Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1743 Chapter 3 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

Chapter 1743 The Little Taoist Prisoner Thirteen

When Lin Lang heard this, she just wanted to spray their faces with a mouthful of salt soda. There are no ghosts in the world, only people's hearts have ghosts.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Lang to bring back this man's father's ghost, so she said with a deep expression: "My benefactor, since your father has entered reincarnation, he is no longer a human being, and he cannot be brought back at all. !"

The man was a bit reluctant, "You must be incapable, so you can't recruit my father back anyway, anyway, I must see my father, otherwise I won't give you the money for this ceremony!"

Lin Lang waved her hand lightly, "This benefactor, there are some things that ordinary people like us can't do. Since you don't want to give money, then you don't have to give it. , the next time your family does any religious affairs, Pindao will never come again!"

The man sneered twice, "You still think you have you, don't you? If you are really capable, you should recruit my father back. It's because you are incompetent and incompetent. Of course, I won't pay the money!

I exaggerated all day long, and said that the girl from the Li family was released by Lord Yan before her yangshou. Since you know that Lord Yan released him, you must have seen Lord Yan. I just want you to ask Lord Yan, I didn't ask you to do anything, why didn't you agree? "

Lin Lang said resolutely: "I know that the little girl from the Li family was released because she had not yet reached her life expectancy, because I saw the appearance of longevity from that little girl's face, and it was also recorded in our Taoist books. , That's why I dare to conclude that the little girl was released by the King of Hell because of her early life!

As for your father's matter, you should bring it back again because of your family background. It is absolutely impossible to do that kind of outrageous thing! "

"After talking about it, you just refuse to do it. Then why don't you say that you have the ability to do it? Don't talk about it, you deceitful Taoist priest, leave my house quickly!" The man shouted loudly road.

There was a sneer on the corner of Linlang's mouth, "You say I'm a tricked Taoist priest, then I'll let you see what the real skills are!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Lang flew out an ax from his sleeve, and then the talisman exploded in the air, gusts of wind blew past, kicking up a large cloud of dust, and everyone was blown to one side or another.

After a while, the wind stopped. The man covered his eyes, coughed twice, looked at the mess in the yard, his eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This... this is really too much. Incredible..."

Lin Lang slowly closed her eyes, and said: "Infinite Heaven, Pindao has already proved himself. As for whether the benefactor believes it or not, that is the benefactor's own business. It's getting late, and Pindao will leave first, but I have One sentence should be told to the benefactor: If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself!"

Lin Lang pushed open the door and left with a big laugh. It took a while for the man to come back to his senses, gritted his teeth, and hurriedly said with trembling hands: "This is a master of Taoism, no, I have to apologize!"

Here, Lin Lang walked up the mountain, but he did not go home, but came to a remote place, then stopped and said: "Since you are here, don't hide, come out!"

A gust of wind blew, and a man in black came over and praised, "The Taoist priest is so lucky, he can call the wind and rain!"

Lin Lang smiled contemptuously, "This benefactor, may I ask why you follow the poor?"

"Of course it's because I admire the Daoist's Taoism!" The man smiled, "Daoist, I would like to ask, you have the ability to call the wind and call the rain, and you have the ability to count with your fingers, but why have you been loathing all these years?" What about in a small mountain village?"

Lin Lang shook her head, and sighed again, "Sponsor, you don't know, what we learners pay attention to most is karma, if karma is broken, there will be retribution!

But all Taoist priests who can pinch and count are basically five disadvantages and three disadvantages. The so-called five disadvantages are nothing more than "widowed, widowed, lonely, alone, and disabled." lack.

Pindao cherishes his life very much, but even so, Pindao still suffers a widow's life! "

The man frowned when he heard this, "Has the Taoist priest heard a saying that everything depends on man's effort, the Taoist priest is capable, so he shouldn't be living in a small mountain village!

Daoist, my master has taken a fancy to you, as long as you follow my master, I guarantee that after the matter is completed, your benefits will never be lost! "

Lin Lang waved her hand lightly, "Tell your master, participating in the matter of seizing the heir is a change of fate against the sky. I, an old man, dare not participate in such a thing, so please go back!"

The man's eyes were wide open. He hadn't said who his master was or what he was going to do, but this Taoist priest actually said it. It seems that there are really two brushes!
The man squinted his eyes, and just wanted to threaten, but he was also afraid of Linlang's ability to call the wind and rain, so he could only say: "Master Dao, don't think about refusing, think about it, you can't just be unknown in your life, you have to Do something to be worthy of a trip from heaven and earth!"

After finishing speaking, the man left. Lin Lang sneered slightly, put away her disguise, and walked up the mountain
Wang Lan was busy in the yard. When she saw Lin Lang coming back, she frowned and asked, "How did you come back today? Did something happen so early?"

"Some things did happen. The son of that family is a fool, and he wants me to bring back his father's soul. It's really funny!" Lin Lang couldn't help but rolled her eyes to the sky, "Life and death, Wealth is in the sky, we are all mortals, how can we do such a thing that violates the order of the world? So I refused without hesitation. The family said that I was a liar and knew nothing, so they were unwilling to pay... I thought, forget it, don't pay if you don't pay, just treat it as a free ceremony for others, and come back..."

"My God, I've only heard of people eating Bawang's meals, but I've never heard of anyone doing Bawang rituals!" Wang Lan complained, "By the way, how is it now? Is it safe?"

Lin Lang looked around, then nodded, "Our affairs were exposed, so someone came to find us, we just left, don't worry!"

"Who came to us?" Wang Lan asked curiously.

Lin Lang looked around and said in a low voice, "No wonder it's the prince's grandson!"

"My God..." Wang Lan covered her mouth, "How did they know these things?"

"Think about it for yourself. This is an earthquake that lasted thousands of years. The imperial court must have sent people down to help the disaster, but we are the only ones affected by the smallest area. Others must be suspicious of us!" Lin Lang nodded Wang Lan's forehead, "It's also fortunate that you haven't done anything beyond this era during this period of time, otherwise we will all become the meat of other people's bowls!"

Wang Lan nodded quickly in fright, "I don't dare anymore, but what should we do next, are we always living under the surveillance of others?"

Lin Lang patted her on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, they've already left, but according to their posture, they probably won't let it go. Well, next spring, you will move out with your mother's family." Bar!"

Wang Lan nodded apprehensively, "Okay, I will work hard to save money, but you have to pay attention to your own safety!"

(End of this chapter)

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