Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1738 Chapter 8 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

Chapter 1738
Seeing that Lin Lang came back, Wang Lan patted the jar in her hand, and raised her chin to Lin Lang, "You are finally back, go back and change your clothes, preferably black clothes, and then wrap yourself up, wrapped up Be serious, after all we are going to do bad things, we must not be recognized by others, otherwise the two of us will be unlucky!"

Lin Lang was no fool, so she changed into black clothes and put a black mask around herself. The two of them took advantage of the darkness and walked down the mountain.

At night, the gate of the city was closed long ago, so the two of them naturally couldn't get in, but they didn't even think about going in, they took brushes to write and draw on the gate of the city, not only that, but also wrote and drew in various places, After finishing everything, it was almost dawn, and the two of them didn't dare to delay packing up their things, and left in the dark.

In the early morning of the second day, when the soldiers went to open the city gate, they saw the scene of the city gate and sat down on the ground in fright. Already, God has issued a warning!"

This yell was so overwhelming that a large group of people were called over. They gathered at the city gate and looked at the words on the city gate, all of them pale.

【Recent Disasters】

Someone read these 4 words, everyone's face was full of shock, and they couldn't believe whether this matter was true or false!

Now I came here soon, saw the words on the door, and took a step forward to find that those words were not written by humans at all, but formed by a large group of ants and insects gathered together. There was a big jump, could it be that there was a real disaster, and God specially issued a warning!
In any case, it is better to believe what is there than to believe what is not. The county magistrate first wrote a letter and sent it to the capital, telling what happened today in detail, and at the same time, he asked people to prepare a large amount of food.

Here, the village head has told the villagers not to rush to sell the grain, but more than half of the villagers listened to it, and half of them didn't have the village head's heart, so they didn't stop those who wanted to sell the grain. The person who went out, but when he learned what happened in the county, his face turned pale. Could it be that a catastrophe is really going to happen?
If this is the case, then the grain really cannot be sold, so he hastened to inform the villagers that they must not sell the grain to others, and keep everything.

Some people were itchy, but after learning what happened in the county, they dared not sell the grain. When everyone was sleeping soundly that night, the earth shook and the world fell into darkness, followed by crying, Begging for mercy, crying bitterly... all kinds of voices mixed together.

Lin Lang naturally also heard the movement. At the moment of the earthquake, he ran to the corner to hide in an instant. He felt the house move a few times. After something collapsed to the ground, Lin Lang tightly grasped the wall in the corner, Not moving at all.

After the aftershock disappeared, Lin Lang hurriedly shouted, "Wang Lan, how are you?"

At this time, a weak voice came out, "I'm fine. When the earthquake happened, I ran to the corner to hide. I didn't get hurt, but I seemed to be trapped!"

"It's good that you're fine, don't worry, just stay there quietly, and I'll rescue you when the sun rises!" Lin Lang said comfortingly.

The night was very cold, mixed with the cries from the bottom of the mountain, it was a little creepy, finally waited for the darkness to fade, and the sky slowly dawned. After Linlang could see the surrounding situation clearly, she hurried out of the room. As expected, Wang Most of the house where Lan lived had collapsed.

Lin Lang stepped forward and removed those miscellaneous stones, Wang Lan was also climbing up, and got out after a while.

Lin Lang plucked Wang Lan's wheat, and after finding out that she was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Stay here honestly, don't run around, I'll go down the mountain to save people!"

"I'll go with you!" Wang Lan said quickly.

"What are you going to do? You are still a child now, and you can't help me at all. You should stay at home honestly and help cook or watch the house. After all, there are many valuable things in the house. If Someone stole it, we will be sad this winter!" Lin Lang touched Wang Lan's head and continued: "Your house must not be able to live, so you can live in my house, and when the time is over, I will Help you build your house!"

"That's all right, pay attention to your own safety, and can you take a look at this mother's body for me, I want to know how they are doing!" Wang Lan said anxiously.

"Okay, I got it!" Lin Lang ran to her room and took out the medicine box, as well as the herbs she had picked before, put them in the back basket, and hurried down the mountain.

Because of the earthquake, cracks appeared on many grounds, and some trees fell down. However, it is not a big problem. It will probably be invisible after the rain. The bigger problem is the villagers at the foot of the mountain. They mostly use soil. There are also houses built with straw, so the houses are not very strong, and they all collapsed after an earthquake!

But it is also because of this reason that there are not many people injured, most of them are skin trauma, and the more serious ones are some fractures and the like
Seeing Lin Lang coming down, the village head said with tears in his eyes, "Master Dao, it's fortunate that we didn't sell the grain after listening to your words, otherwise our entire village would be seriously injured after this earthquake!"

Lin Lang looked at the miserable situation around her and said, "Village Chief, I know some medical skills at least. If anyone is injured, you can take it to my side for treatment!"

The village chief showed a grateful expression, "Thank you so much, Taoist chief, you are the great benefactor of our village, don't worry, when the village recovers, I will definitely regard you as the guest of honor of this village!"

Lin Lang didn't take the words of the village chief to heart, because he was busy helping others, and it was easier to do it easily. Let someone boil some boiling water and put some salt in it. After it cools down, wash the wound or use wine to wash the wound , but because the alcohol content is not very high, it is still a little cloudy, so lemons rarely use alcohol, most of them use some salt water, or prescribe some anti-inflammatory medicinal materials for them, and let them cook and drink at home

The more serious ones are nothing more than broken bones or arm dislocations. After the bones are connected, they need to be fixed with branches. After working all day, Lin Lang is exhausted, but there are still a large group of people who have not been healed!

After Lin Lang rested for a while, and ate some dry food casually, she pulled herself together and healed others!
Although very busy, Lin Lang still did not forget Wang Lan's explanation and asked the village chief about the Li family!
"Your family is in bad luck this time. Because of the earthquake, the old woman in his family fell to the ground when she ran out and lost a front tooth. The eldest son of his family couldn't dodge in time and was hit by the wood on the beam. , and the second child's family... too pitiful, they hit their head during the earthquake, I heard that the whole person is now in a daze, and now their family is injured big and small, the whole family is very difficult!" The village chief sighed With a sigh of relief, "Not only that, I heard that the old lady of the Li family sold some of the family's food for money, so...whether their family can survive this winter..."

Lin Lang frowned slightly, "No matter what the village chief said, the little girl of the Li family is now at the Taoist temple with me on the mountain, and she has always been concerned about her mother, so please help me take a look at the second daughter-in-law of the Li family. Don't let any accident happen to their mother and son!"

"What kind of accident could happen..." As soon as the words fell, the village head quickly understood, "Your old lady of the Li family is not going to sell her daughter-in-law, is she? Probably not... Old lady of the Li family..."

The village head is really embarrassed to say anything more, because the old lady of the Li family will indeed do such a thing, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I will never allow the village to sell children and daughters!"

(End of this chapter)

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