lan holding a large jar of honey, not only that, but also a writing brush in her hand, Lin Lang suddenly thought of something, and was about to say it, but swallowed it again. After all, as an ancient person, It is impossible for him to detect Wang Lan's thoughts, so it is better to remain silent!

(End of this chapter)

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