Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1744 Chapter 4 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

Chapter 1744 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist fourteen

Lin Lang said to Wang Lan: "I know you still have a lot of ways to make money in your head, but try not to overdo it. If you have any ideas, try to push them on me, so you can be safer!"

When Wang Lan heard this, she was extremely grateful, "Thank you so much!"

At this moment, the second child came out and saw Dao Chang, his eyes lit up, he took out two pieces of paper from his sleeve and handed them over, "Dao Chang, this is the birth date of the two children, please Take a look, let's give these two children a good name by the way!"

Lin Lang nodded, took two steps pretending to be with the paper, and said with a deep expression: "The girl in your family has a good birth date, she is a life of longevity, and a life of great wealth, and she is so smart." Let's name it Li Lan!

This orchid can be said to be the heart of the orchid, or the orchid in the empty valley. It is fragrant and bright!
As for the boy in your family, he is too thin to support him, so let’s name him Li Hu. Tiger, the king of beasts, I wish him good health and a long life! "

The second child's family was very moved, "Thank you so much, Taoist priest!"

Lin Lang waved her hands lightly, and then handed the birth dates of the two of them to the second child's family, "It's just a matter of lifting a finger, by the way, I think your big girl has an idea, try not to restrain her, she wants to Whatever you do, just follow her, this girl...is a blessed one!"

No, he is a lucky person. He must know a lot of knowledge after going to university. With his own hands, he will definitely be able to break out of his own world in this ancient time.

The second child's family nodded quickly, "Master Daoist, in fact, I know that the girl in my family used to be stupid and stupid, and she didn't know if she suffered a loss. She said it and swallowed it in her stomach every day, but since she died, she has followed the Tao again. When Chang came to the mountain, I found that she has grown up a lot, she can make up her mind, and she can make some food to make money. Presumably all this was taught by the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest is our family’s benefactor, the Taoist priest’s big En Dade, our family will never forget this!"

Lin Lang was a little ashamed that she didn't do this by herself, but now she could only admit it, after all, it was impossible for a little girl to suddenly cook some strange food, and it was impossible for her to think about making money.

After Lin Lang finished her lunch, she went to the mountain to collect herbs with her small bamboo basket on her back. Since the last earthquake, all the herbs she picked were exhausted!

As soon as Linlang went up the mountain, the son of that family came to the mountain. When he saw Wang Lan, he asked quickly: "Third girl of the Li family, I asked you where the Taoist priest went? I was abrupt about today's matter. I want to report to you." Daoist apologizes!"

Wang Lan rolled her eyes, "The Taoist priest went to the mountain to collect herbs, and he has cultivated himself well, and he didn't care about juniors like you. If it was me, hehe..."

The man nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, it's all my fault, so when will the chief come back? I have set up a banquet at home, and I want to apologize to the chief!"

"No need, your family's banquet is expensive, and our Taoist priest can't afford it!" Wang Lan said mockingly.

The man rubbed his hands, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, "I know I did something wrong, but am I also in a hurry? By the way, your girl, I have something to ask you, Since you have been to the Palace of the King of Hell, you must have seen the King of Hell, may I ask what is the underworld like?"

Where did Wang Lan see Lord Yan, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "I don't really know, I just know that I was floating between the sky and the earth in a daze, and then a white light flashed, and I returned to my body Already!"

"Ah?" The man was a little disappointed, "Didn't you see anything? Sigh..."

Hearing the movement, the second child came out and said to the man: "Brother, even if our girl saw something, but our girl is only a 5-year-old child. After being so stimulated, she must remember it." Nothing, so you are asking the wrong person!

As for the underworld, that's where the dead go, little brother, you're alive and well, why do you ask about that kind of place?It's not easy for people to live, but don't be overwhelmed! "

The man smirked twice and explained: "Sister-in-law is not like this. My father left earlier and didn't explain many things to me. I just want to ask if anyone can go to the underworld...or call my father Come here and ask him what is in his house, or..."

"Since a person is dead, it has nothing to do with the affairs of the yang world. As for your father... it's fine if you don't explain it. Anyway, the things must be in your house. After you go back, look for it, maybe you can find it!" smiled.

How could the man forget this as soon as his eyes lit up?His father is a cautious person, he will hide things, but he will definitely not hide them too far away, he must still be at home, it's all because he has been too busy during this time, and he has forgotten such a thing.

"Thank you, sister-in-law, for reminding me!" The man thanked him and said, "I'll go first. When the Taoist priest comes back, you must tell him that I came here today and apologize for me. It's my fault, a dog sees people as inferior, wronged the Taoist priest's good intentions, and said such words!"

After the people left, the second child hurriedly pressed Wang Lan and said to him, "Lan Lan, you must remember that next time, don't tell others that you have seen Lord Yama. If you are heard by someone with a heart, it will damage your reputation if you spread it around, and it is impossible for others to marry a woman who has met Lord Yan, and they will feel bad luck!"

Wang Lan's face turned pale, the restrictions on women in ancient times are too great, if she wants to live in this ancient time, she can only abide by the ancient rules: "Okay, I understand!"

The second child sighed, "Don't blame me for being strict, and don't think about our orphans and widows. If you are a little careless, it will be ruined!"

Wang Lan nodded half-understanding, "Mother, I promise I will listen to you in the future!"

The second child smiled, "It's actually not that serious. The Taoist priest said that you are a girl with ideas in your heart, but I want to tell you that no matter how many ideas you have, you must be careful before doing something." Think about it more, think if this thing can be done, whether it will harm yourself, and then do this thing..."

Wang Lan lowered her head, thinking in her heart!
Here, Lin Lang picked a lot of medicinal materials, and walked down the mountain slowly until it was getting dark, and returned to the gymnasium after smelling it was dark!
"The Taoist priest is back. A brother came up the mountain this afternoon and said he would apologize to the Taoist priest for today's incident!" The second child said hastily as he placed the dishes and chopsticks.

Lin Lang shook her head, "I see!"

Wang Lan sat on the side, pouted, "Does this man think that he can forgive him with a few apologies? He thinks too well, and it's fine to threaten the Taoist priest, but he didn't even give the money. How thick-skinned... said It’s an apology, but he didn’t take anything in his hand, he just said that he invited the Taoist priest to a banquet... Hehe... Who knows if it’s a Hongmen banquet?"

(End of this chapter)

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